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Y/n Pov:

We enter the house the overwhelming smell of alcohol and weed filling my nose immediately. Overcrowded is a understatement wherever you looked you saw drunk teens dancing around or eating each other off making me cringe. I feel a hand grabbing mine seeing its jenna's just by the look of it. I look back to her making sure she's not getting crushed since she's pretty short. I drag her across the living room along with the others we head to the kitchen pouring ourselves our shots. "Cheers!" We yell all together downing the shot pouring another repeating our actions I shake my head from the alcohol before grabbing a beer cracking the lid open and washing the taste of my mouth out. "Y/nnnn you made it!" I hear Hailee's voice over the music making me smile at her and hug her "Heyyyyy I didn't know you would throw a party like this ." I yell over the music. making hailee giggle at me putting her hand on my bicep. I know she's drunk since she would never be so open sober. I feel Jenna grab my hand squeezing it tightly as she sees hailee touching me. "Lets take a shot." I suggest pulling my hand away from Jenna's and pouring the both of us a shot. She grabs one of the shots following suit before we cling our glasses against each other. "To Art!" Hailee says laughing, making me laugh along already feeling a slight buzz from the alcohol we both drown the shot like it's nothing. "Alright I'm going I'll see around thank you for coming!" Hailee says hugging me before fading into the crowd. "She's nice isn't she?" I ask Jenna with a smile earning a shrug from her. I grab my beer off the counter, noticing we lost the others. "You wanna dance?" Jenna asks me making me nod at her. We had to the dance floor

Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado started playing making the both of us cheer along with the crowd. We start dancing as I sip my beer Jenna takes it from hands taking a sip herself before handing it back to me. By this time I know I'm drunk along with Jenna. She turns her back to me starting to grind against my front. I grab her hips letting her take control of my body. both of us moving to the rhythm. The song starts to fade away as Needed me by Rihanna starts playing Jenna turns back to me wrapping her arms around my neck I put my hand around her waist. Rocking our waists to the music. She lets out a giggle playing with the baby hairs on the back of my head. I give her a bright smile. "What?" I ask happily. Her smile fades as she now looks deeply into my eyes trying to find the right words.

"I just want this moment to last forever." She says to me biting her lip. Yet again she's in this vulnerable state around me just like the night at the hangout. I look at her squeezing her waist our faces inches apart to the point where I can feel her breath on me. With the alcohol in my system and her being the closest she's ever been to me I can't help but look at her pink full lips. She catches me staring expecting a arrogant comment from her but it never happens instead she does the same actions. She does the traingle method before slowly leaning in capturing my lips into her own. We both sigh into the kiss she traces her hand around my bicep as I hold her face, not wanting to break the sweet but also desperate kiss.

she tilts her head wanting to deepen the kiss but right then it hits me. I pull away looking at her shocked I pull my hands away immediately missing the warmth of her body's touch. She looks at me confused but quickly turns into a worried expression. I take a deep breath "I-I'm sorry I can't do this." I say loud enough for her to hear before blending into the crowd not knowing where I'm going I decide to go up the stairs to find a room or anything 'god I can't believe that just happened' I think over and over to myself. I run into Dre " AYYYY Y/N YOU'RE HEREEEEE:" She giggles, making me cringe at her knowing she's wasted. "Yeah it's me but please let go I have to pee you know." I lie rushing her faking a laugh before pulling away from her grasp. I walk opening the room in the far back hoping to see no one doing the dirty. Seeing no one in the room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and close the door shut behind me the loud music quickly being muffled.

I sit down on the end of the bed putting my beer bottle on the floor letting my hands hold my face. " I can't let this happen." I try to convince myself. It was just a heat in the moment thing we are both intoxicated and not thinking straight. My thoughts get interrupted by the door opening my head shoots up to the direction seeing Jenna. " Can I come in please?" She says unsure of what emotional state I was in right now. I nod at her holding my face again feeling the bed dip beside me letting me know she sat down. We stayed in place none of us talking the silence being worse than ever. "Y/n?" She asks me carefully. I look at her waiting for her to speak up.

"I'm sorry."

Was all she said or at least could say in the moment. I sigh ' be the bigger man, be the bigger man' I try to comfort myself. "Jenna I can't do this. Not with you." I pause seeing her expression change to something I couldn't read. "I can't do this you are my childhood best friend and we just started talking I don't wanna ruin it not for me and not for you." I tell her. I look at her briefly seeing tears roll down her face slowly. I tighten my lips making a move to wipe her tears unsure if she will let me but she doesn't fight back. I take her hand in mine. " We're like oceans apart." I say above a whisper avoiding eye contact. "We're so far apart but we do connect somewhere after all." I finish my vision now blurred with my own tears. I blink them away letting go of her hand standing up. Without looking back at her knowing I'll give in I leave the room and rush out of the house.

I walk with a fast pace back home now sober from the whole situation. I look at the time on my phone the 12:47 A.M. shining brightly through my skull making me squint my eyes. I silently open the door closing it gently behind me getting rid of my sneakers and heading upstairs to my room. not bothering to do my night routine I slip off my clothes and let my head hit my cold pillow. As soon as I close my eyes I doze off to sleep.


I groan feeling the vibration from my phone onto my mattress. I squint my eyes from the brightness seeing Aaliyah contact. She never calls, something is up. I sit up on my bed picking up the call. "Y/n thank god you picked up." She says from the other line. "Aaliyah it's the middle of the night is everything okay?" I say now fully awake. "Y/n Jenna spammed me and called me multiple times talking about how she messed up I don't know she sounded pretty wasted and she was crying." She pauses, I nod at that even tho she can't see me. "Can you please pick her up? My Parents are gonna kill me if they find out I went out at 2 A.M to get my drunk sister home." She asks me." yeah sure no problem." I say sighing rubbing my forehead with my free hand. "Did she say where she was?" I ask putting on some sweatpants and a hoodie. "Yeah she's at the party still." She answers. "Thank you y/n I owe you really, and I'm glad you guys made up." She says. We say our goodbyes before I hang up and put my shoes on careful to not wake up my mom or my abuela.

The fresh night air hits my face making me sigh in satisfaction. I was gonna bring my car but the thought of Jenna puking all over my baby made me quickly pass on that idea.

I arrive at the house fewer people now present the party slowly dying down I enter the house. The first room I check was the bedroom we were in earlier but no luck I sigh going through every door. Spotting no Jenna in sight, I head back downstairs. I spot Jenna on the kitchen table pouring herself a drink before she could bring the cup to her lips I snatch it away from her. "Yeah I don't think so." I tell her throwing the cup in the sink. "Y/n I knew you would come back for me, I'm really sorry please forgive me." She begs me basically leaning on me with her whole body weight. I pull her away from me grabbing her by the shoulders. Her make up smeared and eyes puffy. My heart breaks at the scene of her like that. I engulf her in a hug closing my eyes. I feel her wrap her arms around my torso squeezing tightly afraid i'll let her go again. "I forgive you." I mumble kissing her temple. She starts to cry again her body shaking under my touch I run my hand up and down against her arm in a attempt to comfort her which seems to work.

After she calmed down we let go of each other. I grab a plastic cup from the counter and fill it with cold water. "Drink up." I say smiling softly. She chugs the whole thing in a second handing me the cup proudly like a little kid. I let out a laugh making her laugh with me. I'm sure she doesn't even know what we are laughing about based on how wasted she is but it's cute.


Even the steps backward were a part of the dance.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now