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~Smut Warning~

Luna was smiling so big, she had tears of love running down her face, “I love you so much,” Taylor grinned and put the ring on Luna's left hand. Everyone smiled and clapped for the couple in the middle of the room, as they kissed each other.

“Okay! Who called it” Ryan laughed, as half of their friends put their hands up. Taylor giggled and kissed Luna's temple.

“Welcome to the group, Luna” Blake smiled, “oh and Eli” she laughed.

And soon everyone was talking and laughing, Taylor and Luna were still on the coach just looking at their friends. “I love you” Luna said, she looked down at the ring that shined on her hand.
“I love you too, baby” Taylor smiled, and took her hand in hers. “To the moon and Saturn”


Lunas moans filled the room, as Taylor was biting her pale skin. It was about 2 in the morning, all of their friends had left. So it was just Luna and Taylor, “god luna you're so beautiful” Taylor rasped, as she moved down her body, leaving bite marks.

Luna was whining, taylor hadn't payed any attention to her clit that throbbed, “Taylor” she moaned, as she put her own hand down there. Taylor moved so she was dangling on top of her.

“What do you want, princess?” she asks, moving Luna's hand from herself. Luna let out a frustrated sigh. Taylor had pinned both of her hands above her head, Luna's eyes flicked between Taylors blue eyes that had darkened with lust, and her red lips.

“I want you” Luna rasped, Taylor gave her a devilish grin, as she took one of her hands, and rubbed slow circles on her clit. Luna moved her head back in the pillow, as she arched her back as she got the friction she craved.

“you like that baby?” Taylor questioned, as she looked down at the girl under her.

“Yes mommy” Luna replied, as Taylor pushed a finger inside, that earned her a gasp from the younger girl. “Yeah yeah I like it” she moaned out.

“You're so wet for me baby” Taylor smiled, and pumped a little faster, as she was used to her. Taylor placed a hickey right on Luna's collar bone. “That's for people to know that you're mine” she had added another finger, Luna was a moaning mess.

“Tay…im..close” she panted, sweat glistened from her skin, as Taylor watched her girl unravel under her.

“I know, baby” the faster she got the louder Luna got, Taylor would be lying if she said she didn't like when Luna screamed her name.

“Taylor” Luna screamed, as her orgasm crashed through her, Taylor slowed down her hand and licked Luna off of her.

Luna's body was limp, sweat covered both of the girls. Taylor smiled and kissed her girl. “You up for a shower?” Taylor grinned.

“Of course mommy” Luna mocked, Taylor rolled her eyes and dragged a naked Luna with her to the bathroom. “Who knew you had a mommy kink” she laughed but it was cut off my Taylor's lips.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Short chapter, but you got smut so it balances it out ;)

Also I think im gonna do a time skip next chapter to new years eve

Qotd: do you think they should get a cat together?

Me personally I would think they would

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