Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

For the last week or so I would peacefully awake up to Harry's angelic face , but I turned to find no-one there. I hit my alarm off and got changed for another day. A nervous rush ran through me as I grabbed some water. I was early, it was very rare for be I normally just managed to not be late. I decided to knock for Bella instead of waiting for her because the more I was alone the more I dwelled on rehearsals.

"Just a minute"Bella called out. I could hear her running to the door. She swung it open and continued rushing around. "Sorry I'll be 2 seconds" she said running past me. Whilst I was waiting I heard my phone go off, I rummaged through my bag searching for it. 'Morning , I'll see you later , maybe take you out;)' Harry's message popped up on my screen. I guessed he wasn't annoyed with me. 'Okay I'll look forward to it :)' I replied before shoving my phone back in my bag. I didn't want Bella to know I was texting him whilst I was with her, for some reason it made me feel guilty.

"Let's go" Bella's said striding towards the door. We strolled down to my car and hopped in. I turned on the ignition and began to drive. I still felt extremely nervous. All I wanted was Harry's soft hands placed onto of mine, his soft , sweet scent next to me, comforting me , telling me everything was going to be fine.

Good thing we were early because I continuously kept getting lost. "Where are you going?wrong way"Bella shouted with kidding tone in her voice. I swung round the car to head the right way. After a elongated car journey we finally arrived. As we jumped out I could see Harry getting out of his car. I smiled and nodded politely just to say hi without too much attention being draw. He winked back and smiled. Harry always found a way to make me laugh ,even when I thought I was going to be sick.

We walked in to find everyone else just entering the studio. A blonde girl tapped me on the shoulder. "You dropped you phone" she said handing me my white iPhone. "Georgia" she said telling me her name. "Flo" I replied smiling. She seemed really sweet and a very good dancer too. Me,Georgia and Bella all strolled in and began to warm up. Just before Emily came in to start Megan ran in "sorry I'm late" she called throwing her bag down and quickly stretching.

The day continued in the same was yesterday did. More steps were learned and more dances were rehearsed. As the day slowly came to an end I was relieved that soon I'd be spending time with Harry .

"I'll be back in a minute just going to the loo" I told Bella walking towards the door. "Okay meet me at the car"she yelled out. I began to trail down the long corridor. "Hey Flo wait up" a familiar voice called from behind me. I turned around the find Harry running towards me, his long, luscious brown curls bouncing over his face. I smiled at him as he began to approach me. "Hi" he said , catching his breathe intensely. "Hi are you alright?"I asked him laughing. "Yeah shall we have dinner tonight?around 6ish?" He asked smiling. "Yeah sure let me just drop Bella home" I told him beginning to open the women's toilet door. "I'll pick you up"he said as I feel into the ladies. "Okay I'll see you then" he said backing up down the corridor.

I finished in the loo and jogged over to the car. "What took you so bloody long?its freezing" Bella nagged looking frozen. "Sorry I got caught up" I told her , unlocking the car. "With harrehhhhh" she said in a childish voice. I looked at her, smiling. "Really Bels?"I asked looking at her laughing. She shrugged and started singing to the radio. Neither of us could sing at all, whenever we were together it didn't really matter because we knew we were awful .

I could see rain I'm the sky whilst I was driving. By the time we got back it was chucking it down. Me and Bella raced in and shook ourselves off. We ran up the stairs and went into our own separate flats. I looked at the clock to see I was 4.30, which meant in had an hour and a half to get ready.

I frantically rushed around, gathering a selection of clothes. I hopped in the shower to remove all the rain and sweat. I choice another simple outfit, pink jeans with a white top and a simplistic black blazer. I applied some blushed before searching around for my bag. I glanced over to see it was 5.59 and I knew Harry would be here any second. I continued to search blissfully. Once I finally found my bag a loud knock was at the door.

I ran over ,swinging it open. "Come in. Just need to grabs shoes"I shouted back at Harry. I decided I'd wear my favourite pair of converse. I came skipping out of my room and over to Harry. "Let's go" he said striding off, with me next to him. As I closed the door shut I felt his hand grab mine. I looked down to see they were tangled together. I looked up and smiled happily at him.

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