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"Oh my god, My favorite song is next! Luna!!" Eli yells and shakes Lunas shoulders, she justs laughs at her best friend.

"Okay, okay we get it Eli" she smiles, and watches Taylor in awe again.

"You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you, Than I was at 16, lost in a film scene, Waving homecoming queens, marching band playing, I'm lost in the lights" Taylor started, everyone around her started yelling the song, I have to admit I like the beat she thought.

Now this is not what she was expecting, that 1 she would actually like the music and 2 she was pretty damn hot.

"No cameras catch my pageant smile. I counted days, I counted miles. To see you there, to see you there It's been a long time coming, but" Taylor smiled at the crowd, and looked back at her again.

"It's you and me, that's my whole world, They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" okay The whole school is rolling fake dice You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes It's you and me, there's nothing like this Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince, okay" she points to Luna and her. shes smile, and goes along with what she is doing. Eli to her left is like freaking out of his mind,

"Oh my god, Luna! She's never picked someone to do that to before, you're so special!!" He yells. She just rolls my eyes and looks back at the blonde who's singing perfectly.

"We're so sad, we paint the town blue Voted most likely to run away with you, My team is losing, battered and bruising I see the high fives between the bad guys, Leave with my head hung, you are the only one, Who seems to care" Taylor winks at Luna, and she smiles back at the blonde.

"American stories burning before me. I'm feeling helpless, the damsels are depressed. Boys will be boys then, where are the wise men? Darling, I'm scared, ah No cameras catch my muffled cries I counted days, I counted miles To see you there, to see you there, And now the storm is coming, but" I think we're back to chorus, Luna things so she decides to sing with her.

"It's you and me, that's my whole world They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" okay The whole school is rolling fake dice You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes It's you and me, there's nothing like this Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince okay" Luna and Eli sing, well more like yell. Luna watches Taylor, she smiles but it's almost like she finally got Luna to sing with her, like she did something with her music that she got her to do. 


Luna's Stories

Luna's Stories

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Once the concert was over, Luna and Eli were on a high, like the post adrenaline you get with the music.

As they were waiting in line to leave, one of Taylor's guards tapped Luna's shoulder. She turned around and asked what was wrong.

"Oh uh nothing's wrong Miss, just that Miss Taylor wanted me to give this to you" He held a pastel blue box in his hands for her to take.

"Oh uh, thank you" Luna was puzzled, but took it anyway. She wondered what was in the box, Also why would THE Taylor Swift give her, a nobody a box?

"What was that?" Eli asked, he was also in shock, and it didn't even happen to him.

"I don't know, let's open it when we get home" Luna told him, as they continued going down the line to get to Eli's car.


Luna walks through the door of their apartment, and throws her keys in the bowl on the table in the hallway. She sets the mysterious box from Taylor on the table, and goes and takes off her jacket and shoes. "So, what do you think is in the box?" Eli asks as he sits down on the couch.

"Not sure, has she given anyone else this?" She asks and looks over to him.

"No, I don't think so" he replies, and pats the seat next to him.

She walks over with the box in her hands, "I'm special then" She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Yes, we get it Luna" Eli rolls his eyes, "are you gonna open it or not?"

"Yes, okay" Luna laughs, and lifts the lid of it, on the top there was a note, it said;

I was enchanted to see you

I hope you like the stuff in the box

~  Love Taylor 

"Oh my god! Luna!" Eli shakes my shoulders "she likes you!!"

"What?" She asks, oblivious to this whole situation. How can taylor like me? "I thought she was straight"

"Dude, have you heard Dress? Or wonderland? This girl is not straight" Eli continues, Luna rolls her eyes and continues to open the box.

There was tissue paper covering a shirt, and a CD of the album, with some candy, handmade paper rings, and a signed vinyl.

"Gurl she must really liked you, to bad you couldn't meet her" Eli said, she feel kinda bad that she got this stuff, when she didn't even listen to her music.

"You can have the CD if you want, I can use the vinyl in my record player" Luna smiled and handed him the CD.

"Really?" He smiles, as Luna nodded her head. He takes it and goes into his room. Luna just laughed, and sat in awe of what just happened. 

✧˚ ·

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✧˚ · . Marina speaks!


I hope you liked it!

Qotd: What's your favorite song off the lover album?

Mines either Death by thousand cuts or Daylight

*Chapter edited may 5th 2024*

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