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I woke up with a killer headache, the light shining through the window in the bedroom I was in. i blinked away the blurriness, and took in my surroundings, i was not in my apartment, i don't remember leaving taylor's house. I look over to over to the right and I see a ball of white fluff, in the corner of the bed.

I normally see black, so I'm guessing I'm in taylors room. The right side of the bed is ruffled so either Taylor left me last night or this morning. I look over to the end table on my right, and I see a note and a bottle of ibuprofen with water. I grab the note and read it.

Sorry i had a meeting
I'll be back by 12
There's food in the fridge
Make ur self at home
~ love taytay

I smiled, and put the note back and took the cup of water and the pills. Once I took those I got out of bed, and looked for some clothes. Since I was just in a big tshirt, I looked in taylors dresser for some shorts.

I found some black ones and I put them on, then I went and looked for my phone. At some point during the party it died, so i walked out of her room and took in the sight of taylor's apartment, there were cups and glitter everywhere. The streamers were still on the ceiling, the kitchen was a whole other problem.

I managed to find where i left my phone, so i put that on the charger, i decided since its only 10 and taylor doesn't get back her till 12 i might as well clean her house. So I turned on the radio, “Thinking out loud” by Ed Sheeran came on. I smiled as I listened to the lyrics of the song. And I went to find a broom somewhere in her giant apartment.


I was halfway through the kitchen when I heard the door open, I looked at the time on the stove, 12:10 it was taylor.

“Hello?” she called out walking towards the kitchen.

“Hey tay. '' I smiled, I was sweeping the glitter off the floor, I just got done with the cups and other things.

“Why are you sweeping?” she asked, confused as to what i was doing.

“I was bored so I decided to clean your house” I smile sheepishly. She laughs, and takes the broom away from me.

“You can stop i'll finish it later okay?” I nod, as she takes my hand, she leads me to the living room, and we sit next to each other on the couch.

“So how was your meeting?” I ask, as I play with her fingers as her hand never left mine.

“Tree is pissed at me, that's why we had the meeting in the first place, and apparently I posted something last night about us, honestly I don't really remember. We were so drunk” she laughed. I agreed with her on that.

“Yeah, the last thing I remember, I was up on your patio and we kissed.” i told her looking down at my feet blush quickly spreading my face.

“Yeah that's all I remember as well” she smiles, and takes both of my hands in hers. “I don't regret anything we did last night, i just wanted you to know that”

“I don't either, i would never regret anything with you” i smile, as she pulls me in for a kiss.


Once me and taylor finished cleaning her house i left to go to mine, i need to see what happened last night because i don't know what happened after me and taylor. So I'm hoping Eli knows something.

“Eil?” I called out, as I put my keys in the bowl in the hallway.

“Luna? Your back from your girlfriends?” he smiles, he was caring Archer like a baby.

“She's not my girlfriend Eli, also how do you even know that?” I ask as I take off my shoes and throw my costume in the washer.

“Um taylor posted on her instagram about you guys, she captioned it “your mine” and it was a picture of you and her kissing in the dark, but here's the thing you replied to it as well, you said “all yours” you don't remember that?”

“no i don't, all i remember is going up to taylors elevator and getting a kiss, next to a beautiful sunset then after that was a blur” i told him.

“Hun well there was a lot of stuff that you don't remember, was it just you or does taylor not remember either?”

“We both don't remember anything after are kiss”

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

I'm sorry this chapter was so short I just don't know where I want this to go yet but I think I have an idea

Anyway I love that you guys are liking it!!

Oh I'm going to see the eras tour movie this weekend!! I'm so excited

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