Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The whole car journey I spent trying design a plan to resolve problems with Bella. There was always a part of me that knew I should of trusted her more about this whole thing. "I'll walk you up. Do you want me to come in?" Harry asked parking the car. "I won't be in so it's really pointless" I told him , trying not to seem too disappointed. He nodded and smiled at me understandingly. We trailed out the car and into the building where we were met with a warm breeze.

"I'm fine you can go" I told Harry as I stopped before walking up the stairs. "Okay ring me if you need anything. Would you like a lift tomorrow?"he asked me. "Maybe. Not too sure"I said to him. I seen his face drop slightly with disappointment. I watched as he traipsed off back to his car.

I wanted to spend all my time with Harry but I knew it just wasn't easy nor possible. I dragged myself in and slung my bag down on the side, I reached in to collect my phone before knocking for Bella. She launched open the door and looked at me rather disappointingly. "Oh come in then " she sighed. I knew she wasn't as annoyed as she seemed , her aim was to leave an impact on me. I gave her a sorrowful look before stepping in.

Normally when I was at Bella's I would immediately make myself at home but this time was different, I felt like a burden by being in here.

"What?" She asked. I looked at her pleading with forgiveness. "Bella I'm so sorry I should of trusted you. It was just I didn't want everyone to know. It's only been over a few days but everything is going perfectly. I thought if I told anyone it could ruin everything. It could get published in the media and destroy everything before it even properly started" I exclaimed to her, I began to feel tears forming in my eyes. "But I'm not just anyone Flo, I'm your best friend" she said to me looking t me desperately. "I know! I should of told you. There was so many chances to just blurt it out to you but I foolishly stopped myself. I was eventually going to tell you, just not quite yet. I'm sorry you found out that way" I told her. At the moment something in the air changed. Before all you could feel was anger an sorry but now it was forgiveness. "I know Flo. It's okay" she said whilst I wiped the water which was beginning to stream down my face. She said it was okay, that I'd lied to her, but I knew it wasn't right. The conversation carried on, which mostly consisted of me apologising more whilst she told me it was fine. Even if she had forgiven me I didn't forgive myself for not telling her the truth.

We ordered in food and acted like normal but there was something a little different about it. "Do you want a lift tomorrow?" I asked her, maybe this would help my state of mind. "Sure cheers" she agreed cheerfully. I knew Harry wouldn't be too happy to find out I blew him off for Bella but at least with him I didn't lie.

After a long night I stumbled back into my flat. I strolled across the living swinging open the door in my bedroom. I laid down and got my phone out. 'Everything's okay with Bels. Giving her a lift tomorrow, hope that's okay?x'I quickly texted Harry before quickly running to the loo. I came back to find a reply 'okay x'. Normally he'd be a bit more sweeter than that, I knew he was a bit annoyed. I decided I'd go to sleep instead of spending my night trying to juggle my friendship with Bella and my relationship with Harry.

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