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Luna looked shocked, “no fair" Taylor looked scared, why was that her response? Taylor thought. “I wanted to say that first'' Luna pouted, Taylor let out a sigh of relief, as she laughed.

“Oh my, Luna, I thought you didn't love me back.” she punched her shoulder playfully “don't scare me like that” luna laughed.

“Sorry not sorry,” Luna smiled, and pulled Taylor into a hug, “yes, I love you Taylor, I think I always have” she whispered in her ear. Taylor felt her breath on her neck and it sent shivers down spine.

“Good, i don't know what i would have done without you” she replied, as they pulled apart, luna had blush on her face. Taylor also probably had blush on her cheeks as well.

“Well since you told me you love me first, then i want to ask you” she took a deep breath in and continued “would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend Luna” Taylor smiled, and pulled Luna in for a kiss, once again it felt like sparks flying around them, taylor had managed to pull luna in to her lap, and wrap her arms around her waist, as Luna was straddling her.

Luna put her hands on the nape of Taylor's neck, as her other hand ran her fingers through Taylors blonde hair. Taylor started planting kisses down Luna's jaw, her breathing was uneven, as Taylor made her way down her neck. She was nipping at Luna's skin, leaving marks where she got carried away.

Taylor ran her hands up the back of Luna's thighs, Luna started kissing Taylor's neck as well, and soon enough they both had marks from their lover, some visible and some not.

They ended up laying together on the couch looking up at the stars. “It feels as if I have a schoolgirl crush on you” Taylor smiles, as she runs her hand through Luna's messy hair, she could see some of the hickeys she gave her forming on Luna's pale skin.

“Me too,” Luna agrees and she interlocked their fingers together “I love you taylor”

“I love you too”

Taylorswift✔️ just posted this photo

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Liked by Dylano'brien, StillLuna, and 14.86 million Others

Taylorswift ✔️ up on the roof with a school girl crush...
Tagged: StillLuna

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Username Omg luna so pretty 😍

Username pretty sunset
Taylorswift✔️ ikr

MelMel lunaaaaaaa

↳StillLuna sorry not sorry ;) I'll tell you all about it when I get home

StillLuna same ;)
(Taylorswift✔️ Liked this comment)

Username wait are they dating?
Username I think so
StillLuna 🤷‍♀️

StillLuna just posted this photo

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Liked by Taylorswift✔️, Selenagomez✔️, and 57.8k Others

StillLuna December first, way to start the holidays :)
Tagged: Taylorswift✔️

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Username omg are yall dating???

Username I Love that yall are bestfriends!!
Taylorswift✔️ Yeah somthing like that..

Username is she your girlfriend?

Selenagomez✔️ 😏

Taylorswift✔️ this is gonna be the best holidays
StillLuna yes definitely

Username wait are they dating?
Username I think so
StillLuna 🤭


Blondie101 posted this photo

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Blondie101 Your mine, officially
Tagged: Moon

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Alexrusso Oh my god!!!!

Stiles24 yall are so cute
Blondie101 Thank you dyl

Alexrusso is she finally your girlfriend???
Moon yes!

Moon all yours love ❤️


✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Heyyyyy, sooo sorry that I left yall on cliff hanger last chapter

But I had toooo

Anywhoooo THEIR TOGETHER!!!!
I love them so much!

Qotd: who do you think is top and bottom?

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