Chapter 30

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I slowly glided the door open into my flat. It felt good to be home and out of that horrible hospital. Harry stormed in and straight into the kitchen shortly after me. I strolled into the kitchen after him. He slammed his fist on the work surface. I couldn't help but feel even more attracted to him when he was angry. I really wanted to run into him and slam my lips onto his and enjoy a passionate kiss but I knew it wasn't the right time. I was originally fuming about what happened when we exited the hospital but as I thought about it in the car I became more upset. "Please make this all go away Harry" I pleaded to him as tears ran down my face. I closed my eyes and felt a pair of long,warm arms rap themselves around me. It felt horrible to know I couldn't go anywhere without being followed or even hurt. "I wish I could take this all away. Seeing you get hurt because of me breaks my heart. I need to protect you more! I'm so sorry"he whispered into my ear. I loved Harry so much but being him was hard, much harder than I originally thought. "I love you"he whispered again. I could tell he really meant it. "I love you too" I replied. I did love Harry but I didn't love the attention I got for being with him. Harry pulled his body back and glanced at my face. He began to wipe my tears away. I could see in his eyes how much all of this was hurting him. I was transfixed on his beautiful, gleaming eyes. The anger was slowly disappearing from them and was being replaced with guilt. I didn't want him to feel guilty. He may be the reason why they are there but his not the reason why the media destroys peoples lives. "Please Harry, stop blaming yourself"I said throwing myself into his chest. He didn't say anything. I pulled myself away and strolled off. I heard him sigh as I walked off. I was beginning to become annoyed at Harry. I've told him none of this is his fault yet he won't listen.

I threw myself on the sofa and turned on the tv. I could hear Harry pouring himself a drink. He strolled in and plonked himself next to me. I moved away from him. "What did I do?" he asked confused. "You won't bloody listen to me. I've told you that this isn't your fault but you seem to refuse to let yourself believe me" I moaned. Harry's face completely dropped. "I can't let myself believe you. I don't want this to be my fault but who else's is it going to be. Florence they've actually hurt you this time and I let that happen."he said throwing his face into his hands. I was the one that felt guilty now. I could see he was crying. I shuffled over to him and placed my face under his hands. I pulled a funny face to make him laugh. My eyes light up to see his usual cheeky grin return. "Stop it" He said jokingly. "Food?" I asked trying to take the conversation in a better direction. Ever since I'd woke up I'd been hungry. I wanted to go out but I wasn't sure I wanted to risk being caught. I had been in the stuffy hospital for over 24 hours and the only fresh air I managed to get came with being attacked. I needed to go out. "Harry could we go out please?" I asked him, not sure what he'd reply. "If you want to , lets go somewhere quiet" he suggested. I nodded whilst getting up. I fell back onto the sofa due to my head pounding violently. "Heyy are you okay?" Harry said getting up and hovering over me. "Yeah bit of head rush" I told him as he helped me up again. I felt rather unstable but I was hungry. "Lets have a walk and go down to the cafe, sit at the back aye?"Harry asked. "Sure" I replied ,sold on the idea of walking freely. We both strolled out of the flat and out of the building.

The fresh air felt nice. It felt good to be able to walk out into deserted streets and not be immediately met by flashing lights and aggressive shouting. I felt Harry's warm, large hand puzzle its self into mine. Harry's hands were always soft and never cold, they were perfect. We walked into the cafe and sat at the back, positive no-one would know we were here. "May I take your o-"the girl stopped half way through her sentence. Her face grew bright red,with excitement, and she began to squeal happily. "Your Harry Styles"she stuttered staring at him in shock. "And your Florence Smith" she said turning to face me. To my surprise she seemed a tad excited to see me, and she knew who I was too. "You're my favorite girlfriend. Oh my gosh your dancing is incredible" she said to me , deadly serious. It made me feel good that not everyone hated me. It had been the first time in a while that I actually felt good about my decisions. She continued to excitedly talk to Harry and me. "I can't believe I'm taking your order" she said whilst penciling down our words. "Could you not tell anyone we are here though?" Harry asked politely. She nodded happily, you could tell she was completely overwhelmed. "She's alot nicer than the waitress from that other restaurant we went to"I said to Harry as the young girl walked off. "Defiantly and she won't let anyone know we're here"he replied. As Harry spoke to me I could see the girl walking towards us with our food. As I turned to face her I watched her fall straight onto her back, food flying everywhere. I leaped up to her aid. "Heyy are you alright?" I asked her , whilst kneeling down by her side. "Yeah fine. Just extremely embarrassed that I just fell over infront of my two idols" she replied. I stared at her whilst she said that. I knew that her calling me one of her idols would stick with me for life. "I wouldn't worry about it. I fall over too many times I lost count" I reassured her. I helped her up to her feet and started to clean up the mess that was made. I turned around to find Harry bending down and helping too. I seen Harry give me a small smile. I spun around to see the young waitress bright red with embarrassment. "I'll clean this up" I told her whilst she stood up. "Thank you so much, I honestly don't know why people portray you as such a bad person, your lovely" she said down to me. I stood up to face her. "Thank you , its nice to know not everyone hates me" I told her. "Not everyone does hate you, lots of people know everything thats publicized isn't true. There are alot of people wanting you and Harry together so don't let the others stop you"she said smiling. "Thanks"I replied. "I'll start again with your food." she said laughing, she strolled off. Her comments really meant something to me. I was beginning to think that I was doing everything wrong, that being with Harry wasn't the best idea, no matter how much I loved him, but she just re-lighted the hope that had disappeared inside of me. Me and Harry both crouched down picking up the pieces of broken china. "I told you that everything would be alright"He smugly smirked. I normally hated it when Harry was right but this time I don't think I could of been happier.

We'd cleaned up the mess that was made and sat back down. "And here's your food"she said as she placed it on the table. "And you don't need to pay because you cleaned up my mess" she said trying to laugh the embarrassment off. "That was nothing"Harry told her. She walked off and left us to eat. As I began to tuck in I looked up at Harry. "I'm paying, she's a lovely girl. I feel bad for her, I'd run out crying if the first time I met you I dropped your food." I told Harry. "She seems like a nice girl"Harry said not really paying attention to my words, more his food. As we finished I felt alot better, it was nice to eat some food. "Hey" Harry called over to the waitress. She sharply turned around and rushed over. "How much is it all?" I asked. "I told you ,nothing"she replied. I hated not paying for things when I had the money. I didn't like letting other people pay for me either. "No please I insist on paying"Harry told her. "Fine" she scurried off to get the check. "Hey I've go this. You sat by my hospital bed , protected me the best you could and never stopped loving when I wasn't right in myself I'm sure you can let me pay for a meal?" I told him. Seeing Harry blush made my heart melt, he looked so angelic and perfect. "Nope"he surprisingly refused. I looked up at him painting a shocked look on my face. "Whatever"I said to him as he laid the money down on the table. The waitress rushed back over and placed the check on our table. Before we left she tapped Harry on the shoulder. "Excuse me but could I have a picture with you?"she asked. "Of course" Harry said. "I'd be happy to take it." I said going to grab her phone. "No I want you in it aswell" she said laughing. I was gob-smacked that I was actually wanted in a picture. An older woman,maybe this girls mum, came out of the kitchen and took the phone. I stood there smiling for the photo, utterly shocked that I seemed to find someone who actually appreciated me and didn't hate me. "Thank you" she said once the picture was taken. "Its fine"Harry said smiling at her and walking outside. "Thank you for being nice to me, its been a while since a fan said nice things"I told her. "Your a sweet girl. I wouldn't take notice of the other fans. They don't know you so why let them judge" she said nudging my shoulder. "Yeah I guess" I said before thanking her and strolling out to meet Harry. It was freezing outside. Harry's arm rested itself around my shoulders to keep me warm as we strolled home peacefully. No running from cameras,just us.

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