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“So what do you want to do? I'm all yours” Taylor smiled, as they walked through the flower garden. The breeze was light and the sun felt so good on their skin. The sunrays were casting the perfect glow to taylors hair, that Luna thought she was magic.

“I saw this cute pottery class online if ya want to do that” Luna smiled, as they swung their hands as they were walking.

“I would love to do that!” Taylor smiled and let Luna lead her to the little pottery shop. “Omg it's so cute!” The blonde grinned when they walked in. The bell rang letting the workers know they had customers.

“Hello- oh my god” Luna stopped looking around the place and found a brunette with brown eyes, looking at her and taylor. “Your Taylor swift and your Luna Jamison” it looked like her eyes were gonna pop out of her head.

“Hello” Luna waved. “Are you a fan?” The girl immediately nods. Luna looked up to Taylor wondering what they should do.

“I've been a big fan of taylors for forever, but I literally love your song Luna. I can't wait to hear your album” she said. Her smile reached her eyes. To Luna the girl reminds her of Meliane.

“Thank you!” Luna smiled, “what's your name?”

“I'm Cam,” she told the girls. “I'm assuming you wanted to do some pottery?” The girls nodded and followed Cam into the pottery place.


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Liked by StillLuna, Pascalispunk, 73.7 million Others

Taylorswift✔️ pottery and flowers 💐
Tagged: StillLuna

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Username awwwwwww

Eliwest cute little date
Taylorswift✔️ Thank you:)
Stillluna yuppp @Eliwest
Eliwest np!!!  @StillLuna

Username I still can believe shes dating @StillLuna?
Username right me too
Username There so cuteeee
Username Are they tho?

Pascalispunk✔️ too cute
StillLuna PEDRO PASCAL?????

Stillluna so fun! Thank you, love
Taylorswift✔️ of course, baby

Username has the internet broken yet???
Username YUP
Username REAL


Luna And Taylor were walking down the sidewalk, even though they knew there was paparazzi. Luna was still hesitant on that front but she's getting better with it.

“I love your cup, it's so cute” Luna smiled, Taylor made a cup that somewhat resembles a cat. Luna had made a lemon jewelry holder.

“Yours is cuter” Taylor laughs, they were on their way to lunch with tree and Sabrina. “Mine looks scary,” Luna giggles.

“No it does not, it definitely looks like Rajah” she tells her girlfriend.

“I think you're just telling me that, now where did tree say we were meeting her and Sabrina?”

“I think it was the next block at a cute like lunch place” Luna said as she got out her phone. “It's called sugarbird. Wherever that is.”

“lunabug?” Luna stops walking, and looks up from her phone. Taylor closed her mouth and looked up as well.

“What are you…” Luna's heart started racing. “Taylor” her hand found hers. Her eyes tearing away from the man standing in front of her. Luna met taylor's eyes. She could tell that a panic attack was coming.

“Okay, you call my driver okay? I'll deal with him” she nodded and took Taylor's phone. “I'm sorry, but who are you?” Taylor played clueless.

“I'm Joseph, lunas father. Who are you?” He replies, trying to get his daughters attention.

“Hi Joseph, I'm Taylor.” She doesn't know how to get him to leave.

“What are you doing with my daughter? And why isn't she talking to me?” She saw his fits ball up.

“I'm her friend, and she's having the start of a panic attack right now. That's why she's not talking to you.”

“Taylor, he's on his way.” Luna hiccups. Taylor nods.

“I'm sorry but we'll be leaving,” the blonde tells him. He lets out a frustrated sigh. 

“Lunabug, please call me” he shouts to her. Taylor just hugged her until her driver showed up.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

Told you drama ✨️

Travis on stage was amazing 👏


What do ya guys thing of the new cover?

Qotd : favorite Taylor ovulation song?

Mines dress

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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