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Luna wakes up to her phone blowing up, she reluctantly gets out of her bed to see what the messages on her phone are about. She picked up her phone and walked into the kitchen, Eli was already up.

"Good morning, there's coffee in the pot for you want some" Eli smiles, he was getting ready to go to the bakery.

"Good morning, oh what are we doing for thanksgiving?" she asks, as she pours her coffee into a cup.

"Aren't your siblings coming here?" he asks, as he puts a book in his bag.

"Yeah I think so, i'll let you know if anything changes, because there are messages on my phone that i'm scared of looking at" she laughs, and walks over to the couch by Archer.

"Okay, I'll see you later," he smiles.

"Oh i'm going over to taylors today so i don't know if i'm going to be home" she blushes

"Oh you're going to your girlfriends?" Eli testes

"She's not my girlfriend, now you're going to be late" he scoffs and walks out the door.


TayTay🎸 ~ 2 unread Messages

Power Puff Girls ~ 4 unread Messages

Unknown ~ 2 unread messages

Luna clicked on taylors messages, and read them. She had her cup of coffee in her hands, the void in her lap, Teen wolf playing in the background.

TayTay🎸 I'll see you here at 12! I'll make us lunch, and we can have the rest of the cookies I made last night

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I'll see you here at 12! I'll make us lunch, and we can have the rest of the cookies I made last night.
Oh and you should bring Archer!
Sent at 8:45

Tay, why are you up at 8 in the morning?


Ohhhhh okay, yeah I'll try and get archer in the cat carrier, I'm not promising that I can get him in but I'll try.

Wonderful, i'll see you later x

Luna smiled at their texts, but now she has to figure out how to get her cat into a carrier. She laughed at the cat curled in her lap. The next thing she did was click on the group chat with her sisters.

Power Puff Girls

Blossom🌸 ~ Luna
Buttercup💚 ~ Melanie
Bubbles💧~ Claire


Yeah what she said

Why are there dating rumors about you and Taylor Swift????
You guys are like the number one hashtag on tiktok, instagram Etc.
Sent at 9:22

What are you yelling about?
No me and taylor are not dating

Then what was the new article about???
Because that sure definitely looks like you kiss her, and all of your recent posts.

Mel does have a fair point Lu, you know mel literally loves taylor swift so much. Also if you're scared to tell us that you are dating then that's fine it's your business.

Okay yes, that was me.
We really haven't talked about that a whole lot, taylors publisse was trying to get rid of those rumors. And mel do not freak out please.

HA! I knew it, how long has this been going on?

Well that's complicated, do you want to know when we became friends or when we kissed?

How did you even meet her???

Well Eli took me to the lover concert and she, well her team gave me a box, and she gave me a note and stuff in it was really cute.
Then a few days later I did a cover of paper rings on my tiktok and I blew up on there bc Tay dueted it and stuff.
Then she followed me on everything and that's how we started talking.

Lucky gurlllll
You got taylor wrapped around your finger.

Okay, are you satisfied with knowing about my love life? Because i have to get ready in a little bit, i'm going to taylors

Oooooo, can you please try and get me that autograph now??

Mel, leave her alone she can do what she wants and if she thinks getting you that will be okay then she will but don't bug her okay?

Yeah okay, have fun at taylors

Thank you, bye guys. I'll see you at Thanksgiving, right?



The next thing Luna wanted to check was the unknown number, she had everyone she knew already on her phone. So she was a little skeptical of it. So she clicked on it, nothing could prepare her for what she just read.

Unknown Number

Hey lunabug
It's your father

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Lunas father texted her 😱

Qotd: when do you put up your Christmas tree?

I put mine up in November lol

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