Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

I was sharply woken up to a screaming alarm clock. I slid on my dance leggings and a tight grey t-shirt and ran into the kitchen to make a quick cup of tea. Once the kettle had boiled and I had made my cup of tea and strolled over to the dance room. The dance studio was my favourite room in my flat. It was massive with white wash walls and smooth oak floor boards and my favourite part was the gigantic wall of mirrors. Every step you took or leap you made you could see.  

I put my music on and just let my body flow. I glided round the room watching every step I took. When I was small I never thought I was good enough, never had the courage or confidence to believe in myself but as I grew older and more people began to notice my talent I slightly gained more trust in my ability to dance. 

I was trying my hardest and really pushing myself during that rehearsal. As I began a new song I could hear a faint knock at the door. With sweat dripping down my face I hoped it would be no-one important . As I threw open the door a familiar brown haired boy was standing infront of me. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my top and smiled slightly. How embarrassing Harry Styles is standing infront of me looking absolutely perfect and then I'm drench in my own sweat ,looking disgusting.  

"You never texted me?!" Harry said looking rather disappointed. Crap! I knew I forgot to do something but I didn't think it was that important. "Oh my god I'm sooooooooo sorry I didn't have enough time! I went to Bella's and she was telling me how she got in too! Without me knowing and I told her I was in and then we talked for ages and I got back and fell asleep. I couldn't do it this morning because-" I was interrupted by Harry telling me it was fine. As I stared at him I realised how real everything is. I could of never of dreamed that he'd be standing infront of me now telling me off for not texting him!  

He stumbled in and sat down on the sofa. " What have you been doing this morning?"he said intrigued by the water still seeping through my skin. "Oh just practicing " I told him whilst making us tea. "I didn't realise how big this place is if it has a dance studio?!"Harry shockingly said. He really did look cute when he frowned. His lightly tanned forehead wrinkled up and his deep green eyes began to fill with realisation. "It's not that big really? It's cosy" I said to him whilst passing him a cup of tea and then dropping onto the sofa.  

Our conversation was stopped by my phone ringing. I looked down to see that it was Emily. "Hello" I answered quickly not wanting to waste any of her time. "Yeah hi. Rehearsals start on Monday at 7.30am at the Sony Dance studios"she said sharply. "Okay thank you bye" I said almost spilling my tea with excitement. "Rehearsals start on Monday for me" I told Harry. He let out a cheeky grin "I'm so happy for you, I guess I might be there too and I'll get to meet your friend too , Bella?" He said sweetly. Oh no I haven't even mentioned me and Harry being friends to her and when they meet she's going to kill me for not telling her! "Bella doesn't need to know just yet about our friendship" I told him hoping he wouldn't be annoyed. "Why? Am I too embarrassing for you?"he said adding a small wink. "No it's just she'll over exaggerate and jump to conclusions about our friendship" I told him with my eyes pleading him not to tell her just yet. "And would her jumping jumping to conclusions be so bad"he said slowly leaning in towards me resting his soft , pink lips onto of mine.  

As he pulled away after a couple of seconds I found myself just staring at him. He let out a chuckle and rested his large ,soft hands onto of mine. "Are you alright?" He asked me with concern. I hadn't said anything in around 30 seconds, which is very unusual for me. "Yeah I'm fine, but you kissing me just came as a bit of a shock!" I told him trying not to sound too lame.  

Suddenly I heard a loud knock at the door "FLO OPEN UP ITS BELLS I NEED SOMEONE TO SCREAM WITH"she shouted through me door. "Can you go hide in my bedroom please whilst I talk to her. "Sure" Harry said in a sweet,Husky voice. I watched him trail off to my room as I walked to the door.  

"OMG OMG REHEARSALS ON MONDAY"she screamed. Excitement was clearly oozing out of her. Before I could reply she leaped down the corridor and back shouting bye and she slammed the door after entering her flat.

I closed the door and turned around to find Harry slowly peering his head round the door. I let out a small giggle at him as he crept out towards me. "She seemed rather excited" he said, stating the obvious. "She's not afraid of showing her feelings"I said laughing. "I wish I could stay for longer but I have to meet the boys but dinner tonight?"he asked quickly. "Sure what time?"I asked causally , secretly screaming inside. "I'll pick you up at 6"he said giving me a kiss before running out the door.

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