Chapter 22

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"I can't believe Amelia . She's been like this with every girlfriend I've had. She's always worried about losing the 'fans'. Well if they're real fans they'll be happy I'm in love" he said. I froze still when he said he was in love. I couldn't believe it Harry really loved me. "Love?" I asked him , not believing him the first time. I wasn't pretty, nor super skinny, I was really sensitive , why would he love me? "Yeah. I love you" he said, dangerously taking his eyes off the road. I let out a small gasp as he said them three words. I thought about it. I did love Harry, I loved him alot. "I love you too" I said , resting my hand on top of his. We both sat there smiing like fools. I turned up the radio to find Grimmy on. Nick was a good friend of Harry's. I always listened to him in the mornings when I was at school to set me in a good mood. "And here is Olivia Simpson" he said as a loud clap was played. I once danced for Cody Simpson at the beginning of my career and became good friends with his girlfriend,Olivia. They were both around 25 years old and both lovely people. The best thing about Olivia was she started out as a fan too and met Cody by singing, I had hope. As they chatted away I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. He was the perfect boy,even if he still worked in a bakery in Cheshire I would want to be with him. 

"Can I come in" Harry asked cheekily . "No" I said extremely sarcastically. We both hopped out and ran across the street into the building to escape the cold. We started walking up the stairs as we passed Bella all dressed up. "And where are you going?" I asked her. She was the complete to opposite to me. Whenever there was an event or we went out I was never one to dress up but Bella would come out looking like a brown haired barbie. She always looked stunning and loved getting all the attention, so I didn't bother competing. As  I looked at Bella I thought to myself , why didn't Harry go for her? I mean she was so much pretty than me, she'd eat the whole of McDonalds and still wake up a stick and then there was me, nothing special, eats a biscuit and puts on a stone. "Out with Niall" she said, almost screaming. "You two are getting around" Harry said, jokingly to me and Bella. He was right me and Bella had been on the scene for about a month and we'd already managed to grab ourselves 2 members of One Direction. "Would you like to come?I'm sure Niall won't mind?" she asked, looking at her phone for the time. "Sure" Harry said , answering for the both of us. "Okay go and get changed" Bella said, shooing us off quickly. "You have 5 minutes"she shouted as we ran down the corridor. "I'll quickly ring Niall to tell him. I just need to change my top and I'll be ready" Harry said pressing his phone against his perfectly shaped ear, which was hidden by his long, dark locks. "Okay I'll be two seconds" I said flinging open the door to the flat and dashing over to my room. I slipped on a pair off plain, black leggings and a white top. I finished off the outfit with a pink blazer and a pair of black pumps. I ran out of the room whilst Harry ran in. Harry had seemed to of made a collection clothes at my flat, he practically lived at mine now. He ran out, grabbing my keys, and heading for the door.

"What took you so bloody long. You two and your cheeky business" she said, insisting we'd been up to something besides changing. I looked at her ,jokingly,rolling my eyes. Bella made us run down the stairs. "Alright Bells,Harry rung Niall to tell him we'd be a little bit late" I told her jumping into the back of her car ,trying to catch my breathe. "You could of told me that before, I wouldn't of made you rush" she said , letting out an annoyed sigh. Me and Harry sat in the back together whilst Bella drove off. I hated letting Bella drive, she didn't really take that much care on the roads. By the end of the night I knew that , if she didn't go home with Niall, I'd end up being the one driving. I never drunk, I didn't like the taste of alcohol, so if Bella managed to drag me out I'd end up taking everyone home,if they weren't sleeping around.

We walked into the restaurant to find Niall , sitting by himself, at the back. He called us over. Me and Harry walked hand in hand, but not too obviously. Bella ran towards him,parking herself next to him. By the time me and Harry made it to the table Bella already had Niall indulged in conversation. Once she'd shut up he turned to face me and Harry. "Alright" he said noddin at us both, pushing his lips into his mouth. The dinner was rather pleasant. Me and Harry just sat there talking to eachother, like always, while Bella and Niall chattered away all night. "We're going to hit some clubs, wanna come?" Bella slurred, slightly drunk. I didn't like clubbing. When I went to clubs it consisted of weirdo men coming up to me trying to get with me. "No I'll pass" I said thinking about pervious nights. "Harry?" Niall asked him , giving him a weird look. "I guess not" Harry said , looking strangely at Niall. "Take my car, I'll get a taxi home" Bella said passing me her keys. Just before me and Harry left a young waiter came up to us. "Excuse me, there are quite alot of camera men are outside. Would you like to exit through the back?" he said to us. I looked up at Harry shocked. "Yes please. Thank you."he answered the man, looking a bit disappointed. "Atleast we got a warning this time"I said trying to be lighthearted about it. We strolled round to the back door, where we were met with a ice cold breeze. "We're going to have to pass them. Just kept your head down." he told me grabbing my hand and leading me to the car. Harry dragged me behind him , protecting me with his tall,lean body. 

Harry ran round pulling me behind him. As we got almost footsteps away from the car flashing lights were thrown in my face. I ran through and crashed into the car. We both got in and sighed. Without seconds of being in the car Harry zoomed off to avoid the car from getting swamped with people.

I was going to have to get use to exiting out the back door.

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