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Y/n POV:

I was helping my mom choose a outfit for tonight. we ended up choosing a basic blouse and some jeans. "Alright need anything else?" I ask her standing up from the bed. "No thank you mija you can go." My mom says while fixing her hair. I feel my phone buzz making me stop in the middle of the hallway. I see B's Contact.

"yo remind me to not drink so much no more."

"Also where the fuck were you yesterday I couldn't find you anywhere."

I open the message replying.

"My bad I left early something came up I'll explain everything later but dw everything's good." I end the sentence sending it.

I change into my own outfit deciding on baggy beige Jeans with a basic white tee topping it off with a short sleeved flannel. As I was doing my hair my mind shifted to Jenna. I lean back letting myself drop on the bed. Remembering the kiss over and over again. Her soft plump lips against mine. The minimal taste of strawberry from her chapstick. Her hands around my body. I feel my pants tighten. I make a slow move to grab my crotch closing my eyes. But my mom's voice makes me retrieve my hand fast.

"Y/n Come here we are leaving." I hear my mom shout from downstairs. I jump up from my bed trying to get my light boner down failing I look at myself in the mirror to make sure it's not too visible before heading downstairs smiling as everyone looks my direction. I put on my crocs since its only across the street leaving along with my mom and grandma. My mom knocks on the Ortegas door handing me the flowers. "Dale estas a Natalie." She says making me nod at her. The door opens revealing Natalie and their kids. We all smile as we enter their house, nostalgia filling my senses, remembering how we used to run around this house as kids. "These are for you." I say giving Natalie a bright smile handing her the bouquet of flowers. "Ohhhh Thank you darling." She exclaims happily kissing my cheek. I move to Edward hugging him and Aaliyah as a greeting. I move over to Jenna. She was wearing a black crop top blouse along with matching baggy pants. Her hair was perfectly falling over her shoulders and her eyes were fixed with a bit of mascara. I look down at her lips biting down my own as I try and focus to keep my boner down. Jenna smirks at me before wrapping her arms loose around my neck my hands resting on her hips. We pull apart from the hug making her stumble a bit since she was on her tippy toes. Or I thought that was the reason. I stay next to Jenna not spotting Markus anywhere. "Where's Markus?" I ask. "He is at his girlfriends house for today. He is very sorry for missing tonights dinner." Edward answers my question.

"Well I was going to say lets sit down on the table the food is already ready." Natalie says from the kitchen finding a vase for the flowers. We all sit down on the dinner table seeing multiple meals sprawled around the table. Edward sits at the front of the table Natalie sitting next to him on the side. My mom decides to sit next to her I sit across form my mom as Aaliyah and Jenna sit beside me Jenna being on my right. Abuela was the last to sit down which was across from Edward. The parents make small talk as we just end up listening. I look at Jenna "How's your headache." I ask genuinely. "It's okay thank you." She says with smile placing her hand on my thigh under the table leaving it there until we start eating. We eat all in silence savouring the food. "So Y/n was the party?" Edward asks making Jenna choke on her water. I look at her with wide eyes before looking back at Edward with a smile "It was good but too many people for our liking right Jenna?" I say looking at her. She just mumbles a yes chugging her water making this whole situation awkward. I look at Aaliyah with a weirded out expression seeing her with a smirk enjoying this whole thing. I raise my eyebrows pinching her thigh making her drop her face immediately. The dinner thankfully continues smoothly. Now it was just me, Aaliyah and Jenna at the dinner table just scrolling through our phones.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now