Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I hurdled into Harry's arms, I immediately nuzzled my face in to harry chest before I inhaled his deep scent."Woow what's happen?why are you hugging me so tightly"harry asked jokingly. I didn't answer. I felt his muscular arms strongly rap themselves around me. I could hear his faint heartbeats as his chest repetitively rose and dropped. I squeezed his body closer to mine whilst feeling a small vibration on his chest from the chuckle he just let out. Harry's hands slowly dropped to my hips as he pulled himself away from my body."What's up?"Harry asked slightly concerned. "Nothing"I huffed staring into his warm green eyes. Harry looked at me waiting for the answer he truly wanted. "I just wanted you in my arms" I told him truthfully. He nodded in approval before pulling me close and renewing our old position. Being in Harry's arm made me feel safe, like nothing could ever get to me nor hurt me, as if his embrace would protect me from anything. "I'm sorry" I sweetly whispered into his ear. I felt his body drop with confusion. "What for?"his hot breath tickling my ear. I knew if I told Harry the reason for my apology he'd be angry. I was always saying sorry but I always had a reason to. "Just for everything." I told him. I felt his body tense as he took a intake of air. "Don't" he sweetly hushed. I didn't want an argument to brake out so obeying his words was my only choice.

From the corner of my eye I could see a tall figure striding towards us. "Man I'll see you two tomorrow"a husky voice called out to us,Zayn. I untangled myself from Harry whilst he turned to face the board shouldered boy. "Alright mate see you tomorrow"Harry replied giving him a manly hand shake as Zayn glided off. "See ya Flo" Zayn called out throwing his hand in the air to gesture a wave. "Bye" I called. There was something about Zayn that made me smile. He was always looking so serious yet when he spoke he would always have a cheeky tone to his voice that would instantly make you smile. "Let me take you out tonight?"Harry suggested carefully placing his hand on my shoulder to grasp my attention. "Okay"I shrugged. Last time I had gone out with Harry I lost my mind. I almost lost the one person I loved the most. Guilt rushed through me as I recounted on the shouted words that steamed out of my mouth the other day. "How about I'll drop you home and pick you up around 6" Harry asked. I nodded as we began to stroll down the corridor. I felt Harry's long, warm warm place itself around my shoulder. I turned my head slightly to view his smooth, large hands resting on me. I turned my head towards harry. I found myself meeting his gaze, his warm green eyes had set themselves on mine. A wide smile soon spread across his face as he opened the door to the car park.

A strong breeze fought threw the cold air. The lights began to flash again. The cameras were becoming more annoying that harmful. It seemed wherever me and Harry would go we could never be left alone.

I could hear the men's ghastly statements about me being broadcasted again. "You bloody slut"one shouted. I couldn't seem to rap my head around his words. Harry was the only one I had been with , it had been that way for months now. Why were they calling me a 'slut'? "You don't deserve him one bit, you fame whore" another shouted. I threw my head down to face the floor. I loved Harry not the fame that came with it. If it was my way I would chose to not have the unwanted attention I get from being with him. I peered up to see Harry swinging my side of the car open with anger seeping through his face. I shook my head telling him that I was driving. "Get in I'm driving" I carefully mouthed to him. He was clearly not in the right mind set to drive, neither was I really. He closed his eyes whilst crouching down and bundling into my car. "THAT IS IT" he shouted whilst scarily slamming the door. I gently pulled mine to aclose trying not to make a bang. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to avoid the anger that was about to rage out of Harry. I took a deep breath before starting the ignition and driving out the gates. "I CAN'T BEL-" Harry began to yell. "Not whilst I'm driving please. I don't want an accident"I sweetly interrupted. I didn't want to hear Harry's anger. I didn't want him to be anger, I knew that he wasn't just angry but upset too. I could see his fist clench as I told him to leave the situation. "Please can we just leave it." I told him shyly. I was scared to hear his reply. "But this isn't on Flo and you know it!" He sharply hushed. His words were right but I wasn't ready to deal with the fact that this was reality. That everyday I'd have to wake up and deal with this.

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