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Incoming call - Tree Paine

Taylor looked down at her phone, she signed and answered it. “Hello?” she asked, she was on her couch, Luna's head in her lap, Rajah on Luna's chest, Taylor was running her fingers through Luna's auburn hair.

“Hello Taylor, I'm calling to tell you that it's a go for you to announce that you and Miss Jamsion are dating, if you guys want to, no rush” Trees voice sounded to chipper for it being 10 in the morning.

“Okay thank you, tree. Is that all?” Taylor asks, as she looks down at her girlfriend. She had one hand on Rajah and the other in the air looking at the ring, She got her. Taylor smiles to herself.

“Yes, congratulations on the new kitten, happy new years as well” Tree tells her.

“Thank you, Happy new years too” Taylor replies and hangs up. Luna looked up at the blonde.

“Who was that?” she wonders.

“It was Tree, she said that if we wanted to that we could tell the public that we’re dating.” Taylor told the younger girl.

“Sure, I mean, I want to tell my family first, speaking of, I think they just got off their plane” Luna told her, instead of a big party, the girls are just having their family come over to their house. Taylor is a little nervous about meeting Luna's mom and step-dad. And she already met her sisters, Chloe brought her husband as well, because when she came for thanksgiving he was filming something and couldn't make it.

“Of course, baby. So what's the plan? Are they getting a hotel or staying with us?” Taylor asked, playing with Luna's hair.

“My mom said that they're getting a hotel, then coming over here at 7 for dinner and other festivities” Luna told her, “what about your family?”

“I think they got here last night, and are staying in a hotel as well, i'll tell my mom what the plan is” Taylor smiled, and got her phone and sent a quick text to her mother.

“Anynew songs in the making?” Luna asked, petting Rajah's fur, as he purred.

“A few, what about you?”

“Yeah, I've been finishing songs that I had started when I was with Calista,” Luna sighed. “And a few about you” She smiled, and Taylor grinned.


Taylors family was the first to arrive, right at 7. It was just her mom and dad, cause Austin was coming later. “Hello Mom!” Taylor smiled, as she opened the door for her parents.

“Hello dear, how have you girls been?” Andera asks, as she and the girls walk into the kitchen, her father walks into the living room and sits down, as the cats smell him.

“We've been good, how bout you?” Luna asked, as she and Taylor interlock their fingers. Her mom was on the other side of the island. Taking things out of her bag she had brought.

“We're good as well, so I got red and white wine, didn't know what kind you liked” she smiled at Luna.

“I like both but I prefer white”

“Great, now that's out of the way, where's my new grandchild?” She laughs, as the three of them walk into the living room where the cats are climbing her dad.

Taylor laughs, and picks up the small kitten. And walked over to her mom. “This is Rajah, our newest kitten”

“Oh my gosh, he's so precious” she smiles and pets his head.

“Thanks, do you want to meet Archer? He's Luna's cat” Taylor questioned, she nodded her head. And Luna went to find him.

“This little fur baby is Acher,” Luna smiled.

“He's too cute, you guys have your hands full with the cats” her mom laughs.

“Yes we do”


Soon Luna's family got there, so did Austin. Everyone was talking in the living room. Taylor ordered Chinese for dinner, just because Luna wanted a Crab Rangoon.

It seemed as both of their parents got along well with each other, Taylor was chatting with Clare and her husband Chase.

“Lu, I love the song you put out” Melanie told her older sister, Luna smiled.

“Thank you mel, I have worked on these song for a while, I have a few more to finish up before I can record the rest”

“It's really cool that you are finally able to do your dream, speak of how you are doing?”

“I'm doing good, I think having Tay by my side helps me, she helps me” Luna's  gaze falls on the blonde, talking with her other sister.

She couldn't help but fall in love again, she is the best thing that ever happened to her.

“You love her” Meliane states, she didn't even question it.

“I-what?” She was shocked that her sister figured it out so fast.

“I said, you love her,” she stated again, “I've never seen you look at someone like that before, it's like she's your whole world” damn this kid is too good Luna though, she scoffed.

“She is” Luna didn't even deny it. She and Taylor were going to say something soon so it didn't even matter.

“I love that for you lu”


“Thank you guys for coming over!” Taylor smiled. As she and Luna got up in the front of the room, their family was sitting and talking with one another, stopping their conversations.

“You guys are probably wondering why you guys are at a famous person's house,” Luna laughed, that was more directed at her family. Her mom, Grace laughed and nodded.

Luna and Taylor looked over at each other, and interlocked their fingers. “We're together” Taylor smiled, they looked at their families reaction.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Sorry cliffhanger

Anyway I'm excited to write more of lunas family!


Qotd : what do guys think of a Sabrina Carpenter fanfic?
I had the idea that her love interest is lunas sister Melanie

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