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Y/n POV:

Me and Markus have been playing for an hour or so stopping mid game to eat dessert. Both the girls are laying on my bed watching us play which surprised me because Jenna never liked basketball. "shit." I cuss pausing the game as I feel my phone vibrate seeing its B.

I smack my lips pressing the green button. "what's up? I ask I hear her driving her car somewhere. "Yo Y/n/n we're on our way." she says loudly making my other friends cheer from the backseat. I chuckle at that. "Alright but bro we still got guests over." Right on que my door opens revealing my mom "Your parents are going." Everybody heads down Markus putting his shoes on along with the others. "This was so much fun I'm glad we came felt like it used to." I hear Natalie talk to my mom her agreeing. Oh god I hope this doesn't become a regular thing again. "Ayyyyyyyyy Y/n we hereeeeeee." B screams shacking bags of chips in the air. Making me shake my head from embarrassment. I hear her mumble a oh shii before getting to my side along with the others. My family just looking at them weirdly except Natialie and my mom still are talking happily. I clear my throat getting my moms attention. "OH are these your friends." Natalie says shaking their hands smiling. "Thats perfect isn't it Jenna you should stay and hang out with them a bit, right Bianca like they used to as little kids." She exclaims excitedly looking back at my mom "Ohh definitely right Y/n she can stay right." She asks smiling at me I look at everyone confused on what the fuck is going on right now.

"No mom it's fine I wanna come with you guys." Jenna tells her with annoyance. "No you're staying see now you both have time to hang out catch up it'll be fun." She tells her before going out the door the rest of the family following after saying our goodbyes. I stay at the door with B and Chelsea and Dre on my side giving Jenna a look. I turn to my friends. I think of a way to get the weird tension out. "Last on the couch gotta prank the coach again." I say before sprinting down the stairs before anyone could. We all jump on the couch making chels the last, obviously not counting Jenna. Chelsea tries to talk herself out the situation with the girls when I noticed seeing Jenna uncomfortably just standing there making me once again surprised. it's like the whole popular girl in high school act is peeled off of her. "Here you can sit on the beanbag." I tell her pointing at the bean bag on my side.

"Just don't ruin the night and end up snitching on us or making rumours after all you're the loser in this situation. Hanging out with us right?" I say mocking her. "Shut up." was all I heard from her before she started scrolling through her phone. We've been blasting music and doing a 2k tournament for what feels forever. Jenna ended up putting her phone down and paying attention to the game occasionally laughing along with us quietly. "fuck." I mumble handing the controller to B loosing to 3 points. I pull out some weed and watch the next game while rolling up one. The sound of the paper rubbing against each other got jenna's attention. Her eyes widen when she sees me rolling a joint, before they go back to being normal. I used to be really against all type of drug and smoking at the time me and Jenna were friends but that obviously changed.

I twist the excess paper and light it up. hotboxing the room. Really big perks when having a basement hang out spot. "You might wanna open the window if you're lightweight." I Tell Jenna making the others chuckle, earning a annoyed look from her. I pass the joint around by the time it was Jenna's turn we were just all sprawled around the couch listening to music and talking, with Jenna just listening she declined the joint and passed it to me. I immediately put it between my lips taking a drag inhaling and huffing out the smoke out. Jenna had her eyes fixated on me her eyebrows furrowed lightly. As soon as I look at her she looks away. God where are we kindergarten? I try to blur her out the next hours of the night. We pass the joint around a few times more until Chels puts it out. We just enjoy each others presence in silent and sing along to whatever song was playing. I open snapchat and look at myself my eyes low and bloodshot making my green eyes pierce out brightly. I close my phone looking around the room barely seeing anything from the smoke filling the room. I look at Jenna her eyes low as well but not bloodshot like ours since she didn't smoke but inhaling the smoke that was filled around the room does the trick also. She was lying down on the big beanbag her eyes looking at the ceiling. "Yo Y/n I left the drinks upstairs and my mouth is hella dry can u go grab it?" B asks. "alright, open the window a bit tho I don't want the whole house smelling like weed again." I say standing up from my spot. My mom was okay with my smoking weed she caught me multiple times and kinda gave up to tell me to stop.

but she set some ground rules like not smoking in her sight and if I share my weed with friends i'll take the responsibility if something happens stuff like that. I go upstairs first to my room changing into something more comfortable, deciding on an open edge black shirt and some random sweatpants I found on the floor. I grab the drinks on the way downstairs before shutting the door. "Close the window." I say setting the drinks down on the small table. We all get a drink except Jenna. I look at her seeing her contemplating if she should grab a drink since she wasn't really invited. "You want a drink Jen?" I ask her using the nickname I gave her when we were kids. Her eyes lock with mine her eyes barely open. she mumbles a quick yeah smiling softly at me I hand her a coke and sit back on my spot of the couch which was the closest to Jenna.

"Damn Jenna how high are you?" B says laughing making us all look at Jenna trying to open the cap of the bottle only twisting it the wrong way. We all burst out laughing making Jenna laugh with us as well. "What this is my first time so bare with me." She says laughing at B. I take the bottle from her and open it handing it to her. "Why are you being so nice?" She blurts out. I look at her eyes lower than ever before chuckling. " I remember my first time." I say laughing making the others laugh along expect Jenna. After some time we decided to watch a movie which went by fast. Now we were cleaning up the bags of chips and our drinks. Airing out the room. Most of us were sober by now. Jenna fell asleep during the movie, which gave us the opportunity to balance random stuff on her head without her falling asleep and taking embarrassing pictures.

I dab up all my friends making sure they get to the car safely before closing the door. "Alright Jenna wake up you gotta go." I say not getting an answer back. I nudge her softly trying to wake her up without success. I sigh tapping Markus's contact.

"Yo bro Jen fell asleep can you open the door i'll bring her over." He says a quick yeah before hanging up. I put on my crocs lifting Jenna up bridal style without struggle I walk up the stairs. Going out the front door. The night breeze hitting my face as I feel Jenna moving under my touch before her arms wrap around my neck.

she gotta be awake right? I look down at her seeing her eyes shut sleeping peacefully. I shake the thought of my head seeing Markus already waiting for me at the door. He lets me in both of us trying to be quiet to not wake up their parents. I walk up to her room Markus opening the door for me I squat down setting her gently on her bed, putting the blanket over her so she doesn't get cold. I look at her room which was only getting lit by the moon. Nothing really changed only that she replaced all of our pictures with ones with her new friends. I don't spend more time in her room kind of scared to get hurt again so I leave. I say my goodbyes to Markus and head to my house quickly taking a shower and going to sleep.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now