Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I thought by the time I got out the shower I'd feel fresh and maybe better about everything,but I was easily mistaken. I trailed out of the bathroom and threw on my dance clothes not really caring. I had all red under my eyes and I looked at mess but I just didn't seem to care. "Bella" I slurred knocking on her door, with Harry standing behind me waiting. She opened up the door to find us standing there. "Harry said he'll give us a lift"I mumbled. She nodded and run off to grab her things.

I still didn't understand what I'd done to these girls? Comment after comment was just full of hate and horrible things. I wasn't the most confident person to start off with, I couldn't even order for myself in Nando's without being a tad nervous, but the just broke me. I was convinced everyone hated me.

"Thanks Harry" Bella said as we began to drag down the corridor. "It's fine"Harry said smiling at her. We got down to the road and hopped into the car. I felt relived to know the media didn't know where I lived just yet but I knew eventually they would , and that would be my last bit of privacy gone. I guessed I'd kind of just given up. Nothing was going to unwind the hate and the flashing lights.

We drove silently to the studio. Harry would try to make small talk with us but it would just end up only Bella and him in the conversation. As we began to approach the studio Harry turned around to Bella and said something. I couldn't make out what he said but she nodded politely and jumped out when we parked in the studio. I grabbed the handle to get out but I felt a soft hand perch it's self on my shoulder. I turned face Harry. "Please Flo. I hate seeing you upset! I know it's hard but it will calm down after a while"he said , failing to make everything better. "But it's not though! The things them girls were tweeting will never leave me. It's not that simple! The cameras might go , the fans might stop hating but the words they once said will always stay with me and knock me down and make me feel like I'm not good enough"I shouted at him , starting to cry again. I felt bad taking things out on him and shouting at him but I knew he wouldn't take it personally. "I'm sorry" he said pleading for me to calm down.

We sat in the car for a while. Harry kept talking at me, trying to reassure me everything would settle down but I couldn't help but think it wouldn't. I tried to take in his words but I couldn't. He was use to this, all the attention, media,even hate, but I wasn't. I just wanted it all to go away.

Harry managed to control me and stop me from crying. We strolled in, him holding me tight. "Just trust me, please" he said before we entered the studio. I trusted Harry so much, I'm sure if I didn't I would of left him before everything started. "Okay I'm sorry" I told him, not too sure what I was sorry for. "What for?" He asked looking puzzled. "I don't know . Being too sensitive" I told him letting out a small laugh. He chuckled as we walked into rehearsals.

We came in late but it didn't seem to be a problem. Harry must off warned Emily before hand because I knew if I just rolled in late she'd possibly kill me. I took my position for Kiss you before Emily stopped the music. "Is it possible to do a dance to 'they don't know about us' considering your audition to moments what incredible?"she asked deadly serious. I stared around making sure she was talking to me. Once realising I was the only one she could of been talking to I slowly nodded at her. This could be my way out, I could put everything into this dance, instead of drowning myself in tears. I turned to face Harry, who was widely grinning at me. He looked at me encouragingly. "Could you go into the other room and choreograph it please?" Emily said whilst indicating for the door. "Can I go with her?" said a northern voice. "Ofcourse Louis" she said.

I was so confused why did Louis want to go with me? He lead me to the next room , where I got up the music on my phone. Before I pressed play Louis stopped me. "It will get better I promise"he said to me , comfort in his eyes. Harry must off told him about everything and how upset I was. "It's hard to believe" I said throwing myself on the floor. He came and sat down next to me. "It's horrible at first, I know, but after a while you learn how to deal with it. Things don't really calm down but you do. You just learn to gradually live with it." He told me. I believed him. It seemed like Louis was the only one who told me the truth. "Thank you. I know I'll have to learn to live with it. It's just hard, you know?" I explained to him. Louis nodded his head and got up. "I'll leave you to get on with all that dance stuff you dancers have to do." He said whilst walking out the door. "And don't forget just try and ignore everything. As long as you both know the truth nothing will brake you" he said popping his head round the door. I chuckled at him before getting up myself.

I played the music. Evaluated what I was dealing with and began. My rore

emotions were running high, I guess this helped. I managed to get myself to flow across the room and remembered every step. Finally something good happened. I continued going over the routine and working very hard ,putting everything in it.

I was in the middle of the dance when Emily strolled in. "Can I see?"she asked as if I was 5. Someone had obviously told her to be nice to me. I replayed the music and let everything go. I glided, slid , leaped across the room with passion and emotion. As I finished I open my eyes to find Emily standing there clapping. "Perfect! Absolutely perfect" she said scurrying off. I guess she wanted me to flow her. I trailed behind her back into the main studio. I walked in and looked at harry. He gave me a small wink, I smiled back. I felt I tad better after I burned everything off. I look around to see Louis smiling at me. Louis had really helped me, he managed to tell me the truth about everything without panicking me. I nodded back with curtsey.

I was made to show everyone the dance. I did it just as before, maybe better. I really put everything into just wanting to feel like I could do atleast one thing right. I glanced up to see everyone either shocked, smiling or clapping.

For a minute I just forgot everything and I felt a massive weight being lifted off my shoulders.

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