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TW: Mention of ED ⚠️

Friday 8:15AM

Y/N Pov:

I'm sitting in my car listening to the rain hitting my windshield making me feel relaxed. I've been waiting on Jenna huffing out a breath she's taking way too long. I soft knock on my side of the door gets my attention and right on que I see Jenna urging me to open the passenger seat so she doesn't get soaked in the rain. She lets out a breath as she hits the passenger seat. Making sure her hair didn't get messed up from the rain. "Good morning." I say looking at her starting my car. "How'd sleep?" She asks me putting on her seatbelt. "like always pretty ass what about you." I ask back while backing up my car onto the road. "Surprisingly pretty good." She replies smiling at me. We continue having small talk. Her change of style doesn't go unnoticed by me but I'm digging the Pinterest vibe kind of style on her. "You look pretty today." I compliment her. noticing a slight tint of red appearing on her cheeks. She chuckles at me thinking I'm joking but I just look at her. "thank you." she says quietly.

I park my car both of us grabbing our bags and jogging over to the roof so were protected from the rain. "Yo Y/n!" I hear my name being called out seeing B and the others in the corner of the hallway. I walk over to them Jenna hiding behind me making me let out a chuckle. "Sup guys." I say stepping to the left so Jenna is visible to the others. "Hey Jenna omg your eye make up is amazing you gotta show me which mascara you use." Dre squels out getting excited to finally have someone to talk about make up with. "Well that was easy." I tell B making her pat my shoulder. "I'm glad you made up you shine now." She says making me look at her weirdly. "okayyyy." I say weirded out. I glance at Jenna earning a soft smile from her as she listens to Dre rent about make up. "Well ima head to class."B says clapping her hands together, before walking away slowly. Chels follows her since they share first period. "Alright I'm gonna go too you guys will be okay?" I ask more directed to Dre. She gives me a thumbs up. "Yeah we'll be fine we actually share first period as well." She says happily slinging her shoulder over Jenna making her eyes widen by the sudden affection. I chuckle at her before heading to art class.

"Hey Y/n." Hailee says before sitting next to me. "Hey how you been." I ask her. "I'm good thank you I was gonna invite you to my party i'm throwing tonight." She says turning her body to face me, her eyes piercing into mine. " Oh yeah I'll come text me the details." I accept the invite the thought of Hailee throwing a party never crossed my mind tho. "Alright bring your friends as well it'll be fun." She says opening her portfolio. I nod at her, doing the same. Art class goes by quickly like always. As I pack my bag I make sure I pack everything not like last time. "Alright then I'll see you tonight." Hailee says with bright smile. I match the gesture. "Wanna walk to the cafeteria together?" I ask her, might as well get to know her more, I think to myself. She accepts my offer and we make our way there having small talk about tattoos. She has some made from herself which is badass. "If you want I can tat you up someday." She suggests making me nod at her "Alright i'm gonna head to my friends, was nice talking to you see you tonight." Hailee shouts back to me as she leaves to her table making a couple heads turn our direction. I chuckle at her action and walk over to my table seeing Jenna and Dre deep in a convo. "Sup." I greet them Dre flipping me off as Jenna laughs at me. I raise my eyebrows at that, grabbing my lunch starting to eat. As time goes by B and Chels finally made it to our table as well. I look around the table Jenna across from me enjoying her lunch. "Yo guys Hailee invited me to her party tonight. asked me to invite you guys as well. We up for it?" I ask looking at each one of them. "Hailee as in Hailee steinfield?" Chels asks. "Yeah." I give her a short reply. "I'm in." She tells me the others agreeing I look at Jenna waiting for her response. "Oh yeah definitely." She tells me with a smile. Her smile drops fast as her gaze is now focused. behind me. I turn my body seeing Alisha there. "Really Jenna them?" She scoffs looking back at her minions. I clench my jaw standing up. "What is it with you always bothering me during my lunch? You know we all know you and your little minions don't eat lunch. But that doesn't give you the permission to walk around the cafeteria like a hoe and bother everyone bragging about every little shit you come across." I spit back at her. A crowd forming around us. People cheering for us to fight. Alisha raises her eyebrows at me and looks around the crowd. A smile grows on her face "I don't let myself talked down by some dyke with a penis:" She shouts so the people can hear, making me roll my eyes.

At this point my friends stood up behind me concerned about the whole situation. "At least I embrace my body and don't shove fingers down my throat just so other people can feel bad at themselves for not looking like me. You're so insecure and it shows Alisha. Not to mention the only comeback you ever use against me is my Dick and sincerely it's boring." I shove her back making her stumble. I inch closer to her our faces inches apart. "You make me sick." I tell her above a whisper. "How do you think the school will react if they found out you force your little group into a eating disorder?" I ask  tilting my head. She swallows thickly breaking eye contact. "Bother me or anyone else one more time and you're done." I say now loudly making her jump. I watch her back away with her friends making me do the same as I sit back down on our table.

Once again the crowd gets annoyed that no fight broke out as they all return to their tables. "I would hit that." Chels says to me. As those words leave her mouth Jenna chokes on her food and Dre slaps Chels on the shoulder. I shake my head at them "What is it with you getting all hot when I'm mad?" I ask her. "I mean don't get me wrong she has a point." B agrees with Chels. Jenna just look at them wide eyed shocked her cheeks turning bright red. I laugh at that as I put my lunch away. "So we'll meet at my place and go all together tonight?" I ask to confirm. they all nod. "Y/n wait I'll come with you." Jenna rushes and packs her things. I patiently wait for her smiling at her when she's done. We make our way to the bathroom. I open the door for her letting her in first and follow her behind. I get into a stall leaving my bag to Jenna and do my business. I zip up my Baggy Jeans and wash my hands Jenna watching every move I make.

I splash her with the water on my hands earning a gasp from her. I laugh and dry my hands off before grabbing my bag from her. We just stare at each other in silence Jenna scanning all over my face her lips slightly parted. She catches me stare at her lips. "Thank you for what you did." She says sincerely slightly squeezing my bicep leaving her hand there. "Of course no need to thank me." I reply giving her a smile.

Just now I realised that our faces are inches apart, once again silence fills the room the only thing being heard is the broken faucet slowly dripping water down the sink. This time I catch her stare at my lips as we continue our staring battle. I just now notice her freckles on her cheeks her pupils dilated filled with something I can't put my finger on. She squeezes my bicep again this time dragging her fingers down to my forearm before grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers.

The sudden bang from the bathroom door opening makes us jump and part away from each other, pretending like we were busy in front of the mirror until the student got in a stall. I notice my cheeks flushed with red letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. We both leave the bathroom standing in front of it. Both of us unsure of what just happened. "Uh I'll see you after classes?" I ask her. She clears her throat nodding at me before we split our ways.

I can't let this happen but I can't help but feel some sort of tension between us.

I sigh loudly quickly putting those thoughts at the back of my mind and head to my last class of the day.


I found my rhythm in you.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now