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Luna walked through the door of her apartment, she smiled as she saw the familiarity of it. She didn't know she missed it until she came home.

"Luna? Is that you?" Eli shouted as he ran down the hallway. His smile was ear to ear when he saw his best friend. He ran up to her and tackled her into a bear hug. "I missed you" he mumbled into her hair.

Luna was laughing, "dude you just saw me at thanksgiving" she hugged him back smelling him, vanilla and flour.

"Yeah but it's been too long," he smiled, and pulled away from her. "Sooooo what did i see on instagram?" He gave her a skeptical look. Luna chuckled.

"I asked taylor to be my girlfriend" Luna recalled the sunset on the roof with taylor. Dhr blushed just thinking about it.

"OH MY GOD" Elis jaw was on the ground, "your- you're DATING T-Taylor S-Swift" he was in shock, "i - i figured you would with how close you were at thanksgiving, but still, luna your dating my idol"

"Yeah, the one and only" Luna laughed at her best friend. She dragged him to the living room and told him the whole story, minus a few parts. "We listened to Speak Now this morning," Luna blushed. This caught Eli's attention.

"Oh you did now? I can see the blush on your cheeks Lu, spill" he teased

"We slowly danced to the song Mine, I think that's my favorite song now," Luna smiled. Eli just smirked, he's really happy for his best friend. She got the im in love look on her, and he hasn't seen that on her in a long time, he liked it.

"You guys are too cute"


Later that night luna and taylor were talking on Facetime, Taylor told her the plans for going to nashville and what to bring and were they were staying, (taylors parents house) they just talked about everything till the early hours of the night, until luna fell asleep, taylor was still talking about something when she notice her girlfriend not saying anything.

She smiled, as she looked at the screen. A piece of Luna's hair had fallen onto her face, she was cuddling Archer his head under her chin. Her lips were slightly parted letting soft breaths out.

"Goodnight, my love" Taylor whispered, and ended the call.


Two days have passed, Luna and Taylor were at Eli's Bakery. I guess you could say it was a date. Even though they were in public they still shot glances at each other, they purply brushed against one another.

"So, what was your first job?" Taylor asked, siping her latte. Luna smiled, and thought back to when she was sixteen.

"I used to work at this yogurt shop but in my hometown, I just needed a little money to help my mom, she just divorce my bio father, a little before my 16th birthday. I remember that I had to wear this bright teal shirt as my uniform, "Luna laughed as remember that job.

"I can't imagine you in teal," Taylor laughed, Luna gasped, "I'm sorry, it's just true, but now I have to ask, do you still like yogurt?"

"I haven't had it since I was 17" Luna laughed, "what were you doing when you were 16? I would have been 11" luna question

"At sixteen, I was opening for Rascal Flatts, as my first ever single came out, Tim McGraw," Taylor told the shorter girl in front of her. "Also that's really weird that you were only 11 when I was 16" Taylor pulled a face, Luna laughed at her.

"What can i say, i like them older" Luna smirked. Taylor scuffed, and thought of something else to ask her.

"What are you going to do about your Bio father?" Taylor asked, hesitantly 'cause she knew it was a sensitive topic for her girlfriend.

"Well, I haven't looked at that text since I got it. But honestly I don't even know what to say to him, I want to pretend like he doesn't even exist " Luna nodded, almost agreeing with herself.

"Okay, love" Taylor smiled, as she was playing with the straw wrapper, Luna watched as she twisted the paper in her hands, then she smiled, and pulled it up for Luna. "A paper ring, for my darling Luna" she smiled, as Luna blushed and put her hand out for her to put it on her ring finger.

"I love it, Mon amour" Luna smiled, and placed a chaste kiss on Taylor's hand.


Did taylor swift break up with long time boyfriend Joe Alwyn?

Multiple sources tell us that Taylor has not been seen with Joe since, June 12 when her tour was in New york.

Did they break up then? You could definitely see the difference in taylors singing, on most reason dates, but when she was singing in Detroit, she looked a lot happier to sing.

Maybe she moved on? Spotted someone in the crowd?

Maybe this person is Luna Jamson

They have been spotted together on multiple occasions, for example taylor was with her at Eli's Bakery back in the beginning of october, then after that, both Luna and Taylor tagged each other in posts for halloween, then most recently the paps have spotted Luna leaving Taylor's apartment.

(Luna being caught by the paps)

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(Luna being caught by the paps)

Has Taylor moved on from Joe?

We think she has.

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