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Taylor was setting the table, as Luna and everyone else came through the door. Taylor smiled as she spotted Luna's sisters, the three of them looked like each other, but at the same time they don't.

Clare had blonde hair whereas Luna and Melanie had red, they all had the brown eyes that Taylor had fallen in love with, she watched as Luna smiled at her family. Taylor wished her brother could be here, but he's working and she's going to see him when she goes home for her birthday and christmas.

"Hello, welcome to my home! I'm so happy you guys are here," Taylor smiles, and walks over to the four of her guests. She's assuming Clare is the blonde, is the older one, based on what Luna had told her. And the youngest is Meliane the red head, she and Luna look the most alike.

"Oh my god! It's really you! Im literally in Taylor Swift's house" Meliane looks in awe, as she looks at Taylor, Luna rolls her eyes, and her sister's reaction.

"Sorry about her, she's a big fan just like Eli, but he already met you'' Luna punched Eli's shoulder. "Taylor this is Clare, and Meliane my sisters" she introduces them to her. Taylor shakes their hands.

"Nice to finally meet you guys, i heard a lot about you all" she smiles, "foods not here yet, but i was just setting the table, you guys can make yourselves at home" she took their coats and put them in the coat room. And headed into the kitchen to continue setting the table.

Luna led them to the living room, where Benji was sitting on the coach along with Meredith, Oliva was probably in taylors room. Clare looked at her sister, she could tell something was different about her, she hadn't seen this look in Luna in a long time and she was so happy for her sister.

Luna found herself helping Taylor in the kitchen while the others chatted amongst themselves. "You look very pretty," Taylor commented, while Luna was getting out a wine glass. Luna was wearing a gray pleated skirt that went to the middle of her thighs, and a light brown oversize sweater that was rolled up and tucked into the skirt, she also had on tights and doc martens. She had curled her hair and pinned the sides up but left face framing pieces out, and didn't do much with makeup, just lipgloss and mascara.

Luna blushed, and smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself" Taylor was wearing tan dress pants with a black long sleeve crop top, she also was wearing doc martens. Taylor had some necklaces on as well. She had french braided her blonde hair to the side, and had some gold hoops in as well.

Taylor blushed, "thank you"  as they continued to set the rest of the glasses on the table. They were both stealing glances at each other. Sometimes they would catch each other, but they would just blush and look away. 


After a little bit they were all in the living room, Taylor and Luna next to each other, Eli in a chair and Clare and Melanie in the other couch. "Oh I haven't told you this Luna, okay so at school there's these two people name James and Betty, and they were together right, but apparently they broke up at the beginning of the year because he cheated on her over the summer! With this girl named august? Or like augustine or something like that, but i don't know if it's true though i only heard that from inez"

"Oh my god, taylor! That's gonna be their names!! James, Betty and Augustine!" Luna tapped taylors thigh, and smiled, Taylor laughed and nodded. "So far we have two songs from Augustines point of view, August and Illicit Affairs"

"Yes! Oh my gosh, it makes perfect sense," Taylor agreed with luna. The others in the room who didn't know what they were talking about stared at them who were in their own little world.

"Luna, what are you talking about?" Melinae asked

"Oh, well we're writing some songs, there telling a story of a love triangle through the different points of view, so august would be Augustines pov, nut we still need to write the others songs yet" Luna blushed, she loved sharing her song ideas but not to that many people at once.

"I love it!" Clare said, and the others agreed as well.

"So how is the bakery going?" Taylor asks Eli, who was taking a drink of his wine.

"It's going good, it actually got a little bit popular after you came to it" he smiled, Taylor laughed.

"Of course it would, I know that Luna sings there, but have you ever thought about doing, like a karaoke night or something?" Taylor suggested, as Luna's leg brushed hers, she felt her face get hot, I hope no one could see that she thought.

Eli smiled, he was actually thinking about doing something like that. "It's in the works, Taylor," she smiled and took a sip of her red wine.


Once the food was delivered they all got it ready at the table, and got their plates. Clare and Melanie next to each other, Eli at the end, and Taylor and Luna next to each other.

"I want to tell everyone, happy thanksgiving, and that I'm so glad everyone is here. And that you guys flew here from candia to be with me. I love you guys" Luna smiles as she looks at her sisters, "thank you eli for being my best friend in the world," she smiled, eli cheered his cup to it. Then Luna looked to taylor. "Where do I start with you? Thank you for everything you have done for me, and for letting us crash your house, for helping me, with my music, and with some other things. But i'm really glad you came into my life, even though we've known each other for like 20  seconds it feels like i've known you for 20 years" Luna was all smiles, her eyes were a little glossy, she felt like everything was going to be okay. She just wished that it say like that forever.

Taylor smiled, and took lunas hand in hers, "i feel the same way"

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Heyyy!! Happy late Thanksgiving!!
Anyways I love this chapter, it was really fun writing with her sisters.

Qotd : which song makes you cry more? Long live or yoyok?

Both make me cry but long live is sadder for me

Oh I also wanted to know, in the future, if you guys wanted like separate books?

Like this one be till the year 2021
Then the 2nd be 2022 to present or something like that? I dunno but I definitely want to see them get married and have kids and stuff

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