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Luna didn't know what to expect when telling her family that she was dating one of the world's most famous pop stars in the world. To be honest she was nervus not that she was dating a girl, but it's only been 5 months since she broke up with Clastia.

For Taylor, this is the first girl she ever told her parents about. She never really thought about her sexuality, it's just whoever you connect with. She did make a big deal about it in her songs in her past album Lover.

"So you are gay" Austin states, he was the first one to speak up, Mel and Clare kinda already knew.

"Um, what does that have to do with anything?" Luna questioned, Taylor squeezed her hand, Austin just rolled his eyes.

"Nothing, just wanted to state a fact, and I guess my big sister is too." he laughed, and took a drink of his wine.

"If you're going to speak like that about me or my girlfriend. You can leave. I don't want someone like you in my house" Taylor told him, she was stern, It was kinda scary. He looked shocked, it was like he didn't know that his sister could be that mad.

"It's not like I'm homophobic, or whatever" he scoffs, and rolls his eyes.

"Congratulations, girls I'm happy for you" Amanda smiles, and gets up and hugs both of them. "I guess she got the balls to ask" she whispers in Luna's ear.

"Yeah she did," Luna laughs. Then her mom gets up.

"I love you, baby, to the moon and saturn. No matter what you do I will always be here for you. I'm so happy you found someone that loves you for who you are. I can see it in the way she looks at you." Grace told Luna.

"I love you mom" she grinned and hugged her. Out of the three girls Grace had, Luna is the spitting image of her mother. They have the same chocolate brown eyes and auburn hair.

Taylor was smiling at the sight of Luna and her mom. It was just like her and her mom. Taylor walked over to them, Luna smiled as she looked up at the blonde. "Mom, i would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Taylor'' she laughs.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Jamison" Taylor said, playing along.

"It's nice to meet you too, taylor" Grace smiled, and gave her a hug.


It was about 10:30, when they got food out, cause staying up gets ya hungary. Luna and Meline were talking about how her junior year in college was going. "yeah , it's going well, i got a new roommate though, she's really pretty too, she kinda looks like Taylor but shorter." she laughs.

"What's her name?" Luna questions, laughing at the fact she said that she looked like Taylor.

"Sabrina," she replies. Then a lightbulb goes off in Luna's mind, she remembers a blonde girl, complementing her dress.

"Oh! I know her! She and her friend Oliva came over for our christmas party, she's really sweet, she's also a singer, but not as popular" Luna told her, Melines cheeks blushed. "Do you know if she likes girls?"

"I think she does, when she was unpacking i pasted her room, and on her desk had a small Bi flag" She recalls.

"See you do have a chance, if you like her that is"

"Yeah, but I have this thing going on, and I dunno" she sighs. Luna laughs.

"I love you," she smiles and pulls her into a side hug.

"Love you to, Lu"


"Its almost midnight," Luna smiles, her and taylor were on the couch, Taylors hand on her thigh. Mel and Clare were talking to Andera.

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