Deja vu

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Jenna clings onto my arm as we enter the party not wanting to be split from me by the crowd I hand a beer to Jenna taking one for myself as she drags me to the dance floor. she wraps her arms loosingly around my neck my hands immediately finding her hips. she starts grinding up against me the red lights shining onto us. "Deja vu?" I hear Jenna whisper into my ear giving me a smirk and those low eyes that drive me crazy the mascara on her eyelashes perfecting the look. I smirk at her bringing her close giving her a kiss she deepens the kiss by holding the back of my head with her free hand I let my hands go down now resting on her ass. I put my legs in the middle of her legs, earning a heavy breath from Jenna as she arches her back at the feeling. I look at her amazed kissing her neck. "Fuck this party." I say into her ear dragging her out to my car. "Y/n what about the others." Jenna asks before getting into my car. "They'll find a ride." I say quickly driving back to my house. The whole car ride we were laughing about the situation.

I wish I could savour these moments forever. I close the entrance door getting shoved into it by Jenna. "Woah damn." I say before I feel her lips on mine aggressively. I lift her up as she holds onto the door for supports we continue to make out as I hit the rim of the bed I drop her. getting my shirt off leaving me in my bra Jenna respects my actions as she bites her lip not being able to resist she comes over to me climbing into my lap. "I can't get enough of your lips." she rasps out looking deeply into my eyes kissing my lips. I allow her to lean me against the bed frame as she trails down my neck leaving kisses all over it moving to the different side she finds a spot where I was sensitive giving extra work on that specific spot before going down pulling my pants. "Can I?" she asks I nod at her as she starts pulling my pants down leaving me in my boxers. she takes her own pants off crawling on top of me against sitting down on my dick we both let out a heavy breath at the sensation only the cloth of our underwear separating us. she starts to grind against my member clearly enjoying the feeling. her eyes closed hard as she throws her head back. I guide her hips with my hands looking up at her. she kisses me before pulling apart and reaching into my drawer getting a condom out. she rips it open with her teeth. "Are you sure?" I ask Jenna as she slowly pulls down my boxers. "I'm more than sure now stop doubting and fuck me." She says dragging the boxers down letting my dick rise up, she lets out a small gasp at the sound.

Jenna grabs my dick starting to slowly stroke it. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling I feel her tongue on my tip driving me insane I let out a heavy breath. I pull her head down my dick feeling her lips wrapped around it just the right way. "fuckkk." I moan out, Jenna starts sucking my dick faster one of her hands playing with herself. she lets go of my dick with a plop making me groan. She puts the condom on before sitting on my lap kissing me letting me taste myself. She lets out a moan as my dick slides across her wet folds. She reaches down and aligns my member into her  vagina slowly going down on it she throws her head back with a loud moan. "Jesus Y/n." She moans out rocking her hips slowly. "You feel fucking amazing." I groan out squeezing her butt kissing her neck. She forces my head more into her neck as she pulls my hair, her moaning becoming a big mess. She fastens the pace sweat growing on her face. she pulls my hair down making me look at her. She gives me a sloppy kiss mumbling into the kiss. She supports herself, her hands on my chest, as she starts riding me keeping eye contact. "I I'm close-e." She stutters out I wrap my hands around her back as I start thrusting into her. "Oh my fucking god." She breathes out.

"Don't stop." She moans out her nails digging into my skin hair stuck onto her face from sweating. She arches her back letting out a loud moan "fuck." She screams out grinding hard against me at that I grow close as well as we orgasm together. The room being filled with our heavy breathing and moaning I let Jenna ride out her orgasm. she moves her hair to one side kissing me passionately. as we come down from our high Jenna lays beside me both of us letting out a sound at the lose of contact as Jenna stood up. The cuddles up against me pecking my neck softly. I wrap my shoulder around her. "That was amazing Y/n." Jenna confesses swinging  one of her legs over mine. "It was." I rasp out really tired. Jenna draws little nothings against my chest with her finger as I slowly drift to sleep.

Jenna spends hours looking at Y/n admiring every inch of her face till her own eyelids grow heavy letting sleep take over her as well. they sleep peacefully through the night.

I shut my eyes close as I feel my eyes getting hit with sunlight. I look down seeing Jenna sleeping peacefully against the crook of my neck. I rub my eyes grabbing my phone the time reading 10:21 A.M. I open the camera and take a couple pictures of us together I put my phone down running my fingers through her hair. I hear her mumble softly until she fully wakes up. "Good morning" she mumbles sitting up looking out the window with squinted eyes. I chuckle at her getting up. "You wanna go to the mall today and look for dresses?" I ask her. She smiles at me crawling to the edge of the bed before taking my face in her hands and pecking my lips softly "Yes I can't wait." Jenna says happily.


Jenna went to her house to get ready. I was doing the same when a call interrupted me. I see my moms contact. I set my phone up accepting the face time call.

I smile seeing my moms face. "Hey mama." I say. "hey my darling how are you doing are you going somewhere?" my mom asks noticing that i'm getting ready. "Uhh yes me and Jenna are going to the mall to look for some clothing, you know summer ball fest is in 2 weeks." I say fixing my hair with a hair clip. "Ah right well honey I wanted to talk about something with you." She says. I grow worried as I look at her. "Did something happen?" I ask.

"No no, my business trip is gonna last longer than we thought. You see we just got a contract offer with Canada and we are gonna work on it together the team is going to fly in there in 2 days. Is that okay? I sent you money to get by until I get home again." She finishes. "And how long are you supposed to be there for?" I ask.

"Maybe 3 weeks..." My mom says hesitantly. "What?! mama why so long?" I ask taken a back. I take a breath. "Alright mom I hope the contract thingy goes well call me when you can I love you." I say. "Bye princessa I love you." my mom says before hanging up.

I sigh grabbing my phone and going out the porch. I knock across the street, Revealing Edward behind the door. "Hey Edward, is Jenna ready?" I ask. "Oh hey Y/n come in come in Jenna is still upstairs." He says opening the door more so I can get in. I wait in the living room for her silence between me and Edward. "So Y/n how was last game I heard you asked Jenna out?" Edward starts. I clear my throat. "yeah it was a good game." I say. Edward looks at me studying my face. "What are your intentions with my daughter." He asks. I look away scratching my neck. " I love your daughter she's an angel in my eyes. i'll never forget her." I say sincerely. Edward starts smiling at me patting my shoulder. "You're a good kid Y/n." He says making me smile a bit. "Y/n I'm ready." We hear from behind seeing Jenna by the stairs. She had a simple white shirt on with her oversized navy blue jacket and some baggy jean shorts. Along with that plenty of jewellery that fit her vibe perfectly.  I glance at Edward finding him already looking at me with a smile. I wave a goodbye to him grabbing Jenna by the hand leading her to my car.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now