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“Tay, are you ready?” Luna questioned, as she was pushing her suitcase toward the door.

“Yes, love, I am.” Taylor kissed Luna's temple.

“Okay, are you sure the cats are fine?” Luna looked up at taylor.

“Luna, we went over this. My mom is going to come over and watch them for a little bit each day. They're going to be fine.” She reasures her.

“Okay, let's go” she smiled and opened the door. Taylor followed her. Luna pressed the button for the elevator. “I'm actually scared of elevators,” the shorter girl told the blonde.

“Huh, didn't know that.'' Taylor laughed. “But you're fine with this one right?”

“Yeah, I've used this one so much,” Luna laughed. Taylor smiled and kissed her temple, Luna noticed that she did that when she was nervous. So Luna slid her fingers into hers. She squeezed them and let go. Taylor did the same for her.

“I hope there will not be too much paparazzi today” Taylor wished, sure she had her fair share of them, but Luna hasn't, and that's always bugging taylor. In their house she was just Taylor, but outside she was the pop star Taylor Swift.

“If there is, we'll be okay,” Luna smiled, and kissed her.

“I love you” Taylor smiled, as the elevator doors opened.

“Love you too,” Luna whispered.


They met with Levi again as they boarded Taylors jet. Luna sat in the seat closest to the window, and Taylor sat next to her.

“you excited?” Taylor questioned the shorter girl that was looking out the window.

“Yeah! I've never been to LA so I want to do all of the things.” She smiles, Taylor takes her hand in hers.
“And we will,” Taylor said, as the plane started to fly.


“Luna, Were here” Taylor whispered, and shook her awake. The girls had fallen asleep reading their books, but Taylor woke up about 20 minutes before the plane landed.

“What~ oh” she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and sat up right. “Morning” Taylor laughed, and got up and held out her hands for her. Luna looked up at her with amusement, and took her hands.

“Ready to go see LA?”

“Definitely.” Luna smiles sleepy. The two girls step off the plane as Levi is putting their luggage into a taxi for them. “Thank you” Luna smiled. He nodded his head and walked back into the plane.

Taylor opened the door for the younger girl. “For you my love” Luna smiled and got in.

“Thank you tay” Taylor followed behind her. They pulled out of the airport and onto the busy streets of LA.

After a little while, Luna could hear something familiar to her. She asked the taxi driver to turn the volume up. “HA Tay, Bad Blood is playing” Luna laughed.

“That's amazing, how ironic” The girls both laugh. Taylor knew that was definitely going in a song.

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!


I'm not dead lol

Just have writer's block 😕

Anyway this was a filler but also had a lot of song references lol

Qotd : digital camera or polaroids?

I love polaroids

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