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StillLuna posted this photo

Liked by Eliwest, Taylorswift, and 57,703 Others

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Liked by Eliwest, Taylorswift, and 57,703 Others

StillLuna Me bc I know when me and Eil get home he's going to freak out

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Tagged: Eliwest

Username your so pretty!

Username why is he going to freak out?
StillLuna bc he met his idol

Username I'm literally in love with you

Taylorswift ✔️ you gotta lmk if he does lol
StillLuna definitely 😂

Username I wish I had a friendship like her and Eli
Username Same!!
Eliwest she's truly the best
Username Omg Eli replied to me!

Eliwest oh shut it, if you were in my shoes you would know 😒
StillLuna at least I didn't look like I was going to burst of excitement

Username are we just not gonna talk about how Taylor Fuckin Swift commented on her post?


Taylor Swift✔️ posted this photo

Liked by Eliwest, StillLuna, and 7

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Liked by Eliwest, StillLuna, and 7.89 million Others

Taylorswift ✔️ I thought heaven can't help me now nothing lasts forever

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Username Your so Pretty!

Username Mother is Mothering

Username I'm literally in love with you

Eliwest lyrics?
(Taylorswift ✔️ Liked this comment)

StillLuna hey I would like to take photo credit
Taylorswift ✔️ Yes sorry Luna took the picture

Username Why is Taylors caption lyrics?
Username thats what i was thinking, it's from wildest Dreams so idk if that has anything to it with it?
StillLuna ha the Swifties are at it again 😂


✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Hey guys!!!


I literally can't wait!

Anyways hoped you like this chapter its more of a filler but it's okay

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