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It was the 11th, Taylor and Luna left to go to Taylor's parents house tomorrow afternoon. Luna was with Eli looking in a jewelry shop, for a birthday gift for taylor.

“What about this one?” Eli held up a silver necklace that had a star on it. Luna didn't look too good to see it. “Okay got it, not that one” eli laughed and put it back down.

“Im looking for a gold necklace, with something about us, and it has to be gold” luna states.

“Do you want to give her your initial? I mean she does say that in a song” Eli suggested.

“Oooo yeah, that sounds good. I'm also going to put a teal gem on there to” Eli looked puzzled, “something between me and Taylor" Luna waves him off, and walks to a worker to ask for the necklace she wanted.

Eli followed her, as the worker as she got what Luna wanted. Luna looked all giddy when she saw the final peace. “She's gonna love it” she whispered, mostly to herself but Eli could hear her.

He smiled at her. She needed this, Luna had been in a really bad place before Taylor, her girlfriend (of 3 years) had just broken up with her, she was missing her family, she was battling the darkness, Eli tried his best to help her through everything, but it just wouldn't work. She would have nightmares about her childhood with her father.

Some Days she was so sleep deprived, she looked sick. Eli was starting to wonder if he should take her in, or something. But when he found out the Lover tour was coming to Detroit, he had to make her go to it. Something to distract her from everything.

And as it turned out, it did just that, she hasn't had a nightmare since, and she looks more alive than anything. Even though she had that panic attack, Taylor was there to help her through it, which Eli is so grateful for.

“Yes, she will” Eli replied, as they walked out the door of the jewelry shop, the bell ringing letting them know they left.


“You ready love?” Taylor asked, as she walked into her room. Luna was putting some stuff into her suitcase that she left at Taylor's house. Taylor had told Luna that she could bring Archer, because she was going to bring her cats, so this way they can get to know one another.

“Yup, i just- got-ta zip this” luna was struggling zipping her suitcase, taylor laughed and went to help her girlfriend. “Thank you darling” Luna smiled, as she kissed her cheek.

Taylor grabbed both of their suitcases and brought them to the car, Luna was on cat dudey. so she got all of the cats into their carriers and into the car. They were finally in the car, at 7, the jet was going to be there at 7:30, so they had some time to get breakfast, and coffee.

So they stopped by the bakery, Luna had called Eli prior to getting there so he had their food ready for them.

“Have fun, Luna,” Eli told her, she smiled, and nodded and thanked him for the food and drinks.

“The goods are here” Luna smiled as she got into the car. Taylor smiled as she took her latte, and took a sip.

“How does he make it so good?” Taylor asks, to no one.

“I don't know but I love it,'' Luna replied. Taylor nodded in agreement, as she took her hand in hers and started the drive to the airport.


“Hello Miss swift” the pilot greeted Taylor, and looked at luna. “And Miss?”

“Luna, Luna Jameson” she smiled and put out her hand, he took it. “What's your name?” she smiles.

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