I love you

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Y/n POV:

I was yawning sitting on a stool waiting for Jenna to finish trying on dresses. We've been in the mall for the past 2 hours now and I was really growing tired.

"How's this?" Jenna says opening the curtains revealing her in a long black silky dress. "hot I like this one the best so far." I say. Jenna looks at herself in the mirror making sure the dress is to her liking. " I think i'm gonna get this one it matches ur suit right?" She says looking through the bags to see if the black matches the black my suit had.

We then quickly had to check out. "Omg Y/n we gotta go there." Jenna says pulling my arm leading us to a book shop. "You know what we should do?" She asks me with a bright smile. I look at her confused. "We should get a journal and fill it together with our memories." Jenna says kneeling down looking for a perfect Journal. "Actually not a bad idea." I say helping her look. "Ohhh you know what we should get?" I ask coming up with a idea. Jenna looks at me waiting for me to talk. "A fucking polaroid camera to fill it with pictures." I say looking at her excitedly. She slaps my arm laughing. "Fuck yesss." She agrees making me laugh along with her.


We were now in my room decorating our Journal together as soft music was playing in the Background. Jenna was writing on a page, as I was printing out the pictures we had together on our phone. I jump on the bed next to Jenna. "alright I got some pictures." I say starting to cut them in size. "Wait when did you take this." Jenna says smiling noticing the picture I took earlier today while she was sleeping. "today." I shrug smiling at her. she just looks at me with a bright smile. I peck her lips laying on my stomach now like Jenna, staring on the page Jenna was writing. "it's about the beach." Jenna tells me resting her face on her hand as the other one taps with the pen on the page. "I loved that day." I admit. She starts to write more as I said that sentence, making me chuckle. After a while we got some pages filled already and the pictures really brought the journal to life. "I love it it's perfect." Jenna says hugging the journal. "now let's take a picture with the journal." I suggest picking up the polaroid camera. Jenna holds my face with her hand pressing our faces together holding up the journal with the other. I put my arm over her shoulder and take the picture both of us pulling a face.

We laugh at how the picture came out glueing it into a blank page adding the date below it.

After a while we got bored and went to the basement. I was teaching Jenna how to dance with the silk. Well let's say try because Jenna was miserable at it. I laugh at her as she got tangled up in the silk. "Stop laughing y/n i'm trying." Jenna says laughing as well not being able to take herself serious. I take a picture of her laughing before helping her get out. She sighs plopping down to the coach. "how can you do it so easily?" She asks out of breath.I lay down next to her cuddling her. "I don't know practice?" I answer unsure. I kiss her head grabbing my phone. "I thought maybe we could invite the others to hangout?" I suggest to Jenna looking at her. She nods her head looking at my phone as I wrote them a text. Within a couple minutes they were all up to it. I check the time reading 7:39 P.M. I grab my weed and papes but before I could start to build a joint the door gets our attention. Jenna looks at me with a smirk. "First who's at the door!" She shouts already disappearing upstairs. I try to catch up to her but fail as I get near the door I hear their laughter. "Y/n!!!" B shouts running over to me engulfing me in a hug. " I missed you dumbass are you gonna be in school Monday please say yes." she rambles. "Yeah i'm gonna be." I chuckle greeting Chels and Dre. We head downstairs Jenna close by my side as chels and Dre do the same leaving B alone.

"wow I'm offended." B says, standing in front of us. I reach my arms to her letting her sit with us I kiss her head. After a while we start to talk about random things for hours I love these kind of moments. Jenna notices me admiring the moment and pulls out the camera. "Let's take a picture guyssss." Jenna says making all of us cheer. We take a couple pictures looking at them one by one. I grab the joint lighting it as the others talk again. I pass the joint to Jenna silently asking her if she wants some. She looks at me and then the joint taking a couple hits passing it on to Dre. As we all feel the effect of the weed slowly kick in we grow quiet just enjoying the moment we are in together. Jenna leans her head onto my shoulder playing with my fingers as my arm rests around her.

"B did you end up asking Jessy out to the ball?" I ask wondering now. "nah I don't think i'm gonna go, I have a bad gut feeling." She says making me look at her with furrowed eyebrows. "It would be all fun tho the five of us we can go as a fiver date." Dre suggest making us nod. "I'll think about it." B replies. I stare at her a bit trying to read what's going on with her but let it go for now. "2K tournament?" I ask lighting up the mood in the room. "fuck yesssss." Chelsea says grabbing the controller. "Jenna is with me in the team." I say hugging her tightly. "Y/n I dont know how to play you know that." She mumbles into my neck. "I don't care woman." I shrug. making her chuckle at me.

We end up loosing in round 3 groaning I hand the controller to Dre. As we watch them play I feel Jenna getting closer to me I look back to her noticing her eyes low and bloodshot. "You okay?" I ask leaning back allowing her to rest her head on my chest. "Yeah the weed is just really strong do you have something to drink." she asks me. I nod at her gently moving her so I can stand up. I ask around who wants a drink and head to the kitchen and grab us all some drinks.

"here you go babe." I say handing her a drink sitting down and lifting her legs so they rest on my lap. We watch Dre play against B, I hype up Bella as she scores a three pointer. Dre ends up loosing the tournament, I look over at Jenna seeing her focused on the screen. She catches my eyes sharing a small smile. I squeeze her legs that were still resting on my lap, before focusing back on the game.


Hours later we agreed to call it a night half of us were half asleep already coming down from the high. "Text me when u guys are home okay?" I say from the door as I watch them get in their cars. "take care y/n." B says starting her car. Jenna leans against me as we watch them leave my driveway. "can we please go to bed i'm so tired." Jenna says wrapping her arms around me tightly. I nod agreeing with her I was tired ever since we went to the mall. we quietly get ready for bed enjoying each others presence. I get under the sheets, scrolling through TikTok waiting for Jenna to come to bed. As she gets into bed I close my phone and pull her to me. I kiss her head than her cheek and lastly I linger my lips onto hers. "You're my everything." I whisper to her. "You're my everything." she repeats starring into my eyes with admiration, caressing my cheek. " I wish I would've had the courage to talk to you way earlier, I could've held you like this for longer." She whispers like the whole world was listening. I lean my forehead against hers. "We have each other now and i'm not gonna leave you anytime soon ever." I say. She looks Into my eyes.

"I love you." She whispers once again tracing her thumb across my cheek. I rest my hand on her waist. " I love you." I say back. She closes the gap between us, letting out a small whimper as our lips connect. it was a passionate yet sweet kiss. we pull apart smiling. Jenna gets closer to me nuzzling her face into my neck her arms tightly around my torso as mine were over her shoulders.

We let sleep take over us sleeping in each others arms peacefully.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now