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Y/N Pov:

I quickly rush out of class after the bell rang. Wanting to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. I double check where I was seated and if I packed everything which I did. I walk in a fast pace to my car the rain has stopped now the sun beaming through the clouds. I lean against my car waiting for Jenna. hoping the tension between us was just imagined by me.

I grab into my pocket pulling out a cigarette box taking one out and putting it back. Since I rushed out of class I just now see students gathering in the parking lot figuring out what the plans are for tonight. I take my lighter and light my cigarette taking a big drag inhaling it down to my lungs before exhaling it. "You got one for me?" I hear B's voice ask. I give her a tight lipped smile handing her one and lighting it for her, she rests her arm on my shoulder. "So what's bothering you?" she says exhaling the smoke.

"Not gonna lie I'm starting to think your girlfriend jokes about me and Jenna have a little truth to it." I say staring down on the broken pavement. "But I'm not gonna let it happen." I finish looking at her. "well just know you can't force your feelings what to feel." She says. I nod at her taking another drag of my cigarette. I hate that B always knows what to say and the thing I hate more is she's always right. the vibration of my phone gets my attention seeing it's Hailee with the party details. "the party starts at 8 i'll send you the address." I say showing her the message on my phone before forwarding it to the group chat. She pats my shoulder getting off my car. "Alright I'll head home see you later." She says the cigarette between her lips. I nod at her looking up seeing Jenna walk over to me with a bright smile. Without thinking I do the same.

"Yeah okay I thought you smoking weed was crazy but cigarettes really?" She asks me. "Yeah it's a bad habit I picked up last year." I say to her as she leans against my car next to me. And with one swift move she takes the cigarette out my hand taking a hit herself. "You're much to talk Ortega." I say raising my eyebrows. She just smiles exhaling the smoke into my face before putting the cigarette back between my lips. "Don't worry I just smoke occasionally." she says tucking a hair behind her ear. I just nod grateful that the built up tension wasn't in the air anymore. I flick the cigarette to the ground getting into the car with Jenna.

The drive was silent but comfortable. "So how'd you like my friends?" I ask amused for her answer. "well you were right about the personal space Invasion but I don't mind it I've been so deprived from affection ever since I started hanging out with the others. It's kind of refreshing knowing I don't have to think twice about my next words anymore." she says looking out the window admiring the nature around us. "I'm glad." I say. focusing on the road blinking before turning into our street. I park my car looking at her. "Be ready at around 7:30 PM we agreed to meet at my house then." I inform her. she nods grabbing her bag making a move to open the door but stopping she turns back to me hugging me shortly, I return the gesture by wrapping a single arm around her waist. I get out my car watching her head inside her house before doing the same.

"I'm home!" I yell taking off my shoes, spotting my mom on the couch. I kiss her cheek. "Me and my friends are planning to go to a party tonight is that okay? Jenna is coming with as well." I add. "Alright but be responsible with the drinking and no car if you drink." she says sternly. I nod at her walking over to the kitchen greeting my abuela. She hands me a plate of cut fruit right away making me chuckle a bit. I grab the plate thanking her and heading to my room opening my gaming console. Seeing B online we start playing call of duty together. I check the time which was reading 6 P.M. I get off the game and hop in the shower. B doing the same. I wrap the towel around my body as I dry off my hair heading to my closet choosing a black polo shirt and baggy cargo jeans. I get into the outfit putting on some rings and my necklace to compliment the fit. I'm not really an overdress person when it comes to parties so I don't care if I'm underdressed it's not a fashion show anyways.

I let my hair be in it's natural state too lazy to put it up in a hairstyle I spray on some perfume heading downstairs. To check on what my mom was a doing. "Look at you all pretty:" She says clapping her hands together. Making me cringe at her before letting out a smile thanking her. "I'm glad you're doing plans with Jenna again." She tells me. I give her a tight lipped smile letting out a small yeah. "Dinner." My grandma announces from the kitchen. My mom shots up from the couch helping my grandma carry the plates. We sit in silence eating our food. I purposely eat half of it knowing it'll end bad since i'm planning to drink later. I put my plate away and put the dishes in the dishwasher to help out my grandma. I dry off my hands with a towel hearing the door ring. My Mom stands up from her chair opening it. "Oh wow Jenna you look beautiful." My mom exclaims happily. I stand behind my mom my eyes landing on the tight black short silk dress she was wearing. My jaw drops but before she could notice I collect myself clearing my throat. "I agree." I say, Jenna now checking me out. "You're not too bad yourself Gonzales." She says teasingly giving in to hug me on her tippy toes. Wrapping her arms around my neck loose. I can't help but notice how the mascara and her eyeliner compliments her beautiful brown eyes just the right way as we pull away. "uhh lets head to my room until the others arrive." I suggests. I sit on my bed her following suit. "You should wear your glasses." She tells me seeing my glasses on my desk. I pick them up putting them on looking at her. "Hot." she blurts out, her cheeks flushing red. "thanks." I say blinking adjusting to my glasses since it's been a while since I wore them. I sit back down turning my body towards her playing with my fingers on my lap.

"Do your friends always take this long?" She asks me. "You get used to it." I tell her. "Your room changed a lot." She says standing up looking around my room. "Yeah me and B rearranged almost everything." I say now looking around too. She notices the framed picture of us from when we were kids on my night table. She walks over to it grabbing it dragging her fingers across it. "Yeah I left it there, I put all the others pictures away but I didn't have the heart to get rid of that one." I confess she looks at me her eyes filling with tears but never escaping. "I wanted to hate you and for a long time I thought I did but I knew deep down I could never hate you I mean after all you were the person I told everything to for a long time." I say shrugging my shoulders. She puts the picture back to where it was sitting down next to me looking into my eyes desperately before leaning forward and kissing my cheek dangerously close to my lips and engulfing me in a hug. I hug her back feeling the deep meaning to this hug purely in my soul I close my eyes, taking the moment in while it lasts. I pull away when I hear the door ring. "They're here race down the stairs?" I ask my smile growing. Before I could say anything else she stands up leaving me alone in my room I rush out sliding down the stair railing passing her quickly flipping her off as I open the door. "that was unfair." She defends herself making me laugh it off. "AAAAYYYYYYY PARTEYYYYYYY!!!!!" B screams I look at her weirded out before glancing to chels and Dre giving me the look knowing B already drank I shake my head before grabbing a thin jacket and telling my mom goodbye. We decide to walk since we have no cash for a cab and only a 20 minute walk. B hands us the tequila which a quarter was missing already knowing it was B I open the lid taking a sip pulling a small face before handing it to Jenna, her doing the same.

As we walk to the party we joke around and drink almost all of us tipsy already but B is definitely already drunk. with all the joking around we made the 20 minute walk into a 30 minute walk but We made it so it's fine. As we near the entrance we already see some teenagers talking on the porch the loud music muffled a bit people dancing around.

"ALRIGHT LETS GET THIS PARTYYYYY STARTEDDDDDDD BITCHESSSS¨!!!!" B Yells almost slurring all of her words. We all cheer the alcohol in our nerves letting us be loose already before opening the entrance door.


You flood my soul with pure love.

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now