Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

I laid on my bed not moving, I thought about what happened over the last day. I suddenly jumped up realising that I said I'd knock for Bella . I leaped through the flat and across the corridor. I could hear her rushing to the door . "OMG Flo I have something amazing to tell you"Bella screeched with a gleaming smile. "So do I Bells" I said as a wide smile broke out on my face. I leaped into her flat onto her sofa. 

"What's the news then?"I asked her wanting to know and wanting to tell her what mine was too. "I know we tell each other everything but this audition was so big I wasn't sure to tell you or not. I audition for One Directions world tour the other day and guess what? I GOT IT"she screamed. I couldn't believe this! We both did the same thing! I screamed with her because I was truly excited for her news, whether mine was the same or not. "Oh my gosh I can't believe it well done!" I said absolutely shocked at the news I'd just heard. "So what's your news then?"she asked. This whole thing is was extremely weird. "We'll funnily enough the same thing happened to me I got a call this morning saying I'd got in" I told her excitedly. I could she was just as excited as I was. The best part was I was going to see my best friend and the boys every day. 

As we began to scream and just generally show our excitement for this amazing opportunity. "Where were you this morning then ?" Bell asked inquisitively. I decide not to tell her about me and Harry just yet I mean we were just friends, I think."oh I had just popped out to the shops" I lied to her. I felt so bad not telling her the truth. "Oh okay what'd you get?" She replied. I could fell myself getting deeper in this lie the more it went on. I couldn't tell her about Harry and I being friends because I knew she'd immediately jump straight to conclusions about me and him. I also knew once I told one person about our friendship it could be changed into something else in the media and I didn't want that to happen!  

"Just some bits" I told her. Our chit chat carried on for a while and then I decided to go home. It was getting late and I'd already decide to do extra practice before rehearsals began. I dragged myself back into the flat and crashed on the sofa and shortly after feel asleep.

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