Chapter 24

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"People, show time is occurring within less than a month, you need to work to your full potential" Emily shouted beginning to clap for our attention. She said acting like we weren't trying hard enough. We all strolled off for a break. I felt Harry's grip on my arm. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I replied turning to face him. "Flo, are you alright?I mean have you noticed you've been getting smaller in weight? You need to start eating properly"he told me , his voice sounded really concerned. "I don't have time to eat" I sincerely told him , storming off to the toilet. I know he was just concerned but he didn't need to confront me when I was in the middle of rehearsals. "Wait"Harry shouted chasing after me. When I worked I didn't find time to eat, I was too busy. I took offend to Harry's words. I knew he was just concerned but I took offend to his words. I felt like he didn't trust me to look after myself. "Harry I need a wee" I told him carrying on to the toilet. "Okay, I'll just wait outside the ladies and talk to you when you come out" he said knowing he was winding me up. Harry could be so annoying but not in a horrible way , more of a funny,cute way. Harry knew how to push my buttons. 'Your so annoying" I laughed to him backing up into the toilet. "Thank you. I try" he shouted as the door shut on him. I went it to the cubicle laughing.

I opened the cubicle door to find Harry standing by the sinks. "Harry you can't be in here . This is the ladies" I shrieked. "You'd just race past me if I stayed out there and it smells nice in here."he said being deadly serious. "Well, what did you want to say?" I asked him whilst splashing my risen hands at him. "heyy. I didn't mean to offend you earlier. I just want to be there for you and look after you." he said. When Harry spoke his eyes shined , it really showed he cared. "Okay ,sorry. I just try to be too much of an independent person when I should let other people help." I told him. He pulled me into his arms and embraced me softly. When I was in Harry's arms I felt so safe and secure. "it's fine" he whispered into my cold ear. We strolled back into the studio and realised we were late. "Sorry Emily, its my fault. I took Flo to see some stuff " he told Emily, lying. "Oh really Harry" Louis said taking Harry's words in a dirty way. "Shut up Lou" Harry smirked at Louis. "Okay boys , the most important thing is that your all back now" Emily said breaking up the teasing between them. "We have alot of work to do and I'm not letting anytime go to waste" she said glancing over at me and Harry. I found myself trying awfully hard not to start laughing. Emily gave me a stern look to put me in place. "Flo, could you do your routine to 'they don't know about us' behind the boys please. The other four boys jumped to their feet as I resumed my position behind them. 

I preferred to dance on my own sometimes. I didn't have to risk of noticeably going wrong or falling into anyone,the only risk was me falling over my own two feet. As the song drew to an end I began to feel like my old my again. Since the camera's had got involved it nerved me alot, I didn't like being in the public eye in a bad light. It also made me not bothered about eating, the less I eat the less people could judge me on my weight. Bella was the complete oppiostie, I knew last night many pictures would be taken of her hanging off of Niall.

Rehearsals were finally finished and I assumed I'd have to take Bella home aswell. "Floooooooooooo" Bella slurred. "Yes, how may I help you?"I asked her sipping the bottle of water Harry brought me. "Could you take me home?" she asked giving me her puppy dog eyes. "Don't I always?" I told her, agreeing. She nodded and grabbed her bag. Since the location of the studio's was found I was advised to park round the back of the building, away from the camera's. She trailed off to my car whilst I went and grabbed Harry. "Coming back to mine?" I asked him. "I certainly am" he said in a cheery voice. We began to walk to my car. I looked up to find Bella ,clearly, flirting with Niall. "Come on Bella" I said to her ,hopping in the car. Just before I got in a familiar young girl came running towards us. "Sorry to stop you but I'm Amelia's assistant , Eleanor, and she was just wondering if you had anytime off rehearsal Mr Styles and Miss Smith? For another meeting?" Eleanor said. As she said Amelia's name I let out and annoyed grunt. "Sorry but no. We are both rushed off our feet with rehearsals and not to be rude but couldn't she look at the schedule herself?" Harry said , trying to be as polite as possible.  "I don't know" she stuttered out. She shortly ran off looking awfully frightened. I wondered why she was working for Modest , she seemed too nice for them. 

"When did you have a meeting with her in the first place?" Bella asked as I drove off. "Oh it was the other day, nothing too important" Harry replied. "What did she want?" Bella asked , curious. "She wanted us to break up basically." I told Bella. I heard her let out a small gasp as my words. "What a douche" she replied. Bella still acted like a 12 year old most of the time and so did I , when I wanted to. We pulled up outside our building as it started to rain. "For gods sake! really?" I said as I gazed out at the rain. "Whoever gets inside first wins" Bell shouted jumping out the car and sprinting. I chased after her determined to win. I could see Harry trailing behind us. I took the first step through the door and claimed my victory. I loved acting like a kid. I loved being a kid too, no worries , just fun.

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