Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I wanted to tell someone about what happened between me and Harry earlier but I knew I couldn't. If Harry wasn't so famous I would run across the corridor and tell Bella everything but I couldn't.

I sat the island in the kitchen sipping some tea thinking about what to wear tonight. After around 5 cups of tea worth of thinking I decided on just a pair of leggings with a white ,elegant blouse with a pair of white simple pumps. I was never one to really dress up or the one who came out with an amazing outfit every night , I just wore simple stuff that wouldn't add any extra attention to myself. I was neither one to go out partying, every since I was at school I didn't like going out to clubs , it just didn't appeal to me.

I strolled over to my bedroom ,at about 5 ,to get myself ready. I pulled out my outfit and laid it down on my bed. I began to apply my make up, I also keep that very simple too, and then slipped on my outfit. I brushed my hair and curled it . Once I finished I hair I examined myself checking I looked okay. As I slipped my blazer on as a short, sweet knock was at the door. I quickly skipped a long and glided open the door. "Wow you look incredible" Harry said standing in front of my with his jaw dropped. "Thanks come in I just need to quickly grab my bag" I said as I scurried off into my room.

As I searched for a bag I could hear his soft, light footsteps traipsing into the flat. "Got it I shouted"before hopping back into the living room. He looked at me and indicated for the door. "Where are we going then?"I asked politely. "Well Lou recommended some French restaurant he took Eleanor the other day"he replied. I gave a small nod and a smile at him and he led me to his car.

I hopped in and did my buckle up. As we began to drive off I recognised the root. "Hey what's this place called?"I asked I was sure I'd been this way before. "Errrmmmm Fedel "he said with a cute , hopeless French accent. Suddenly it hit me. My dad works for a great French restaurant and Harry was taking me there. "Oh my father runs this restaurant"I told Harry with a surprised voice. "That's weird"Harry replied genuinely shocked. "I know lets hope his not working , if he see's us his sure to embarrass me and tell mum and once my mum knows something everyone does" I said giving out a nervous laugh and so did Harry.

The rest of the car journey was quiet yet comfortable. At the moments were we weren't speaking I spent my time praying my father wasn't working tonight. I was friendly with some staff at the restaurant. I spent most my time here when I was in London.

We strolled in trying to draw to much attention to ourselves. As we walked down the large, beautiful staircase my belly began to turn and I become incredibly nervous. We walked underneath the enormous chandelier and handed our coats in and shortly after trailed off into the brassiere.

"Table for styles " Harry said in a strong voice. "Right this was sir" the French man said as he led us to our table. I was relived to find us sitting in the middle I the restaurant, far away from the kitchen. I looked up to find my friend Leon serving us. "Alright Flo , does your dad know your in?" He asked politely on his beautiful French accent. "Nope and he doesn't need to find out"I told him adding a cheeky grin. As I carried in talking to Leon I could see jealousy rising in Harry from the corner of my eye.

We'd ordered and were patiently waiting. Harry looked at me with envy in his eyes. "Who was that?"he asked sharply. "Just a friend" I replied trying not to annoy him. I didn't do anything so there's not reason for him to be annoyed. He answered back with just a simple "okay". "Harry I swear his just a friend who I've met through my dad and nothing more. It's you I want to be here with!"I reassured him. That cheeky smile he had appeared on his face again. "Good " he said sweetly.

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