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Eliwest just posted this photo

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Liked by Dylano'brien, Taylorswift✔️, and 1,313 Others

Eliwest she got home and took a nap, then Archer woke her up and she got mad at me
Tagged: StillLuna

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StillLuna Whyyyyyy

Taylorswift✔️ That's hilarious
Username Are you dating her?
Taylorswift✔️ um no what are you talking about?
Username Oh well there's rumors going around
Taylorswift✔️ yes rumors they aren't always true

Username and even when she's hungover she's pretty

Username where was she the night before?

StillLuna I hate you
Eliwest you love me
StillLuna hmf

Username wasn't she at taylors house?
Username I think so
StillLuna we'll never know

Taylorswift just posted this photo

Liked by Dylano'brien, StillLuna, and 13

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Liked by Dylano'brien, StillLuna, and 13.89 million Others

Taylorswift ✔️ there's glitter on the floor after the party

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Username I hope ur party was fun!

Username thats a lot of glitter
Taylorswift✔️ don't worry I had help:)

Username Taylor what are these lyrics?!

Eliwest oh that's why luna is so tired

StillLuna yeah so much

Username wait did luna help?
Username I think so
StillLuna 🤫

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Heyyyyy do you guys this I should start like a question of the day type thing?

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