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Luna woke up to, taylors arms wrapped around her. She smiled as the memories from the previous night came back to her. Luna was nuzzled into Taylor's neck, taylors arms wrapped around her bare back.

Luna peppered kisses on Taylor's jaw, to wake her up. “Good morning, mon amour” Luna rasped, her voice sore from the night before. Taylor fluttered her eyes open, and smiled at the younger girl.

“Good morning baby” Taylor kissed her cheek, “how did you sleep?” she questioned, luna let out a yawn.

“Wonderful, you wanna know why?” she grinned, taylor muttered a why, and the brunette continued “because i slept next to the love of my life” taylor smiled, she was so in love with luna, it's like she could burst.

Taylor wondered why she stayed with someone for so long, that didn't make her feel like this, the constant butterflies, the secret glances, the late night talks, just the overall feeling that Luna gives her, Home.

“Me too, love” she was in a blist of feelings. Yesterday was an emotional rollercoaster to say the least, but by the end of it she was the happest shes ever been, in a long time. “We should probably get dressed before my mom comes in here, and wonders why we're naked,” Taylor laughed, moving away from the warmth of her lover.

“Yeah we probably should, but I wish I could stay in bed with you all day” luna laughed and threw her head back on to the white pillows.

“Me too, but we're going places today” Taylor had something planned in the afternoon, they were only staying here for one more day, then leaving to go back to Michigan the following morning.

Taylor went to her suitcase and pulled out some clothes that she was going to wear for the day. It was a little cold out so she decided on some light  jeans and a greyish white cardigan that's going over a black t-shirt. “Where are we going?” Luna sat up, the white sheet of fabric covering her. Taylor slipped on her jeans and put on a bra.

“You'll see,” Taylor grinned, and threw some clothes at Luna. “Now get ready before my mom comes in here, she’ll have a heart attack.” Taylor ushers her to get out of the bed, as she slips out from under the sheet, and walks to the walk-in closet. Taylor smacked her ass.

“Hey, what was that for?” Luna pouted, Taylor laughed.

“Because you're beautiful, princess” she rasped, and the flutter from the previous night came back to Luna, when she called her princess. She blushed, and smiled. Luna looked at the clothes her girlfriend threw at her, it was a white top, light brown fitted skirt, and a blue oversized flannel. She also had a belt and brown tights.


Once the girls were all dressed and ready, they both walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where they smelled the best thing in the world.

Blueberry pancakes

Luna had on a smile, as she sat down at the island bar, “good morning girls!” Andrea smiled and pulled out two plates for them.

“Good morning mom,” Taylor smiles, and gives her a hug. Then when to sit next to Luna.

“Good morning” the younger girl said, and took the plate of food. “So how was your morning?” Luna asked making small talk with her girlfriend's mother.

They chatted as they ate their food. Taylor still hasn't told Luna what they were going to do later.

“So what are you girls gonna do with your last day here?” Andera questioned, as she sipped her orange juice.

Taylor smiled, knowing what they were doing. “It's a surprise for Luna, so you can't know either, sorry” Andera laughed, and put the dishes in the sink.

“I'm going crazy trying to know what it is over here” so far she's asked her 3 different things that she could have planned. All wrong.

“you will find out in a little bit okay, darling?” Luna blushed at the pet name that Taylor accidentally let slip.

“How much longer? I feel like I'm a kid on christmas waiting to open presents” Taylor laughed at her girlfriend's antics.

“Your gonna be fineeee” she told her, she got up from where she was sitting and kissed her mom on the cheek. “Well be back for dinner, also has Austin learn not to be an asshole?”

“Yes he has, I honestly don't know why he was so mean to you Luna, but have fun at what ever Taylor has planned” Andera smiles.

“It's okay, it's probably Cuase I'm new” Luna gave her a soft smile. “I'm excited bye!”

Luna was so impatient she took taylors hand and dragged her to the door. “Bye mom!” She shouted before the door shut behind the girls.


In ten short minutes, taylor pulled up to a building, that seemed to have Noone in it. “Where are we?” Luna questioned as she took taylors hand to get out of the SUV.

“We are at an arcade” Taylor smiled, as Lunas eyes widened in excitement.

“Oh my god really!” Luna was over the moon, she hasn't been to arcade since she was little. Taylor opened the door for her.

“It's just us so what do you want to do first, Princess?” Taylor told the shorter girl next to her.  Lunas mouth hung open. Taylor laughed.

“You rented out an entire arcade for us?” Luna was so happy. She's never had this before. The feeling that she can depend on her significant other is something she will never let go. Luna has had her far share of rocky relationships, especially with Calista.

“Yes I did” Taylor kissed Luna's temple, “I love you” she told her.

“I love you more” Luna beamed and took her girlfriend's hand and started walking around the arcade.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!


Just a cute little filler chapter, next chapter will be pictures of their date!!

Also I do have a question, so I realized I switched what pov I was writing in like half way through writing this. So what pov do you like more 1st person or 3rd?

Also 50k views?!?!? Man that's crazzzy, I just had someone freak out that I followed them, dudes I've never had that happen before. I texted my bsf asking if I reach famous author rights and she said yes lol

Qotd : if you could pick one song to describe this book (that's not cruel summer) what would it be?

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