a spark

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Sunday always feels like a filler episode, I huff rubbing my face throwing my phone on my bed. I decide to go to the basement, before getting into my dancing gear. I blast songs I dance along with around the room, grabbing the soft white cloth hung from the ceiling before tangling my self into it high up since the basement's ceiling is loft like. I start to dance aerial closing my eyes and feeling the music in my body. Most people actually don't know this about me but if I failed with basketball I would choose dance for a career which gets a lot of people shocked since they're the opposite arts. I let myself drop the cloth holding me up by my foot. I swing grabbing the cloth before a pirouette in the air. I hum to the music the song "Gangsta" by Kehlani playing.

"you got me hooked up on the feeling:"  The beat drops making me follow suit I drop myself down twisting in the air before " you got me hanging from the ceiling, Got me up so high, I'm barely breathing." pulling my self up arching my back before letting go and huffing out a breath wiping the sweat on my forehead. I hear clapping from the door thinking it will be my grandma but my eyes look with the most beautiful brown eyes. She had a smirk on her face her eyes a little glimpse of something I've never seen. I roll my eyes getting a towel to dry my forehead "What are you doing here?" I ask annoyed. "Nice moves maybe I'll make an article ' Y/n basketball MVP or maybe a dancer!?' the says in a dramatic voice laughing. Making me clench my jaw. "Relax your abuela let me in I forgot my phone here last night." She says making me look down seeing the phone on the beanbag in front of me "I need a gangsta to love me better." Jenna walks over to the beanbag never breaking eye contact with me before kneeling in front of me grabbing her phone her eyes go down to my abs her lips parted slightly her eyes growing with that glimpse. I look down to her lips. "Y/n!" I hear my mom yell from upstairs making both of us gasp being so caught up in the moment. I look at Jenna before going up hearing her footsteps behind mine."Come help me with these bags darling." I see her struggling I walk over to her grabbing most of the bags feeling Jenna's eyes burn at my toned arms. I try to ignore her stares and start putting everything in the fridge.

"Ah Jenna you're here." my mom says smiling out of breath. "Yeah, I forgot my phone here last night came to pick it up I should go now." She says clearing her throat. "oh no honey you should stay your mother is coming over soon for some drinks anyways you can go together after." My mom says making me drop the lemons in my hands. Jenna says a soft okay knowing she can't talk back before helping putting the groceries away I feel her staring all over my upper body. Making me cringe feeling really uncomfortable. "Alright!" I say louder than intended making Jenna jump "I'll head to the shower did a few dance sessions earlier." I say smiling at my mom. "ahhh you should've recorded you know I love when you dance." My mom says cutting up some fruits. I chuckle at her before heading upstairs and shower trying to clear my mind on what happened with Jenna earlier. And why now? I try to focus on the running water trying to not fall down in a pit.

I've struggled with mental health since years beginning of high school was when it was really bad but I tried to pull myself together obviously i'm not all better now but better then I was a couple years ago. now its just like a fear of feeling like how I've felt. so I do everything to keep me away from it. I turn off the shower wrapping the towel around my body before drying myself and putting on some clothes. I brush my hair softly running my fingers through it making my eyes close in satisfaction. after I finished I head downstairs hearing voices coming from the kitchen. My eyes meet my mother and Jenna laughing looking at something. I furrow my eyebrows glancing over my moms shoulder seeing her holding up a childhood picture of me and Jenna having spaghetti all over our faces. I get annoyed at that Jenna can't just fucking pop out of no where and laugh with my mom about what ever she broke me and left me and here she is without a apology or anything laughing at some dumb picture. I glance at my abuela seeing her busy making tea for herself I go over to her wrapping my arm around her kissing her temple "Eres mi corazon querida" she says to me rubbing her hand against my cheek making me lean into her touch. I love my grandma she always knows what I need to hear without asking. I pull away from her going up to my room.

I turn on my gaming console and put on my headset. I play a few rounds of 2k I see my door opening revealing Jenna. She sits on my bed and I open up call of duty. As I was playing I felt stares on me from the back. I go to a secure place before turning to her. "Can you stop staring at me:" I say annoyed before turning back to my game and killing 2 players who were fighting in front of me. I finish the game not in the mood to play anymore I grab my phone scrolling through TikTok on the floor. Jenna was doing the same on my bed. I sigh from boredom and head to the bathroom to piss. As I was walking back to my room I see Jenna waiting for me her phone not in her hands. "Hey Y/n." she says softly desperately trying to find eye contact. in the same state she was when we were with my friends. "What." I say annoyed. silence started filling the room Jenna now looking at her lap deeply in thought her fingers tracing the motive on my bedsheet. "uh nothing just thank you for you know carrying me back to my house." she says her jaw clenched and her demeanour completely changed. I look at her " yeah no problem." I say mumbling a weirdo to her on how she was acting like she was gonna say some terrible news. "Move." I say waving to her on the bed, she pushes herself back so I have space to sit. we were both doing our own thing side by side as we heard my mom call the both of us. knowing Jenna and Natalie are leaving. "done with catching up?" I ask sarcastically watching the two moms talk at the front door. "bye Bianca we'll see us next weekend!" she says kissing her cheeks. she moves to me squeezing my cheeks making me groan.

"Bye y/n." She lets go of me we watch Jenna hugging my mom bye. "Alright Jenna say bye to y/n quickly we gotta go." Natalie says walking out the front door. Our eyes meet as she slowly makes her way to me stoping unsure in front of me before lifting her arms up wrapping them around my neck, as reflex I wrap mine around her waist. hugging briefly for a couple seconds. It's been so long since I had her in my arms feels like peace all over again. We both pull away at the same time before Jenna looks up at me smiling softly before following her mom suit. "Why are you still standing at the door?" my mother asks making me look around, the front door already closed. "Oh sorry." I say quickly running up to my room.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now