Chapter 23

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"Where the hell are you?" I texted Bella after knocking on her door at 9am. Rehearsals had been put back to 11am. "Still not replying?" Harry asked , leaning against the kitchen wall. You could tell he was tired, we didn't go to bed till late. The way he was leaning against the wall made him look so dark and mysterious. I really just wanted to push him up against the white wash wall and kiss him passionately but I didn't. "Nope" I told him flinging the front door open and banging on her door again. My flat was opened out, all the rooms continued out into eachother, besides the bedroom and bathroom and dance studio. You could see almost everything just by standing at the front door. I felt so guilty now that Bella didn't come home. I should of took her home with me and Harry or came and picked her up later on at night."Maybe she's with Niall?" Harry suggested. That's exactly where she must of been. I signed with relief as we found a reasonable explanation for her disappearance. "I'll ring Niall" Harry said , dialing his number and pressing the phone to his ear. "You alright mate?"Harry asked Niall. I heard a groaney mumble from down the phone. "Sorry to wake you mate I was just wondering if Bella was with you?" Harry asked hopeful. I heard a small yes from the phone and felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. "Cheers take her to rehearsals and we'll bring her in some clothes"he said before hanging up the phone. "Thanks Harry" I said gratefully. "One of my many pleasures" he said cheekily. Harry made me laugh so much with his innuendoes, sometimes it would take me a bit of time to catch on. "Well now everythings fine I'm going to have a quick practice in the studio" I told harry backing off into the bedroom to get changed. I dressed myself and then found some smaller clothes to give to Bella. The whole way through the last year of college I was the one to back her up when she was introuble, the one who would clean her sick when she'd drunk too much or when she'd slept around and didn't have any clothes for class, so I was use to cleaning up after her.

I trailed past Harry,who was lazing about watching tv, and straight into the studio. I plugged on my music and began to improve and correct my choreography for 'They Don't Know About Us'. I wasn't the best at remembering things, ironic to be a dancer. At school I was awful at languages, I could remember the basics but when it went past simple sentences I'd be completely baffled with how people managed to remember everything. I decided to run through once more before we left. I went the whole way through , without one mistake, it felt so good to finally do something right. I strolled out the room after uplugging my phone. "Shall we go my lady?" Harry said in a stupid, posh accent. " We shall" I replied going on long with it. I felt a arm on my leg and my back. All of a sudden I was being picked up and taken to the kitchen and placed on the counter. "What are you doing? We have to go" I told harry ,laughing, before he put me down. He leaned forward quickly and pushed his rosy lips against mine. "Best way start the day" he said pulling back leaving me completely flustered. "Could you get me some water?" I asked him trying to recover from that flawless kiss. He grabbed into my empty fridge and chucked me the last bottle of water. "Come here" Harry said walking round and taking me down from the counter. Harry was so tall, when I'd look up to face him all I would get was his luscious curls being planted in my face.

We left the flat and I decided to drive this time. I was strange changing from a gigantic Range rover to a small mini. I loved my car. "Get in" I told Harry after unlocking it. "Right lets go" I said turning up the radio and driving off. "Your going to have to tell me where to go" I said to Harry. Aswell as not being very good at remembering different languages I was also hopeless at remembering routes and directions. Good thing I have Harry. We managed to only get lost once, kinda of a record for me. "Nice one Flo" Harry laughed at me. "Well were Here now aren't we?" I asked him knowing I was pretty hopeless. I turned it to find more flashing lights being faced to my car from behind gates I forgotten about the craziness of last night. I pulled into the furtherest slot from the paparazzi. "Damn they found out the studio's" Harry whispered. "Atleast there not just aiming their camera's at us." I told him looking on the brighter side. I ran in. Something about their flashing lights made me uneasy and extremely self paranoid. We both wedged our selves through the door. I stumbled straight in to Zayn , who lucky grabbed me , saving me from a fall. "Wow. Watch your step" Zayn slurred, placing me upright. "Thanks. Better in here than out there" I said. I always feel over. I became immune to the embarrassment. I left Zayn and Harry to talk and ran over and grabbed Bella. "Go now and get changed!" I said , shoving clothes at her. "Shhh your so loud" She whispered. Oh god she had a hangover. I loved Bella but she wasn't very responsible. "Take my water. Just drink it." I told her , giving her my only bottle of water. She stumbled off to the toilet. 

I walked into the studio to find it was only me and Georgia in there. "Hi" she said as I plonked myself next to her ,beginning to stretch aswell. "Hi. Where's everyone?" I asked her curiously. "Maybe traffic" she said , not too sure herself. Bella stumbled back in wearing the clothes I'd given her. I left Georgia and ran over to her. "You really couldn't pick up your phone?I was worried sick! and you couldn't even text me to tell me you were safe with Niall?" I asked her. After I said this I began to find myself sounding like her mother. "Sorry! Did you see all the camera's last night?fun huh?" she said being deadly serious. As I said Bella loved attention on her. "Maybe for you" I said to her turning my head to watch all the other girls stumble in just on time. "How was your night with Niall?" I asked deciding to be happy that she got with Niall. "I wish I could tell you but I can't remember anything" she told me, I could tell she felt bad by the look in her eyes. "oh god Bella! real classy" I replied laughing. "Everyone up time for rehearsal." called out Emily's voice, immediately stopping all conversation. Everyone got up and obtained their normal positions.

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