Chapter 29

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"Hey Flo, wake up"a highly familiar voice whispered, whilst shaking my shoulder. I turned around to find Bella leaning over me with a wide smile gleaming. "Heyyyy, you came!" I told her , I was a bit surprised. "Harry's just popped down to the shops to get some food. He said he'll be back soon" she explained to me placing a box of chocolates and some daisy's on the side. My eyes lit up at the sight of chocolate. "Gimmmeeee"I said childishly. We sat there talking for ages. Bella always cheered me up and made me laugh, which wasn't necessarily a good thing for my head. "Hey" I heard a patronizing voice call out to me, the doctor. "Hi" I replied. I hoped he'd let me go home. I had things to do and I needed to get everything perfect before rehearsals started again. "Basically you're doing fine and you can be let out this afternoon. Some painkillers will be provided for your head injury."He said wiping a false smile on his face. "Thanks" I said as he turned his back on me and waked out. "Yay you can go home" Bella squealed. I just wanted to be home now. 

"Your awake then" Harry said whilst strolling into the room. "I can go home this afternoon" I told him excitedly. He didn't look convincingly pleased. He gave me a weak smile. "Okay , the thing is some of the camera men are forming downstairs for your exit."He told me. I can't get away, even when I'm in my hospital bed they still won't leave me alone. "Oh for goodness sake! Can't I just have a bit of privacy!This is ridiculous. How do they even know I'm here?" I asked him. "Harry why don't you try and get them to bugger off before Flo leaves" Bella suggested. He nodded and walked out. My head started to throb, everything was getting too much again. 

After Harry left me and Bella carried on talking. I could tell she'd been with Niall alot since we'd been out the other night. They were spread across most newspapers and magazines , along with me and Harry. I could see Bella loved all the attention she got from the media, obviously they complete opposite to me. They didn't seem to publish bad things about Bella. It made me think what did I do wrong? Me and Bella were just the same but the media seemed to immediately hate me. "Hellllooooo" I heard a voice from the door. "Liam" I called out ,happy to see him. Liam was so caring and loving, no surprise he visited. "I'm gonna get a drink, anyone else want one?" Bella asked passing Liam at the door was. "No thanks" I called out. Liam came and sat next to me. "Honestly Flo, I feel so bad. I could see in your eyes ,at rehearsals, your weren't right. I could see you were falling apart. The morning you fainted I could tell something wasn't right . I should of helped you, I was going to, but you never stop working and rushing about I couldn't stop you" he said truly disappointed in his self.  "I'm not having another person blame themselves for this, its my fault I take full responablitly for all this." I told him. Why was everyone doing this?It's clear I wasn't looking after myself and this is my fault. "But at your audition you seemed so happy and pleased. As the weeks went by during rehearsals I could see everything getting to you. I could see the sadness, the stress behind your eyes and I didn't help you. I could see you slowly crumbling all because of the media attention and pressure. I'm sorry" he said. I heard his voice crack whilst he said this. I could see tears  forming in his eyes. I was slowly breaking everyday for the last month, but I didn't want anyone to know. I tired my hardest to hid it, no-one needed to know. "Liam I'm sorry but this isn't your fault, I love that you care so much but I'm here because of myself. Once I come out I won't let myself get this way again ,I promise." I told him. This whole experince was horrible but I did learn something from it. He smiled back at me "Harry needs to try his harder with protecting you"he said shaking his head. I must be missing something. From my eyes Harry was always there protecting me but to everyone else he was being useless. Before I started talking the nurse walked into the room. "Sorry to interrupt things but your discharged from the hospital" she said whilst handing me a small jar of painkillers. I sighed with relief. "Thank you" I told her as she removed the drips from my arm. 

Once the nurse had left Bella returned to help me get myself together. She had brought some clothes for me to change into. I was made to change into a hospital dress when I first woke. I changed into the clothes and tiptoed back into the room. I found Harry pacing around angrily. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I'm going to go, I'll drop by later" Bella said , hugging me gently and strolling out. "I'll see you soon" Liam said following her. I was worried, I'd never see Harry this angry. "They wouldn't leave,instead more appeared."He snapped. I was annoyed that I couldn't even leave without being bombarded with camera's. I looked at Harry with sorrow in my eyes. I was mostly scared about getting hurt. "I'll protect you"he said , still angry. He was a very protective boyfriend, I liked it. He picked up my bag and headed for the door. I quickly grabbed the flowers Bella had gave me. "Take my hand" he said placing his hand onto mine. I squeezed it tightly , I didn't want to ever let go. As we approached the door I looked out to see hundreds of camera's. What did they want? What was so interesting about me?I haven't even done anything. "Stay behind me" Harry demanded. I was worried, really worried. We raced out,my head began to throb as the flashes went off. All I could hear was shouting, I felt people grabbing me,it hurt. Harry carried on dragging me through. The flowers , that once were held in my hands, had disappeared. I felt so weak and scared. I was thrown into the car by Harry. I looked at my arms to find blood from the scratches the photographers had caused. As Harry hurdled in he noticed the cuts. "Did they do that?" he said. I could hear the angry rise in his voice. His was fuming. He sped off. "I hate them for doing this to you! They've actually physically hurt you!This is horrendous" he shouted. I didn't think it was right for Harry to drive whilst he was this angry. "Please Harry, Just focus on the road, if you don't we both could end up more hurt"I told him. I glanced over at him to see him taking a deep breathe, trying to control himself. "Sorry but sometimes I could just kill them"he yelled. I was honestly outraged at the way I was just treated. My arms went down from the redness but the scratches still stung,my head continued to throb. This was too far now. I really just wanted escape this but its not that easy.

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