Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After I short drive to Starbucks,which isn't hard to find London's got millions. We strolled in finding ourselves basically the only ones in there. I sat down whilst Harry ordered as decided it was time to tell Bella about how I'd got the job.

'I've got something to tell you bells'i quickly texted her before Harry scurried over with our drinks.'I've have something to tell you too Flo'she replied. I felt bad keeping things from her,she's my best friend and I know I should of told her sooner but I didn't want to get her hopes up thinking that I'd got it. 'Where are you? Open the door!'she texted me. Now I felt worse I wasn't there for my best friend when she had important news. But then again I'm sure she will understand when I explain that I was out with Harry.

'Sorry bells!I'm out I'll knock for you when I'm back' I quickly text back. "Who's that then?"Harry said with a bit of a jealous tone but still smiling. "Just my friend"I said trying to keep back a giggle because I could see he was trying to act like he didn't care but his an awful actor.

I'd only known Harry for a day yet it felt like we were best friends? We sat in Starbucks for hours just talking. We didn't talk about normal stuff ,it was more stupid things that just made us laugh. As we finished our coffees I decided I needed to go home and see Bella. "I'll take you home Flo hope in"Harry suggested to me and I jumped into him range rover. His car was massive compared to mine and getting in it certainly wasn't easy either,I'm not really tall.

The drive home just consisted of us singing and dancing to the radio stupidly. As I hopped out I realised I hadn't had this much fun since I moved to the city. I usually had the stress of turning up to audition, bringing what's required, finding out if I'd got it and it just completely stressed me out. When I was with Harry he made it so there was nothing to stress about, everything just flowed and was easy.

As we approached my door he turned to me "Flo text me later I want to see you again" he whispered. This made me blush uncontrollably again "sure okay". I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. This made me think of his butterfly tattoo and how clever it was and how clever he was, just to add the list of perfect things about him.

He gave me a kiss on the check and slowly strolled off down the corridor. I watched him slowing stride away knowing that everything in my life was seeming to work out perfect.

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