locker rooms

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Y/n Pov:

I close the door grabbing my skateboard off the porch deciding to go to school with it today. I out on my headphones and throw the board onto the pavement jumping on it I push once letting me ride in a comfortable pace passing Jenna i look back smiling at her earning the same noticing she's wearing my hoodie which was unusual since I got used to seeing her in a crop top and high waist jeans like her friends. I was looking for my friends not spotting them anywhere I shrug heading inside to my locker I grab all the things I need shutting my locker door jumping seeing B behind it. I smack her with the books in my hand "what the fuck is wrong with you sneaking up to me like that?" I say annoyed. "Is that Jenna wearing your hoodie?" she says confused pointing behind me I turn my head to that direction seeing Jenna walk pass us through the hall with Alisha. I look back to B "Yeah I drove her home yesterday she was soaked so I gave her my hoodie." I say unbothered. the smile on B's face grew. "did something else happen?" she asks raising her eyebrows up and down jokingly. making me smack my lips. "No dumbass nothing like that happened we just talked eventually she apologised but I told her that if she wants to be friends she should put the effort into it and not hide me, basically." I say shortly. " do you think she'll do it?" she asks starting to walk to class with me. I shrug " I told her it's in her hands ."

We sit down in class next to each other history was always the most chill subject all we do is listen a bit to what the teacher is saying and look documentaries for the rest of the lesson. me and B always sneak snacks in since were barely noticeable from the dark room and last row.

We end up talking about random stuff above a whisper like every time, "and then she dropped the rose and went the other direction." B finishes, eating m&m's. "damn I gotta watch that." I reply the teacher interrupting our conversation. "Alright class this is it for today thank you good lunch!" he says. all the students make their way to the cafeteria getting to their tables. "I don't know why but today actually feels like good day." I say eating my pasta. "yeah thats because you and Jenna made up." Dre says teasingly, making chels playfully hit her shoulder and laugh. Both me and B make eye contact our face reading the same disgusted expression. "get a room." B says making me laugh. "Where's she anyway?" Chels asks. I look around the cafeteria spotting Jenna sitting with Alisha and her minions. What I notice is Jenna is eating. Everybody knows that friend group doesn't eat lunch to stay 'skinny' . so seeing her eat made us all get a surprised expression I look over to her other friends all carrying annoyed looks at Jenna.

making me chuckle at that. we continue eating as my attention catches Jenna and her friends walk over here Jenna with a scared expression on her with Alisha arguing with her. as they get closer I could make out what she says "Jenna you're so embarrassing first the hoodie and now eating like that we're going to the bathroom right now." Alisha tells her grabbing her my the arm. As they cross our table I put my foot out making Alisha trip and fall on her face I continue eating unbothered looking down at her and then at Jenna seeing her smile at me shyly. "Ugh my make up. Jenna help me up!" She says with her squeaky voice making me roll my eyes. "Fuck you dyke!" Alisha says poking her finger against my chest. I huff dropping my fork standing up staring down to her clenching my jaw the height difference making her swallow her own spit. I don't say anything just stare at her with an annoyed look. In the corner of my eyes I see Jenna biting her lips watching the whole situation behind her. her eyes lowering to my biceps. "Whatever let's go Jenna. I have to fix my make up." Alisha huffs leaving with Jenna. the students around us sit back down to their table disappointed that there hasn't been a fight. I sit back down continuing eating my food. "that was hot." Chels says making me chuckle at her. Dre glaring her down for that comment.

I wait for everybody to finish their lunch before grabbing my backpack. "Alright I gotta go I have P.E" I say dapping everyone up. "Oh shii Alisha gonna fuck you up there." B says, reminding me I have the next class with her whole friend group.

I head to the changing rooms knocking before going inside to let the girls in there know it's a student. I throw my gym bag on the bench. I don't really know anyone in this class expect for Jenna and Alisha, so I just focus on getting changed into my sports clothes. I turn to the bench my eyes locking with Jenna's. I smile softly at her before grabbing my tank from the bag. I lift my shirt up and take it off leaving me with my sports bra on. i catch Jenna along with some other girls stare at my muscular body. making me smirk to myself. I put on my shirt and taking off my pants leaving me in my basketball shorts.

I'm comfortable changing in front of my teammates but there's no way you'll catch me in boxers for P.E class. I put on my shoes and leave the locker room. I was one of the first students to enter the gym making the teacher use the opportunity and make me help her set up the games we were gonna play this time. By the time I was finished everyone was patiently waiting for the class to begin.

"Alright class." Coach Gaby says loudly. " I want you guys running 2 laps around the gym and then split into 2 equal teams we're staring off with dodgeball.


After running I watch everyone split into teams some going over the half court to make it visible which team was which. I just stayed in my spot observing the rest arguing about the teams. I feel a presence next to me making my gaze shift to that direction seeing Jenna. I look back to see Alisha and her minions on the other team. "You're not gonna be on their team?" I asked surprised and curios if she'll ignore me or answer to my question. she looks up at the me the height difference painfully visible " no I saw the opportunity to not be with them so I took it plus you're a champion in dodgeball." She says shoving me playfully. My eyes widen at that my eyes shooting up to her friends seeing them talk. "You know I actually didn't think you would put up the effort." I say to her honestly. She just looks up at me shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm done pretending y/n I told you that." She says. " I don't care if she makes my life a hell, because I know i'm not around the wrong people anymore." she says deeply looking at my eyes her eyes flickering to my lips for a second. before I could say anything the whistle got our attention.

"Ready, set, GO!" coach exclaims making me sprint to the balls I grab three passing one to one of the girls in my team before going up to the court shooting hardly hitting Alice one of Jenna's friends on the head. I hear Jenna chuckle at that. I look back now seeing Alice. leaving the field with a annoying expression on her face. we continue the game I keep us in the lead. only two players left on the opposite team I catch the ball that was attempted to hit me before dodging the next ball flying towards me with it. I roll one of the balls to my teammate before hitting one with mine leaving one player on the court against 3.

I back up a bit trying to focus I see a ball flying towards Jenna who wasn't paying attention. 'ah hell naw' I think to myself before running over and catching the ball inches away from her face making Jenna jump. She lets out a huff and looks at me " Thanks." she says quickly, stealing the ball from my hand and shooting the last player right on the hip. The whistle blown lets us know that we won the game making Jenna smile brightly at me. "See I can hit a game winner as well." making me chuckle resting my hands on my hips giving her a high five, along our other teammates.


We finished P.E and I quickly get changed in the locker room wanting to go home right away. "You know its actually making me so uncomfortable knowing im getting changed in a room with someone the opposite gender." I hear Alisha tell her friends making them all nod their heads. I look at her direction seeing Jenna with a weirded out look on her face. "I mean she could get us pregnant isn't that against school rules." She continues looking at me now.

I look at her swinging my gym bag over my shoulder. " Yeah no you don't have to worry about that I wouldn't fuck your ugly ass for all the money in the world." I say grabbing my jacket. I hear Jenna laugh at that. my attention shifting to her now. "Excuse me Jenna?" Alisha asks her with attitude. " you are excused." She replies shrugging her shoulders before grabbing her belongings and leaving the locker room. She stops at the door turning towards me. "You coming Y/n?" she asks. I raise my eyebrows grabbing my skateboard turning to Alisha blowing her a kiss making her roll her eyes as I leave the door.


you're the risk I'm willing to take.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now