Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We began to slowly stroll down the high street. I could tell by people's face that they knew who Harry was. "Do you want people to know your my girlfriend yet?"Harry asked quietly. This question completely shocked me , to be Harry's friend is one thing but to be his girlfriend is unbelievable. "Not just yet"I replied knowing the media aren't always truthful. "Okay if cameras appear just walk away and pretend like you don't know me" Harry said ,laughing nervously.

We popped into different sport shops. Harry tried to pay for everything but I wouldn't let him. I work extremely hard for my money therefore I'd like to spend it! "It's fine Harry ,it's my stuff anyway so I'm paying for it" I protested on the shop. He couldn't pay for everything. "Honestly it's fine just take it , as a treat" he said sneakily passing me £20. "Nope I'm paying"I strongly told him. "Your so stubborn"he told me whilst I gave the woman behind the till the money. "I know" I said proudly. As me and Harry carried on small talking I could see, out the corner of my eye, the shop assistant eying him up. A jealous rage came over and I felt like showing her that he was mine but grabbing his perfectly shaped waist and pressing myself up against him tightly , but I knew I couldn't. She passed me over the bags and I smile politely but what I was saying in my head was a different story.

Almost every shop we went in some woman would I eye him up. I don't know why but this made me insanely jealous. "You alright?"Harry asked curiously. He must of noticed the envy rise in my eyes as the 100th women checked him out. "Yeah fine"I replied trying to hide the annoyed tone in my voice.

We carried on shopping until we came to a costa and trailed in. Harry knew I wanted Starbucks but it was closed so I decided to settle for Costa. I told Harry to sit down and I'd get the drinks. Every time we've been out he's brought me something and the guilt was beginning to dwell on me. After a small quibble about it I went and ordered and waited. "Do you want me to take you to rehearsals tomorrow?"Harry asked me as I placed his coffee down. "If that's okay?"I replied trying to be as polite as possible. He nodded and we continued with our funny conversations.

We left shortly after and strolled back to my flat. "If I'm taking you to work tomorrow wouldn't it be easier to stay here for the night?" He asked. When he asked he seemed to act slightly different, not as innocent as before. "Sure but I'm going to have to pop into to Bella's for a bit. Do you mind?" I asked him thinking that it wouldn't be a problem. "Sure I'll pop over to mine quickly to get some clothes and stuff when you go to hers" he replied in a cheerful voice.

We got in and just sat on the sofa for a bit. We watched TV and talked really. "I'm going over to Bella's" I told him before swiftly jumping up. "Okay I'll leave once your gone. Text me when your back in?"he exclaimed laying back in to the sofa. "Sure" I replied whilst watching him jump to his feet and stroll over to me placing his cup, which once had a drink in it, on the kitchen side before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I loudly knocked on Bella's door. Next think I knew Bella was standing infront of me smiling widely. "WE START TOMORROW"she yelled at me. I was quite taken back at first, spending the day with Harry seemed kind of quiet but we'd always be talking and then Bella just screamed in my face all the time. I let a slight scream and ran in. Bella started making me a cup of tea. I was standing by the door and heard Harry's slow, long footsteps trail off down the corridor. I smiled with relief knowing that they wouldn't come in contact for a while.

"Hey Flo what you doing?sit down you weirdo"I heard Bella call out to me as I realised I was still by the door daydreaming. I let out a laugh and plonked myself next to her. Our usual screaming continued. "I wonder what Harry will be like tomorrow?" She asked me, I felt myself blush at the mention of his name. "I bet his really sweet and lovey and kind and just perfect" I answered almost dazing off again. "Mmmm yeah" she said as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I slide it out to find a text from Harry. 'Don't be too long! I'm missing you already" I began to smile . "Who's that?"Bella asked curiously. My mind was set on not telling her about us. "Just my mum wishing me good luck for tomorrow" I lied. I felt to so bad lying to her but there was no other options. 'Missing you too!Bella's keeping me good company ;)' I text back quickly shoving my phone deep in my pocket.

We decided to watch a film. I knew this would be long .I knew Harry be waiting for me to tell him to come back over but knowing someone actually desperately wanted to see me excited me a little. The film came to a gentle end so I texted Harry to come back over. "Want to share a lift tomorrow?" Bella asked. Oh no what was I suppose to say to that? I couldn't tell her Harry was taking me. "I'm really sorry but I popping over to mums in the morning , before I go."I lied again to her . I hated this so much I couldn't wait to tell her the truth. "Ermm okay,if your that desperate to make up at stupid excuse like that then I won't take you"she said laughing a little. I looked at her laughing "it's not like that bells" I responded. She looked at me and shooed me put jokingly.

I stepped into my flat chucking myself on the sofa. I began to almost fall asleep but a small, gentle knock was at the door. I swung it open to find Harry standing there with a bag.

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