gut feeling.

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Y/n POV:

"How do I look?" I ask Jenna turning around to face her. "sexy." She says making a big smile appear on my face. I give her a sweet kiss before turning back to the mirror. "should I do tie or no tie?" I ask once again. "I think you look better with no tie." Jenna answers wrapping her arms around me from behind. "do you think it's still gonna be weird with the others?" Now it was Jenna's turn to ask me. I sigh looking at her through the mirror coughing slightly. " I think it should be fine." I reassure her. "Now stop wasting time and get dressed we are gonna be late." I say fixing my hair. and straightening up my suit.

I was sitting on my bed ready to go waiting for Jenna to be ready scrolling endlessly on TikTok. "How do I look?" I hear making me look at the most jaw dropping view in front of me. The black dress perfectly complimented her curves just in the right way as her hair was tightly clipped in the back with her bangs and a few strands hanging in front. "damn." Was all I could say seeing her in front of me like this. I look at her the mascara around her eyes making her eyes look even more magical. A noticeable blush occurred on Jenna's face as I got near. I'm pretty sure I was blushing like crazy too but I don't care. I wrap my hands around her waist as her arms naturally find themselves around my neck. " Can I kiss you?" I whisper never breaking eye contact. Jenna smiles nodding her head yes as we both leaned in and shared a sweet kiss. I break the kiss holding up a corsage and carefully putting it on Jenna. "Beautiful." I exclaim as she does the same for me. I grab her hand to lead her to my car but she stops me. "Wait we have to capture this." She says holding up the polaroid. I chuckle at her and pose a couple times. "Alright let's gooo." I say dragging the O, this time actually making it to the car I hold the door open for Jenna. The drive was filled with laughter and screaming out lyrics to our favourite songs. "Remember when you snatched my AirPod for the first time?." I say focusing on the road as the familiar tunes from 'Again by Noah Cyrus ft. XXXtentaction' started playing.

"Stoppp I literally didn't know how to approach you." Jenna says slapping my arm embarrassed making me laugh at her. "Alright butthead we're here." I say turning the engine off. We make our way through the halls leading to the gym, seeing dates all around enjoying their time. Jenna wraps her hand around my arm as we get closer to the friend groups table. I clear my throat my nerves getting to me scared if the vibes are gonna be off. Jenna squeezes my arm once silently letting me know that she's by my side. I look down at her with a soft smile. "Look who's hereee ayyyyyy." Dre screams out, making both of us chuckle. "I see you did some pregame." I laugh hugging her and the others. I stood in front of B trying to read her facial expressions. "You look hot." I tell her making her crack a smile. " You don't look bad yourself dumbass." She replies engulfing me in a hug making me let out a huge relieve. We all sit down getting into a convo pretty quickly as we toss around the gatorade bottle mixed with vodka. I take a sip making me cough immediately. I earn stares my way from the table all concern written on their faces. "i'm good chill it's because of the vodka who mixed this shit I bet it was chels." I try to change the topic which seemed to work. I catch B looking at me making me tighten my lips and look straight down the table.

As we all got more loose from the alcohol in our system we got up to the dance floor, having the time of our lives. Screaming out lyrics, dancing, jumping around you name it. "I came prepared guys." Chels yells over the music pulling out a flask out of her bra. "How the fuck did you fit that shit in there." Dre says taking the flask from her taking a big gulp passing it to me. I do the same making a face handing it to Jenna. I laugh at her as she does a face earning a shove from her.

as the song started to fade into a slower song all dates got together including me and Jenna. I looked over to chels and Dre seeing B in between them. making me and Jenna chuckle. "You know I think today isn't all too bad." I tell Jenna as we sway left and right. " See I told you, everything was gonna be fine." Jenna says resting her head on my chest. I kiss her temple as we both start to enjoy the moment. "I love you Y/n." Jenna exclaims. "I love you Jenna." I say back to her tucking a hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek I inch closer pressing our lips together for a long meaningful kiss. "Woooohoooooo get it guys!!!" We hear Dre cheer making us laugh into the kiss. "You are definitely cut off Dre." B says snatching the flask from her hands. Making us all laugh even harder. " I love you guys you're my heart and soul." I say sincerely admiring my beautiful friend group. "we love you too Y/n." B says with a big smile. We all break in awe and do a group hug our smiles never leaving our faces.

The nights goes by fast and we find ourselves leaving the gym. "How about we go back to my place and chill like we used to." I suggest, making Jenna nod hugging my side. "What about our cars" Dre asks slurring her words. "Yeah miss girl I think you're too drunk to be behind the wheel right now." B says making me let out a chuckle. we get into my car listening to radio quietly. all of us processing the night. I rest my hand on Jenna's thigh as I wait for the light to turn green. I press the gas interrupting in a cough. Jenna asks me if I want some water since my coughs were going on and on. it came to the point where my eyes started watering and the piercing pain from my lungs reoccurring as my cough got harder and harder with each one. "Y/n pull over I can drive." B says from the backseat. I shake my head trying to suppress the coughs begging to be let out. "I'm good." I say more to myself than to the others as I try to focus on the road ignoring the abrupt pain covering my head. "Y/n pull over I don't have a good gut feeling about this." Jenna says now.

Jenna's POV:

I stare at Y/n as she starts coughing harder. "Y/n pull over I don't have a good gut feeling about this." I let out my voice shaking as panic washes over me and my heartbeat increasing. I try to calm myself down to not let this situation escalate even more. I look over to B seeing she has the same fear written on her face. "Y/n?" B whispers as I watch her fear turn into something words can't explain. Everything goes in slow motion as I look back to Y/n jolting in her seat. "Y/n?" "Y/n!" "Y/N!" I scream as Y/n has a seizure in front of me. Her eyes reading nothing.


"Stop the car, Stop the car Jenna!" Dre yells as we get into the intersection. snapping me back to reality. My hands running cold as I try to stop the car from the passenger seat. Before I could do anything All I saw was bright headlights coming our way. Instinctually I reach one arm around Y/n as I Duck down.

Screams filled the car as I heard other cars around us honking closing my eyes shut as I felt the truck crash from the left loosing control of my body, the car violently rolling over. I let out a gasp after everything went quiet not being able to move from the airbags surrounding the interior. I let out sobs my whole body running cold as a piercing headache starts to develop. For a second everything felt like it stopped in time. the only thing being heard was hard breathing and the radio playing "poison tree."

"Jenna?" I hear a shaking voice say. Recognizing B's voice I let out a even harder sob thanking god that she's okay. "Y/n?" I say with all the energy left in me. "no, no, no, no." I let out above a whisper trying to open the door. Jamming the handle I finally break out the smell of smoke immediately filling my nose, seeing flames forming around our car. "B get everyone out." I scream. Forcing the driver's door open with all my strength, my vision completely blurred I try to get out Y/n dragging her body out of the car.

I fall down to my knees as faint sirens were heard from afar. "Y/n it's me Jen please wake up!" I shake her caressing her cheek. noticing blood dripping down from her head. "Y/n." I yell with sorrow. "We're okay okay we're going to be okay." I say more to myself then her lifeless body. I sob into her chest our clothes drenched in shards and blood. All I could do was helplessly scream banging my hand on the hard tar floor.

As the sirens got louder and louder so did the headache get stronger. I see B with Chel's and Dre crying as they look towards me from afar. My vision starts slowly blacking out the last thing I'm able to make out being our car bursting into flames as my body shuts down.

Everything going black.


A/N: Cliffhanger I knowwww, I hope you enjoyed the book the same way I did writing it. I'm still contemplating if this chapter was rushed or not what do you guys think? If the book goes well I definitely will release a sequel I already have some ideas feel free to comment yours as well and I'll try to get over all of them when I can. :)

love you guys!!

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now