wild night

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Y/n POV:

We were outside the house now I notice Jenna shiver from the cold air hitting her exposed body. I take off my hoodie leaving me in my tank top not minding the cold. "Here." I say giving her the hoodie before starting to walk not hearing any steps behind me I look back seeing her struggle to put on the hoodie. "Damn how much did you have to drink?" I say surprised before heading over to her helping her get the hoodie on. She grabs the hem of the hoodie inhaling the scent sighing softly with a smile. "Smells like heaven." She says giving me a sloppy smile. I shake my head with a big smile on my face before grabbing her hand walking us back home. Which we fail miserably at since Jenna is walking like a fucking crab right now. And stopping on every little flower patch she sees to admire every stem. "Y/n I can't walk anymore." She groans swinging her arms in the air. "Yeah no shit you made the 20 minute midnight walk a sunrise walk." I say chuckling at her. I continue walking hearing Jenna stop dead in her tracks. "I'm not gonna walk." She says crossing her arms slurring each word. "Are you serious we're almost home." I tell her grabbing her by the arm but she doesn't budge. She shakes her head no. I roll my eyes picking her petite body up in a swing bridal style making her let out a happy scream. "Enjoying yourself?" I ask sarcastically. "Very." She replies genuinely making me scoff she moves her arms around the air telling me she's catching stars from the sky. I drop her off to her feet when we are in front of my house. "Alright you wanna play a little game?" I ask her in a tone only drunk people fall into. To that question she eagerly nods at me. "Okay so the game is called don't talk until you are in Y/n's room." I tell her turning the keys so the entrance door is unlocked.

We successfully make it to my room with no sound. "Yessss I won what's the prize." She says as soon as she's in my room turning towards me. "Uhhh here comfortable clothes." I say handing her a shirt and boxers of mine. I open the bathroom lights and use the toilet the voice of Jenna interrupting my pee break. "Don't come over here." I say. flushing the toilet and washing my hands I see Jenna waiting in front of the door with my hoodie halfway up her head. I laugh at that taking a quick picture to send to Aaliyah letting her know she's gonna sleep over. "Help me please." She says throwing her hands in the air. I help her take off my hoodie throwing it on the chair. I tell her to turn around so I can zip off her dress but not taking it off. I grab the shirt I gave her putting it on for her. she was just staring at me watching every move I made. "Alright now stand up and pull your dress off like pants." I instruct her which she successfully does leaving her just in my shirt and her underwear that was not noticeable since the shirt was to big on her.

I always am respectful when it comes to being nude in front of someone because you are intoxicated I wouldn't like to let someone see me naked when I'm drunk either. I hand her the boxers telling her to put them on as I head to the bathroom and get some make up wipes for her.

I see her sitting down on my bed her legs crossed patiently waiting for me. "Can you wipe your face with this." I ask her gently handing her the make up wipes. I watch her as she does a terrible job at it. "Here let me help." I offer sitting down on the bed. She faces me as I gently get the make up off, concentrated I remove every inch of make up from her face, but still aware of her staring right into my soul. I occasionally make eye contact with her both of us sharing a smile before I continue cleaning her up. She rests her hand on my thigh as the other one supports her weight on the bed. I take the opportunity to examine her face close up. Now being able to count every freckle on her upper cheeks that went across her perfectly shaped nose. Her long eyelashes closing like curtains as she blinks. I clear my throat making her jump a bit. "All done." I tell her throwing the wipes away. She goes to the bathroom as I head downstairs to grab some Tylenol and a glass of water for her to drink up in the morning.

I enter my room seeing her already laying on my bed blanket wrapped around her. I switch off the lights and open my led lights to the lowest setting. I can't sleep without lights ever since I was a kid it's a bad habit. I put on a shirt getting rid of my sweatpants leaving me in my boxers before getting into bed with her. As soon as I laid down Jenna cuddles up to me instantly. Taken aback I wrap my arm around her torso feeling her breath in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you Y/n." She whispers. "I hope we're okay, although I want to kiss you again." She says. Making my body tense up.

She wants to kiss me again?

I take time to feel that I'm feeling right now. The feeling of her breath hitting my skin giving me a comfort I can't explain. Her hands that were caressing my abs sending shivers down my spine. I close my eyes seeing her eyes in my head shining in the sunlight. Creating the most unique shade of brown I've ever seen. Even thinking about her bright smile makes me smile.

"Me too." I whisper not earning a responds I move my head a bit seeing her eyes closed and her chest rising up and down slowly. With that I close my eyes having the best sleep I've had in months.


The sound of the vacuum makes me stir awake I fight with my sleep giving up since the vacuum sound wasn't gonna stop any time soon. I try to stand up but a weight on my body stops me from doing so. I grab my phone from the nightstand the time reading 2 P.M. Considering us going to sleep at 4 A.M. that makes sense. I caress Jenna's arm gently hoping it'll wake her up. But her body doesn't nudge I poke her shoulder making her groan. I poke it again, this time she groans louder turning to the different side of the bed, my body instantly missing her warmth. "Wake up Jenna it's 2 P.M" I tell her standing up splashing my face with cold water to wake me up fully. I get back to my room seeing Jenna still sleeping. I poke my fingers into the glass I laid for her out yesterday night and flick water into her face making her jump holding her face. "Fuck you." She rasp out. "Yeah good morning to you too." I chuckle taking off my shirt and putting on a different one on. She groans sitting up holding her head immediately taking the Tylenol. "Jesus remind me not to drink when i'm depressed." She tells me looking up at me before her eyes shift to my lower half of my body her eyes widening her jaw dropping slightly. I furrow my eyebrows confused I follow her eyes landing on my morning wood. "Shit." I gasp my cheeks growing red I quickly pick up my previous shirt and cover myself running to the bathroom. I hear Jenna laugh from my bedroom.

I try to think about gross things to get my boner down barely working but eventually after 5 minutes it was gone, I let out a relived sigh quickly heading back to my room so she doesn't get the wrong idea. I see her scrolling through her phone her eyes shifting towards me smiling at me catching her look back down to my front quickly. I scratch the back of my neck "Sorry about that." I say before grabbing my basketball shorts off the floor and putting them on. "Get out of bed you have to get ready for tonight. Natalie is gonna kill you get your ass up." I say She scoffs at me getting ready.

I head downstairs greeting my mom. "Hola Mama." I say sitting down at the island. "Hey you guys are finally up, I thought i'd let you guys sleep, is Jenna still sleeping?" She asks me drying off some glasses. "Yeah she's getting ready how'd you know she was here." I ask curious. She points at the high heels in the hallway. I let out a mumble understanding how she figured it out.

5 Minutes later I hear Jenna walk downstairs fully in my clothes. "Good morning Bianca, I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She says standing beside me. "Oh don't worry darling, for you it's always a open house here." My mom reassures her. " Ready to go?" I ask her. "You're coming with?" She asks confused I nod at her putting on my crocs. She rings the door revealing Natalie. "Hey mom." She says before entering the house. I stay by the doorway greeting Natalie "Hey Natalie I was going to apologise for letting Jenna sleep over without telling you, you must've been worried." I apologise sincerely.

"Ohhh Angel thank you but it's okay Aaliyah told me in the morning don't worry." She says patting my shoulder. " But please next time give me a heads up yes?" She asks making me nod at her. We say our see you laters before I head back to my house.


I asked the moon about you.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now