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Taylor walked to the other side of her car, and opened the door for her girlfriend. Luna blushed when she saw the smile on Taylors face. "You're too sweet" Luna told her, but she just waved her off.

"I think that's in the girlfriend rule book," Taylor laughed. Luna looked up at Taylor, how did I get so lucky to be with her? Luna thought.

"The park is so pretty, I can't believe you grew up here." Luna spins around looking at all the trees, their leaves were a gold color, with hinds on red and pink in there, since it's only December.

"It's a nice place, but i think wherever i end up is going to be with you" Taylor smiles and grabs Luna's hand in hers, Luna beamed up at her girlfriend.

"i'd like that" Luna nodded in agreement, and swung their arms as they walked around Centennial park.


Once luna and taylor got back to the house, taylors father and brother were home as well. Luna had gotten a wave of anxiety rush over her as they walked to the door.

"Tay, what if your father and brother dont like me? I don't have a good track record with fathers as you can see'' Luna rambled, messing with her fingers, they were still outside in the cold, Luna's cheeks were flushed a pale pink, along with taylors. The sun was going down, the sky was a mix of orange, pink, purple and dark blue.

"Luna, baby. If I love you then they will, okay?" Taylor reassured her. Luna slightly nodded and took Taylor's hand, and walked to the door again.

"Mom?" taylor shouted, as she took off her coat and took lunas as well "we're home"

"We're in the living room!" Andrea shouted back. Taylor smiled, and took Luna's hand in hers which she had to drop before when they took their coats off.

The two girls made their way to the living room. Luna had spotted Andrea and then 2 other faces in there as well. She assumed they were Taylor's father and brother.

"Hello girls, have a seat. I'll get you guys some hot chocolate" Andrea smiled and walked off.

"Hello taylor" her father smiled and brought her in for a hug.

"Hi dad" Taylor smiled, "how have you been?"

"I've been good, now who is this fine young lady?" he asks looking too luna, who smiled.

"Dad, this Luna my best friend" Taylor cringed at calling her something she's not. But as of right now she didn't have the courage to tell them yet.

"Hello, luna" her father smiled, and shook her hand "i'm Scott"

"Nice to meet you" Luna smiled. Scott went to sit down where Adera just left. Taylors brother got up and introduced himself to Luna as well.

"Hello, I'm Austin. It's lovely to meet you" he smiled, and kissed Luna's knuckles.

"Hey, Austin'' she gave a small smile as she took her hand back, "im sorry, but i'm taken" Taylors stair at her brother looked like she could murderer him.

"Well that's too bad," he signed and sat down on the coach, Luna laughed awkwardly and followed Taylor to where she was sitting.

"So Luna, what do you do?" Scott asked, as he sips a drink he has.

"Well, i'm a painter, and slowly becoming a musician" luna laughed, and looked at taylor who smiled at her.

"Lovely, I guess music is what brought you and Taylor together?" Austin asked, looking over at Taylor, then eyeing Luna up and down. Luna got a weird feeling with his eyes lingering over her.

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