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Time skip to Monday


Jenna and I were on our way to school hand in hand our fingers intertwined, as we enter the school we look for the others spotting them by the lockers. A couple students gave us looks some surprised some disgusted when they noticed me and Jenna holding hands. I feel Jenna tense up to my touch getting nervous from the looks I rub my fingers along her knuckles to calm her down. "Sup." I say approaching my friends. "Y/n finally I was suffocating being alone with Dre and Chels." B says dramatically making me chuckle. I glance at them seeing they are all lovey dovey with each other. My eyes widen "Did it happen?" I ask surprised making them crack a smile as they kissed each other. "Dude finally for real." I say to them.

Yesterday I was on the phone with B so she knew what was going on between me and Jenna and I'm sure she told the others as well. "Now we can go on double dates wouldn't be that fun." Dre gets the idea. "We aren't actually together yet." Jenna says with a smile. "Besides I won't let B down like that." I add dapping up B.

"I gotta get to class, walk me?" Jenna asks me leaning her head on my shoulder making my heart jump. I nod. "See you guys at lunch." I tell the others heading to Jenna's class.

On our way there I spot Alisha making me clench my jaw. when she noticed my presence she immediately looked away scared. Jenna waits in front of the door. "Thanks for walking me to class, I'll see you at lunch." She says leaning in and kissing my cheek. I make sure she gets inside before I head to my own class.


the day goes by quickly as I find myself in my room scrolling endlessly through my phone. My phone shines brightly Jenna's contact popping up. I press the green button. Her soft voice filling my ears. "Y/n can I come over, I'm bored." She says on the other line. "Yeah same." I say. I look through my window until I see her petite silhouette make her way to my house she spots me looking at her flipping me off. I grin brightly at her before heading downstairs opening the door beating her to it. She looks at me with bright smile wrapping her arms around my neck kissing my cheek dangerously close to my lips like she's been doing for couple days now. as we pull apart from the hug I let her in the house. "Why is it so quiet you home alone?" Jenna asks me taking of her crocs. "Yeah my mom's at work and my abuela is at the cafe." I answer closing the door. "Lets go downstairs." I suggest we race downstairs making me first to jump on the couch. Jenna was giggling still coming down from the stairs spotting me on the couch she jumps onto me making me let out groan before we both start to laugh. she was straddling my lap as her hands were resting on my chest. Our laughter turns into a quiet stare battle both of us slowly leaning in. We start to give small pecks until the pecks turn into longer kisses I push my tongue onto her mouth which she allows letting a out a quiet moan arching her back. As our tongues fight for dominance we pull away when air becomes a issue. I bite my lip cheeks flushed I turn to look at her.

"Wow." Jenna blurts out surprised she said that out loud she hides her face into the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist laughing slightly. She pulls away deeply into my eyes "I know we said we would take it slow but I wanna make out with you so bad." She whispers hot. I look in her eyes trying to read her she wraps her hand around my neck grinding once on my dick arching her back, closing her eyes in satisfaction. I feel my member twitch and without thinking I attack her lips hungrily, both of us moaning into the open mouthed kisses. I grab her ass squeezing it slightly making her rock her hips into me "Is this okay?" I ask above a whisper earning a nod from her as she was staring down my lips. We collide our lips together once again I leave small kisses down her neck to her collar bones.

"mhmmm." I hear her moan softly. turning her head to give me more access squeezing my shoulder. "if we don't stop this is gonna end different." I mumble against her neck making her let out another moan the vibrations of my voice against her neck driving her crazy.

"Don't stop." she says breathy grabbing my face smashing her plump lips against mine her hands all over me. I lead her movements with my hand rocking her slowly against my front.

"Just like that." Jenna moans throwing her head back in satisfaction feeling hard dick rub against her clit. The scenery of Jenna in this state drives me crazy. I start moaning softly with her attacking my neck.

"I'm Home!" We both jump stopping our movements. Jenna gets off of me fast jumping to the other side of the couch trying to act as casual as possible fixing her clothes and hair. I do the same as I hear steps coming down. "Jennaaa it's good to see you." My mom exclaims happily clapping her hands together. Jenna gives her a kind smile, god that smile drives me crazy. "Y/n how was school?" My mom asks looking at me now, I clear my throat pulling my boxers down trying to get my boner non visible. Jenna's eyes widen at that before quickly going back to normal. For my mom that doesn't go unnoticed as she stares back from me to Jenna, deep in thought. "Are you guys.... dating?" My mom drags unsure. Mine an Jenn's face drops which was enough for my mother to get the reply to her question. A smile grows on her face.

"yes finally I gotta tell Natalie!" She says happily.

"wait what?" I ask sitting up straight confused.

"Well we made a bet." She says making me and Jenna's jaw drop on the floor.

"¿Estás loca mamá?" I say in disbelief. "There's no way you were betting on your kids." Jenna adds flabbergasted. My mom just laughs at us before heading upstairs probably to tell Natalie.

"What the fuck just happened?" I ask shocked looking over to Jenna. So shocked that we end up laughing from embarrassment. We didn't know our moms had that in them.

Jenna sits on my lap playing with my baby hairs. "I guess we can't continue what we started." she says our faces close to each other. " I guess not also my practice is gonna start soon." I tell her tucking a loose hair behind her ear. "noooo you kill my boredom u can't leave." Jenna says annoyed. "Already attached?" I joke, earning a scoff from her. "Maybe I could come watch?" Jenna suggests getting off my lap. " I don't know about that I would have to ask coach, how about this I take you with and ask her before practice starts and then text you if you can come see me or no?" I say standing up going up to my room Jenna following closely by. "Perfect." she replies.


"Now it's real."

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now