Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 

As we pulled up to the studios I felt as if the whole butterfly population wereflying around in my stomach. 

"You gone in first?"he said smiling at me softly. I'd never been so nervous over a job before. "Ermm okay"I said trembling as I placed my hand on the door. "It will all be fine. Meet in the car park when we've finished and I'll drive you home"he said to me as I slowly leap out. "Okay thank you"I said to him closing the door and slowly trailing off to the studio.  

"BELLA" I shouted as I ran over to her. She gave me a stern look and carried on storming off. I ran over to her immediately. "Is everything okay?have I done something wrong?" I asked whilst I began to reflect over all the things I've done in the last day. We drove off too quickly for her of spotted us in the car. "You didn't decided to tell me about your little boyfriend" she shouted at me. I stared back at her in shocked. How could she of know about Harry? We've kept it quiet, yet she knows? "How do you know about that?"I asked her with sorrow filling my eyes. "You we're in the corridor this morning and I heard what he said" she told me beginning to walk again. I thought over mine and Harry's conversation at the door, about last night, and it was obvious to tell what it was about. "Bella I'm so sorry . I wanted to tell you but I really couldn't!" I said to her.  

I can't believe how stupid I'd been. I thought I hid it from her well and thought about where it could get risky but I clearly didn't think of everything.  

"I thought we were best friends?" She said looking at me with doubt. I hated seeing her upset and it was even worse because I was the reason why . "I'm sorry I couldn't let it get out!you can't tell anyone now you know?" I asked ,hoping she'd turn for the best and be happy for me. Instead she just nodded and walked off.  

As I turn I seen a tall figure walking towards me, I could tell it was Harry. I refused to risk everything even more so I walked away from him and into the studio. 

I walked in to find Bella standing at the door, looking rather pale. "Are you alright?" I asked her knowing she was just as nervous as me. "I'm fine" she snapped defensively. I couldn't blame for being annoyed but I decided I'd help her whether she wanted me to or not. "It fine bells , once we get started it will all be fine" I told her, not believing my own words. She slightly nodded and we walked into the studio. As we walked in around 6 other dancers were in there. I immediately began to panic. "It's fine Flo" Bella said trying to reassure me , I could tell she was still mad at me though. I placed my bag down and started to stretch, as I glanced around all the girls looked rather friendly and sweet.  

As small dark haired girl approached me "hi I'm Megan" she said with a sweet smile ,sticking her hand out to help me up. "Hi I'm Flo" I replied grabbing her hand and jumping up. "Nervous?"she asked looking extremely nervous herself. I nodded worryingly. "In to the middle girls"Emily shouted as the clock hit 7.30am.  

We began to learn routines and practice them. As each new dance was formed I continued to find myself being placed at the front. As the choreography continued being taught the 5 boys walked in slowly observing us. Whilst I was dancing I couldn't help but smile at Harry.  

Harry was the one who convinced me to go in when I felt like I wasn't good enough, I owe a lot to him. As we ran through a couple of dances and then the boys were added in I found myself calming down slowly, I was still extremely nervous but I could keep myself under control. The day went on and consisted of the same thing until Emily summoned us home.  

Everyone began grabbing their things and strolling down the their cars. "Bella wait! I need to talk to you"I shouted making her turn around to face me. "What?"She asked in a harsh tone. "Can I come over to night to explain everything to you?"I asked hopefully. "Okay whatever" she said as if she didn't care but I knew she did. I nodded at her and she began to trial off to her car.  

I waited for Harry by the entrance for a while. 'Hi mum, rehearsals went well still immensely nervous though Flo x' I texted my mother just to let her know I was doing fine. Once I sent the message Harry came strolling out with the other lads. "You did well Flo"they said to me as they walked off to their cars. Me and Harry walked over to the car and both jumped in. "Bella knows"I said ,with a panic in my voice. He let out a small sigh and we drove off.

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