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Y/n's POV:

Saturday 9:24 A.M

I yawn rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes before opening my eyes immediately squinting from the brightness outside. My phone dings seeing it's my friend group chat who also mostly are from my team.

B: Hangout tonight at y/n's place like we used to?

y/n: are you seriously inviting yourself to my house n the rest?

B: yes I am. :)

Chelss: Last time I checked my name isn't rest and yess for sure I'll bring the snacks.

Jessy: i'll bring extra controllers.

Y/n: I still got some weed left B get me some papes on the way here and drinks.

I close my phone huffing and stretching before I jump out of bed with a tank and basketball shorts. My moms at work and I think my abuela is at the local cafe where she has her little friend group. I pull out some leftover dinner and eat it as breakfast before cleaning my face and doing skincare. I put my running gear on and get ready for my daily 3 mile run. Not too much not too less just the perfect amount to keep my cardio in tact. I stretch one last time before starting my run. i decide to stop by the cafe to make sure she is there. I stop in front the little shop out of breath.

"ahhhh mira a mi nieta!" (ahhhh look its my granddaughter!) i hear my grandma happily exclaim giving her friends a proud look. Making me chuckle. I greet her and her friends deciding to continue after my grandma told me that she'll be home making food for me before I arrive.

I avoid trying to argue back and to tell her to rest but I'll know she'll beat me to it. I wave one last time before continuing my run. About 2.4 Miles in its time to take some electrolytes I struggle to get it from my sleeve pack trying to keep an eye out in front of me. I finally grabbed it but before I could pull it out I crash into someone. I quickly react and hold the person from falling down pulling them dangerously close. I look down to see who it is seeing those brown pair of eyes I once used to adore. I push her away from me still holding on to her because I don't want her to fall before dropping my hands an annoyed look on my face. "Stalker much?" She chuckles referring to my message I sent last night. I just look at her with a straight face not affected by her words. "If I would've known It was you I was saving from a concussion i would let you drop and watch every second of it." I say a smirk on my face before continuing my run I hear a faint asshole from her until her voice fades from the distance.

I sigh as I rub my stomach satisfied from the small snack I just had. I hear the doorbell me and my abuela both stand up but I assure her that I would get it. I open the door seeing Aaliyah in front of me with a porcelain dish in hand.

I smile at her "Aaliyah what are you doing here." I say missing from seeing her she's just like a little sister to me and id always look out for her with Jenna. Sadly after me and Jenna drifted away so did she but we are still on good terms. "Hey Y/N My Mom made this for abuela she heard that she was here in town to visit." I take the dish from her thanking her with a hug. "Thank your mom for me yes?" I say ruffling her hair earning an annoyed groan from her. She nods before making her way across the street I stay at the door until I'm sure she's inside safely before doing the same. I place the dish in the fridge. telling abuela where it came from. "We should invite them to dinner." She speaks English making me look at her surprised. "I don't think it's possible abuela mama's working." I earn a huff from her calling up her daughter. I leave to my room and scroll through my phone to pass the time. I soft knock interrupts my ears saying a soft yes. I see my abuela bring in water and fruits for me already peeled and cut ready to eat. I thank her taking a bite of a sliced apple. "Put on your shoes and tell Natalie we are expecting them tonight for dinner." I roll my eyes knowing it's gonna be hell being in the same room as Jenna for hours.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now