Chapter 2

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I threw my keys down on the cabinet by the front door. I was still absolutely buzzing from my audition. I couldn't wait to ring Harry. I could just imagine his soft pink lips slowly meeting mine. I decided not to ring him just yet, I didn't want to seem too desperate. I thought I'd ring my mum instead. I defiantly knew she'd be ecstatic about the news . Ever since I was little she was the one who took me to the different dance schools until I was happy and when I decided to give up she wasn't happy but she smiled and agreed because all she wanted was for me to be happy .

After I got of the phone from mum I felt like eating, eating a lot. I wasn't like the other dancers . At college everyone else would sit there eating yogurts and jugging down bottles of coke just to keep them awake but I was always down the chippy , never stopped eating . I'm not the typical dancer I have to watch my weight because unlike all the other dancer I get fat when I eat. But when I did eat and put on weight I'd go to one of the studios and dance and dance till my feet would give up , I guess that's the way I keep everything balanced.

I decided to order Chinese. 10 minutes later a knock was at the door."One second just getting some money" I shouted running through the apartment rummaging through my purse. I rushed back swinging the door open to see a tall , curly brown haired boy standing in front of me."I meant it when said you were good earlier it wasn't a bribe" he said jokingly and I stared up in shock at him. I just completely embarrassed myself in front of Harry Styles yet I seemed to still be as cheerful as ever."I didn't mean it like that I thought you were my takeaway" I replied."Enough for two" he said cheekily with a wink."sure" I smiled back , to be honest I eat enough for two people anyway and I need to loose a bit anyway . "Can I come in then"he said gliding through my door."you're already on my flat anyway now,aren't you?"I said jokingly.

Okay,I need to contain myself.I was watching Harry stroll around my flat,glancing at my photos ,letting out a small chuckle here and there. A knock was made at the door and this time I knew it was the food. I slid open my door and exchanged money for the food I've been craving for about an hour now. I laid it on the island in the kitchen."what have we got then?"I head Harry call from the sofa. "Why don't you get off your bum and come have a look lazy" I said in a cheeky tone. I head a chuckle being let out from him which made me smile , alot.

We both dived into the food without thought. I was starving . The only food I had consumed today had been thrown up before the audition! Ofcourse I didn't let Harry know this. "You did amazing at the audition Flo. By far the best we've seen all day"he exclaimed. After he said this I couldn't help but blush. "Thanks. I did my best"I smiled back. "The other boys was gobsmacked. And well Niall didn't say a full sentence for about an hour,it had to be a record" he said staring at me with those soft green eyes. "Glad I left an good impression" I said whilst blushing more than before. This is unreal , I'm sitting here eating with Harry styles in my flat about getting one step closer to dream. How did this happen?

"So how did you become a dancer?"he asked me once he swallowed his food. I was nice to hear someone ask about me for once. Ever since I went to college and left the only person who asks me if is my mum and of course my best friend Bella. I hadn't told Bella about this audition though , felt bad I mean she was my bestestfriend ever and I didn't tell her. Me and Bells went to college together and after we decided to get flats next to each other. We both had some crazy obsession with One Direction , which Harry does not need to know about just yet."Just a hobby when I was little , had a few years brake and came back and then I guess I got my awards and earned myself a place in dance college and here I am now. I got my dance qualification and decided I wanted to work for singers, commercial dancing "As I explained this to him he seemed to look genuinely interested. I talk to guys in bars and they don't ever care , they just want me drunk but Harry seems to want to know me and know who I am. " You seemed to of worked really hard" he said with a strong look on his face. I nodded and smiled, people like harry don't tend to notice little achievements that people like me get.

We sat there talking for hours until I told him I was tired. "It's quite late and I parked far away do you mind if I stay?" he explained looking at me tired . "Yeah sure sofa or you can take half of my bed?and how did you even find out where I live?"I asked him with confusion,

"I'll take the half of the bed and I promise no cheeky business and I'm Harry Styles I just know these things' he said chuckling. I hopped into bed , soon followed by Harry. I turned to face him realising he was just in his boxers. I let out a small giggle and then he burst out laughing . Somehow we ended up both in hysterics. I could get use to this.

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