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Y/n Pov:

I dribble the ball between my legs and focus on the beat of the song "Nas I like" trying to drown out all the talking in the locker room. "Yo casper!" I earn a shove from my teammate making my headphones fall to the ground. "The fuck B" I groan picking up my headphones off the floor. "Get your ass up we're getting ready to get called on court." My friend Bella says patting my toned arms. I stand up from my locker spot and huff following the rest of the team to the entrance of the gym.

Cheering could be heard behind the door and drums getting hit to get the crowd hyped. It's the first game back from summer break and the craziest. We get ready for our big entrance right on que we can hear our principal talking through the mic letting the fans know its about to start.

"Y/n you're up." Coach exclaims patting my back. I walk up to the door turning to my team a serious expression on my face before cracking a smile "Are we ready to fuck them up!" I shout earning cheers from my teammate and a tight lip smile from my coach disappointed that I cussed. "So let's show them." I smirk busting open the entrance door as the drums go crazy I lead the team running a lap over the court and then starts our warm ups. Me and B always mess around on warm ups playing various of different sports across the half court. It's been an on going thing after people started laughing in the crowd seeing us perform, so we continued with it every game.

The sound of the whistle makes us go back to our benches as the coach starts to explain our first play of the game. "and you go there and finish Y/n." Coach finishes makes me nod at her placing my hand in the middle of the circle soon everyones hands are on mine and we count to three and yell "Hawks!". The starting 5 move to their positions as the rest of the team takes a seat on the bench. I see the other team also moving to their place keeping a natural face on. I never get intimidated by the opponents unless they open their mouth to something serious.

Chelsea kneels in front of me looking above getting ready for the tip off and with the whistle Chelsea wins the tip off making me catch it and immediately passing it to the back. I run over the right corner 3 point line and wait for Ariana to call the play. The holds her right fist up shouting "Three!" before passing it to her left running to the paint and back out to the three pointer line I take this opportunity to cross my defender and call for the ball leaving me a wide open space on the paint I catch the ball mid air and dunk the ball right into the basket. Loud cheers are interrupting my ears making me smile doing a pull up seeing a flash at the corner of my eye. Before letting myself drop to the court.

the first 2 quarters go by smoothly we're up by 14 standing at 64. Now we're in our locker rooms again waiting for half time to end all of us shoving quick protein snacks and electrolytes. The third quarter comes around and coach benched me because I've been playing 'Selfish' which is bullshit. I watch one of my teammates doing a turnover making me groan I beg my coach to put me in only earning a shrug from her. We stand up from the bench as third quarter is over so the players could sit. Currently we're loosing by 8 which is not much but if they continue play like this that number will go up quick. "And thats why I have to be in the game Coach." I exclaim as she finishes drawing on her board explaining how to pass and screen. when Chelsea gets the ball.

"please coach Kelly I'm begging you, you know mine and Chelsea's chemistry on the court is outrageous." earning a agreeing nod from Chelsea. She practically looks dead right now along with Bella carrying the team since the whole quarter. Coach sighs pointing behind her signalling me to tell the moderators to substitute me in making me pull a smirk jogging over there. The crowd grows crazy as I step on the court making me chuckle a bit before focusing on the game. we easily catch up on the points with 12 seconds left of the clock we are behind by 2. I wipe my soles with my sweaty palms to make them slide less huffing out my breath. I receive the ball watching the shot clock go down. As soon as i'm in contact with the ball I start sprinting to our basket catching my defender off guard.

Just as I wanted she does the same I stop right at the 3 point line watching her struggle to stop on time leaving me a wide open 3 pointer. I watch her stumble on her steps dribble the ball once taking my time and huffing out a breath before shooting the ball. ...


The Buzzer was all that I heard before cheers filled my ears and pats on the back my teammates carrying me on my as we celebrate. Flashes go off from everywhere making all of us practically blinded as we return to our lockers, after shaking hands with the opponents and the referees.

We go crazy in the locker rooms all of us swinging our jerseys jumping around and smacking the lockers to create noise along with our cheering. A loud bang was heard to my left making all of us jump and look to the direction of the noise. I huff seeing Coach Kelly with an angry look on her face, making me relaxed at the same time and scared to what's gonna come up next. "What the fuck." She exclaims angrily at us making me and B snark a laugh out because we never heard her cuss. the other teammates however gasped when they heard coach cuss. "What are guys celebrating? one small victory? acting like a damn frat boy party." she says with a disappointed voice along with anger. "Look at your hand do you have something on there.

No. Good so I don't wanna see you celebrate until you have the championship cup in your hands." She finishes smacking the locker raising her eyebrows before leaving. Silence was filled all over the locker before we started to whisper about what just happened and packed our stuff. I fix the hat I had on before leaving the locker room turning back to my car in the school parking lot. I swing my bag to the passenger seat before entering my car. My eyes being blinded by another flash. I squint my eyes at that before I could make out who that was but there was no one in sight. I furrow my eyebrows before starting my baby up and drive home.

I park my Chevrolet Camaro get my stuff and ring the doorbell. "hola abuela." I say smiling as she opens up the door. smiling at me making space for me to enter my house. "Hey honey how was the game?" my mom says entering the hallway. "Yeah it was amazing you should've been there I scored the winning basket." I say greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. " Oh darling you know I had to work but next time I will be there okay?" She says with a thick latino accent rubbing my head with her hand softly. I give her a tight lip smile before abuela makes me sit down and eat various dishes she made for me. "gracias abuela te amo." I say kissing her cheek putting my plates in the sink. "Of course." she tries to say in English making my chuckle at her.

I sigh turning up my speaker 'ecstasy' by XXXtentacion starts to blare out of the speaker as I get undressed ready to shower. Instantly sighing as the hot water hits my skin. The shower was so relaxing that I almost fell asleep after cleaning off , but a notification got me distracted seeing the the school social media posted on today's game. " What you got in store now ortega." I mumble to myself rolling my eyes before clicking the post. I was on the cover which surprised me. I swipe to reveal more match moments before scrolling to the last pic smiling as it was the one where I was entering my car. I smirk at that before opening our messages on instagram.

it'zzzY/n: Are you even stalking me now Ortega?

I type smiling on my phone knowing it will piss her off.

We hate each others guts since beginning of high school she ditched me for her minions. We were irreplaceable as kids. I was planning on just staying out her way but that changed after she started making fun of me with her minions. If you ask me it's just a lost cause and a dumb reason to act either way.


I sigh letting my lids grow heavy  until evantually I fall asleep.

A/N: new book how we feeling about it? hihi i hope u guys fuck with it the way i do

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now