Chapter 27

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"The doctors have said you need to say for an extra day or two, just to monitor your improvement."Harry told me. I rolled my eyes. I told them I was fine. I guess they didn't believe me. "I'll stay here with you the whole time" Harry said sitting down in the chair next to the bed. I smiled across at him. I could see he was upset with himself for letting me get to this state "None of this is your fault you know?Don't blame yourself! I'm the one who got myself here by not looking after myself properly."I told him , I refused to let him blame himself for this mess. "If I didn't drag you into all this, let you get victimised by the media, you wouldn't be in hospital!If I was a proper boyfriend!"He said. "Hey no!that is not the case!I know you wouldn't wish all this unwanted attention on anyone! This is not your fault. You've been the best boyfriend and more!" I told him. I could see he didn't take in my words. "Please Harry, just believe me?" I asked him. "It's not that I don't believe you but I know that this is my fault"he said as guilt washed through his eyes. "Hey Flo , glad to see you awake" Louis called from the doorway. "Heyyyyy" I said looking away from Harry. I was annoyed with Harry, I knew I was the only one to blame for this, why couldn't he accept this? "Harry I need to talk to you?" he said. "I'll be back in a second" he said. I watched him stroll out to meet Louis. I expected for Louis to close the door but he didn't. "You know this is your fault!You shouldn't of let the camera's near her, you shouldn't of let her become so upset!You knew she didn't want the camera's, so why did you let them get her?!" Louis hissed at Harry. I could see Harry's head drop to stare at the floor. "I tried! I couldn't stop them. I could see her becoming more upset by the day. I sat there whilst she drowned herself in her own tears!Do you really think I wanted her to get into this horrible , never ending cycle of the media! I love her so much. Seeing her like this breaks my heart so much. I can barely live with myself knowing that I've caused all this" Harry snapped. The words from both of their mouths both stuck to me. This isn't Harry fault but the camera's are only there for him. "Mate you've really dragged her into something" Louis said. I could see him reach for Harry's shoulder. "Just try to protect her more." he said to Harry. "I want to , so bad, but I don't know what else I can do to protect her. I have to make this up to her." I heard Harry say before patting Louis on the back and walking back in.

"Hey" Harry slurred. I could tell he'd been crying from the rawness of his eyes. "What did they say then?" Louis asked. I could tell he was thinking about me and Harry. "A couple more days and I'll be healthy and out"I answered. Harry seemed to be transfixed on my progress board that he'd picked up before sitting down. "Like you could understand any of that science stuff" I teased Harry before flicking him in the head. I glanced over to what he was reading. It was all graphs, they all seemed average. "I'm very smart you know?"he said, very sure of himself. "Sure"Louis said before we all burst out laughing. It hurt my head to laugh but I couldn't help it. 

"Oh my gosh! Flo are you okay?" I heard a familar, sarcastic voice from the door. I turned to see Amelia and Eleanor standing at the door. "What do you want?" I snapped with anger. I couldn't believe her, pretending to be worried about my health. Knowing Amelia she'd probably pull out all the wires from my skin to get Harry. "I came to check your okay?" she said rushing over to my bed, Eleanor shortly following. "I'm fine" I hissed. I hated her. "I can't believe this. And Harry how are you?" she asked turning everything to Harry. I didn't like unwanted attention but considering I was on a drip , with many wires dug into my skin, I would of thought Harry wasn't the main concern. "I don't think your concern should be me at the moment" Harry told her. She walked over to him and stood as close to his chair as she possibly could. I smiled greatly when Harry put her in her place. "Well Florence I'm truly sorry to see you in such an awful state. You look horrendous!" she said to me with a smug smile. I swear to god if wasn't connected to all this drips I would of got up and slapped her. "I know!" I replied trying not to let her win. "So Harry. I heard you saved Florence's life.Your such a hero.Think about amazing it going to look in the papers?"she told Harry. "It's not going to be in the paper. Flo is not going in papers anymore. The media is the reason she's in hospital,I'm not letting her get to this state again." he shouted at her. I couldn't help but smile. Amelia looked down at him in shock. "Fine" she hissed turning to pay attention to me. "Well Mr Styles and Miss Smith I'd much appericate it if you would co-operate with me and my assistant about a meeting"she said. She turned and gave a sharp look at me once she'd finished speaking. I turned to face Eleanor. I couldn't believe how Amelia just treated her like a piece of dirt. "Her names Eleanor not ' assistant'!"I told her. I turned to face Eleanor. A small smile was breaking out on her face. "I want a coffee, want a coffee?" Louis said asking Harry. Louis and Harry obviously knew she was a complete nut case and just wanted to wind me up by leaving me with her. "Nuuhhooo don't-"I tried to stop them but they ran out laughing.  "Eleanor could you leave for a moment please?" Amelia asked. I watch Eleanor scurry off, I suddenly felt in danger. "You listen here, I've been trying to get Harry and I will get him. I will do anything to get him! So watch out" She spat at me. I felt frighten of her but I wasn't going to let that stop me from pushing her buttons. "Well that's a shame isn't it because his mine and for now  your just going to have to expect the fact that his with me" I told her. I seen her face go red with envy. She was fuming. "I will break up your relationship ,trust me" she hissed. "I wouldn't trust you with a goldfish" I told her mockingly. I tried to make it as if her words didn't phase me but she made me really scared that I'd gone through all this stress to be with Harry for nothing. After she'd spat her words out at me I turned to see Eleanor at the door. She looked horrified with what she'd just seen. "Uhm sorry I didn't mean to intrude but they need you down at the office" Eleanor stuttered out. "That could of waited! You can't do anything right. Your completely useless. And for you Miss Smith, watch out"she slurred as she trailed off. I really hated her.

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