Chapter 31

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My throbbing head had woke me up.I turned round to see Harry's perfectly rounded face resting on a soft,white pillow. I sat there just staring at him, not in a creepy way but a intrigued way. My mind couldn't seem to understand how someone could be so perfect. "Morning"his deep, raspy voice whispered. I felt his warm hand find mine and grip it tightly. His eyes slowly began to open to make his deep green orbs visible. "Morning" I replied cheerfully. Everything seemed so perfect. 

I dragged myself out of bed and into the living. I looked down at the door to find more post than usual. As I picked it up I had noticed they were handwritten notes. I found this incredibly weird, who would bother.  I turned one over. 'You bitch, I hate you stay away from Harry or else' I was horrified. I turned another to find the same type of comment. 'Your too ugly to have him. You don't deserve Harry one bit so why don't you do one!' I read through the comments ,each one hurting more than the last. I could feel the tears of pain running down my face. Everyone word I read it felt like someone was kicking me heavily in the stomach. "What's up?"I head a voice call out. I threw the notes in my pocket. This would make Harry feel even worse and make him incredibly angry. "Nothing" I lied. I took a deep breathe , wiped away my tears and turned to face him. I threw a fake smile on my face to make it look like things were fine. "Are you sure?" he asked. I didn't want him worrying. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. "Positive" I lied again. He kissed me on the forehead and walked off.  "I'm going over to Bella's quickly, said I'd drop by"I shouted out before running across the corridor and pounding on her door. She swung the door open and I leapt in. "Wow what's wrong?" She said. I launched myself onto her sofa after throwing the notes at her. She picked them up and began to read. "Wait how do they know where you live?" she asked me,as if I was going to know. "I don't know, maybe they followed Harry" I replied. I didn't understand ,still, what I had done. These girls have never met me, never even seen me in person, yet they automatically assume I'm the most horrible person in the world. I knew I wasn't pretty but I didn't need random people telling me. This was a nightmare. "I'm so sorry Flo. What are you going to do?" Bella questioned. I didn't know myself what I was going to do. I knew I didn't handle these situations very well but I wanted that to change. I've always wanted to be one of those people that didn't care what people thought and just did what they pleased but I wasn't , no matter how much I tired. "I'm going to ignore it the best I can" I told Bella. I looked at her to find a shocked face. "Are you sure you can do that?" she asked. "We're going to find out" I replied. There was nothing else to do but ignore it. If I let it get to me everything would crumble. "Does Harry know?" Bella asked. "Nope and he doesn't need to. He got so wound up when the photographers sratched me I can't begin to think about what he'd do if he found out" I told her. Her face looked horrified and puzzled. I'd forgotten to tell her about the cuts. I held up my arm and she shortly ran over to examine it. "And this was what happened when you came out the hospital?" She asked in deep concentration with my arm. "Yeah, Harry wasn't too please"I told her unsurprisingly. "Sorry but your telling him" She demanded, passing me back the notes. My whole face dropped at the thought of telling Harry. I knew the people sending these notes weren't real fans because they'd be able to see that hurting people Harry loved was just as bad as hurting him. "Fine" I told her before gliding out her door. I had to face Harry.

"Back" I shouted to Harry as I walked through the door. I walked into the kitchen to find him making some toast. "I need to tell you something"I told him dauntingly. He turned around and payed full attention to me.  "I kinda of got these posted this morning, please don't freak out too much"I said , gently passing him the notes. I watched his eyes angrily scan the pages, word by word, each time his eyes got my fierce. I seen the anger rise inside of him. "I hate the stupid fans" he snapped , throwing the letters on the side. "Please don't say that. Thats just a small minority that have sent them. You really have lovely fans"I told him. There truly were some nice fans out there, whether he'd seen them or not was a different issue. "How could they send this!"he yelled. I watched him pull out his phone and scroll down his contacts. "Hi yeah. I'd like to speak to Amelia."He said fuming. He began to pace around the kitchen. "I want a meeting with her now!" Harry demanded down the phone. I heard a small ,wimpish voice agree down the phone. "Come on , we're sorting this out" Harry said. I followed him as he stormed out. I didn't want this to be made a big deal but it looks like I'm too late. 

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