Chapter 26

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I woke up with a headache. Last night was pretty hectic. I could still faintly see the flashing lights at the back of my mind. "Hey Flo, wake up we have to go." Harry said gently shaking my shoulder.  "Alright I'm up" I told him , waking myself up gradually. I felt the bed springs go up when he jumped out. I opened my eyes to find Harry crouching down next to me. "Heyy are you alright?" He asked, placing his warm hand on my shoulder. "Yeah fine" I lied. I wasn't fine, my head was beginning to throb more and more. As I got up I fell back down onto the bed. "Wow are you sure your okay?" he asked grabbing me. "Yeah , head rush" I told him. I got a shower and changed, I seemed to feel better. I still felt a bit unsteady, but I could control myself.

"I'll drive us today" Harry said. I nodded at him before stumbling over to Bella's to get her. "Bella come on , were going to be late!" I shouted through the door. I heard nothing. "Harry she's not asnwering" I shouted back to Harry before knocking again. I knew she'd been out and I'd have to pick up the pieces. I loved Bella, she was my bestfriend, but sometimes I wish she was more resposnable and didn't depend on me so much. I rung Bella to make sure she was okay. "Hey!where are you?" I asked frantically down the phone. "Ermm Niall's , could you bring me so clothes again please?" she asked. I really didn't need this. I had all this work and rehearsal to do, the camera's to deal with and now Bella to clean up after. "Fine" I told her sharply before hanging up the phone and stopping her next sentence. I threw my phone down on the side before taking a slow deep breathe. I felt a long pair of arms wrap them self around me slowly. "It will all be fine soon" Harry said , kissing me on the head. I wriggled out of his arms and went to collect a drink. "Empty!" I said disappointed in myself for not getting some shopping. "I'll get you some water at the studios, its all fine" He said. Lately I'd been getting all worked up over the smallest things. 

I followed Harry's long strides to the car. Getting into his car seemed so much effort today. My mini was tiny compared to his monster of a car. I pulled myself in and flopped onto the seat. "Are you sure your alright to go to rehearsals?" Harry asked , doubting my words. "I told you I was fine!" I snapped at him. I seen his face drop, I knew I'd upset him. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap, everythings getting a bit too crazy for me lately"I told him. I heard him let out a small sign before turning into the studios. "It's fine, I wish you just talked to me more about things"he said. I normally kept myself to myself, I didn't tell anyone how I was feeling or if anything was wrong. I'd always been an independent person. I was an only child, I had no-one to really talk to whenever I wanted when I was younger, I just kept my feelings and thoughts to myself. I was really trying with Harry , to change. I was slowly bringing myself to open up to him more and tell him what was wrong ,instead if hiding it. "Okay. I'm really trying" I told him ,wanting him to strongly believe me. "Okay" he said before hopping out. As I feel out of the car  I heard Bella's loud voice call out to me. I looked up to find her running towards me. "Have you got the clothes?" she asked. I reached round behind me, grabbing them from the car and slamming the door. "You look a bit pale? Are you alright?" she asked. "I'm fine! I look perfectly normal, I feel fine just stop pitting me" I sharply hissed. She took a step back and shook her head. I just realised how mean I had just been to her. "Sorry Bella I'm tired" I said , trying to back myself up. "Sorry for caring" she said as she stormed off. My bestfriend , who was just trying to help and look out for me now , probably hates me. Great!

I strolled in after her. "Here you go. Get this down you"Harry said passing me a bottle of water as I waltzed through the door. "Thanks" I said grabbing it and gulping it down.  We both stumbled into the studio. I ran over to Bella and began to stretch. "I'm sorry Bella" I told her. "It's fine but please don't snap at me" she said. I nodded at her. "People I'd like to do a run through" Emliy yelled out to all of us. My solo was the second song on the set list, it was alot of pressure. We ran through the first dance, I stumbled a bit and forgot a few steps , which was unusal for me. As we got to my dance something didn't feel right. I took a huge leap as it got to the chorus and suddenly felt faint. Next thing I knew I was laying on the floor , head bleeding, people hovering over me trying to get me to wake up. "Omg Flo, are you okay? Please wake up" I heard Harry's voice shout. "Come on Flo" Bella softly said. "Someone call an ambulance!" I heard a voice call. Why couldn't I open my eyes and wake up? "Please wake up Flo. I'm sorry" Harry's voice called with serious alarm. I felt a drop of water on my face, it was Harry. I could hear him begin to cry on my face. "I'm sorry for bringing you into all of this! Please just wake up" Harry hushed, I could feel his hand grabbing mine and him playing my fingers. Everything inside me wanted to wake up and tell him I was fine but I couldn't get myself out of this still trance. I felt someone lift me and carry me. "HARRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" a caring voice called out. "The ambulance isn't going to get her hear quick enough!I"m driving her!" he said running with me in his arms. "Well then I'm coming" called out Louis' voice. I felt the cold air against my still cheeks. "Why did she faint?" I heard Louis ask whilst Harry placed me in the back of the car. I felt Louis sit by the bottom of body, by my feet. "She kept refusing to eat, claimed she wasn't hungry. Also I think the camera's were getting way too much for her and I think people depend on her too much." he told Louis. I heard consistent beeping of Harry's car. "Slow down mate" Louis warned him. "Flo's not waking up, I'm not risking it " he said swerving into the hospital.

I felt Harry's strong arms lift me and run me into the emergency ward. "Help me please , she's fainted, her head has bled." He explained to a doctor. I could feel myself being rushed into a room. "What's her full name?" asked the doctor ,finding my pulse. "Florence Scarlett Smith" Harry said. I was scared by the panic in his voice. "Okay well she's got a pulse, she's unconscious at the moment. I'm going to have to stitch her head injury. She'll be fine when she comes around." said the doctor. I heard sighs of relief from both the boys. I could feel someone slowly fiddling with my head, it hurt. I began to slowly wake up after. I opened my eyes to see Harry sitting next to the bed , grasping my hand, staring at me. "Heyy Flo! Are you okay?" he asked.  "I'm sorry for not letting you help me. I should of listened when you told me to eat" I told him, struggling to expect the fact Harry was right from the beginning. "It's okay, everything will be fine soon. Thank you for waking up, I love you" he said gratefully. I felt so bad, I could see his worry in his deep green eyes. "I love you too, I'm thirsty" I told him. He ran across the room and passed me a cup of water. I sipped the water slowly. I swung my hand to the cut on my head and felt dry blood in my hair. "When you fainted you hit your head on the ground." Harry told me. It all came flashing back to me. When I fell , I remember falling hard to the floor and smashing my head.  "Oh right" I told him , asif nothing had happened. "Emily gave everyone a week off rehearsal. I think she realised she'd been working everyone too hard." He said. Atleast I got everyone out of rehearsals for a week. 

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