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Y/n POV:

I groan the sunlight hitting me right in the face. I turn my back from the light feeling the hard wooden floor instead of my nice and cozy mattress. I hiss from the small fall before lifting myself up, I decide to start my day. looking at myself in the mirror noticing the puffiness around my eyes and the dark eye bags under them clearly visible on my face. I wash my face and get dressed in gym gear. I smell pancakes in the kitchen making my mouth water. As soon as I got my plate I started eating. "You feeling better?" my mom asks me rubbing my cheek. "Yeah mom that was nothing i'm over it."  I say shoving a spoonful of raspberries in my mouth. My mom looks at me concerned before lowering her gaze sighing "Alright just know I'm here." My mom says standing up from her chair leaving me alone at the table. I try to keep my mind right and focus on eating. after I finished with breakfast I grabbed my speaker and towel before heading downstairs. Since I got female high school MVP twice in my state they funded me a gym set up. along with some clothes and diplomas of course which my mom shows of proudly by hanging them to the wall, I drop my towel on the bench opening Spotify tapping my gym playlist.

Sirens my travis Scott starts playing and I begin to stretch before training may upper body. I grab the 12kg dumbbell and start doing incline bicep curls.

I huff dropping the weights grabbing my water bottle wiping my sweat on the towel. I move on with the workout training some more bicep and tricep before moving to shoulders. as I was starting my set for shoulder press I hear the door opening making me look through the mirror to see who it was seeing Jenna I ignore her starting my set groaning as I push the 20 kg dumbells over my head. I drop the weights with a loud thud on the ground making Jenna jump. "what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask stepping in front of her clenching my Jaw feeling sweat drip down from my forehead. Jenna steps a few steps back clearing her throat her eyes trailing around my muscles the workout pump complimenting every inch of it. "Uh I came to apologise." She says meeting my eyes. I chuckle at her "apologise for what? that you wanna be friends with me without anybody knowing? or maybe that you just dropped me in middle school for the most selfish bitches there is in this school so you could be perfect all together? Oh or maybe apologise for exposing my sexuality to the whole school?" I chuckle looking at her waiting for an answer from her. tears brimming her eyes now looking around the gym. "get out." I say calmly. "this is not fair y/n." Jenna says throwing her hands in the air. "Yeah it's not fair that you're with me right now under my roof thinking you can just crawl right back into my life after completely sucking my soul out of me." I start yelling again. My eyes filling with tears. "Get out." I say lowering my voice looking at her seeing her eyes spill with tears. she says a soft okay her voice cracking. as soon as she's away from my eyesight I huff kneeling down my hands holding my head.

I look around the gym before leaving not finishing my workout. I grab my jacket with no phone no nothing and leave my home. I get into my car and drive off with no destination pressing the gas making my tires screech in the corner of my eyes I see Jenna looking out from her window. I end up getting some food and eat at the beach the starlights and the moon being the only light source. I close my eyes focusing on the waves hitting the shore, taking a deep breath before looking into nothingness seeing the slight curvature from the earth as I look out to the ocean. Making me think about life and how I ended up in this situation. getting angry at myself for letting my guard down. I promised myself to not ever let my temper out ever since my dad left, but with Jenna, it makes it seem impossible for me to keep that promise. I look out to the stars asking the brightest star why this is all happening why is this happening right now, just right when I started having my mental health in a good place. Is this a part of healing what is the universe trying to teach me. I groan letting myself drop hitting the sand. once again my hands holding my forehead I sigh "This is just another lesson." I say to myself in an attempt to clear my head. I grab my stuff deciding to head home.

I park my car walking uptown the door before max hand met the door handle the door opened revealing my mom with a relieved expression. "where the hell have you been Y/n?" She says scolding me "I'm sorry mom I was at the beach." I say kissing her cheek as a greeting. Not in the mood to argue with her I leave to my room. Starting the shower.  letting out a sigh as the steaming hot water hit my body. I don't waste any time and finish off before getting dressed into something comfortable and wrapping my cold blanket over me closing my eyes replaying today in my head slowly drifting of to sleep remembering the sound of the waves.


I groan hitting my alarm shut having no motivation to go to school I think if I should just not go and become one with my bed I shake that thought quickly off my mind and start getting ready. choosing some baggy jeans and a tank top. I do my usual morning routine before heading out the door putting on my AirPods directly walking to school I look across the road seeing Jenna looking at me I don't acknowledge her and continue walking to school. I feel her presence behind me making my close my eyes and clenching my jaw trying to keep myself at the right mindset. I see my friend group walking directly to them. "Jenna and I aren't ever gonna happen." I say simply making B look at me confused. "I assume she said no?" she guesses. "Yeah that and then proceeded to come over to my house to 'apologise' anyways I ended up yelling at her and literally bursting with emotions." I say looking emotionless at her. "Are you okay? look Y/n you know i'm all for you but just give her a chance it seems like she's stuck." she pauses looking at me her lips tightened "remember when you were stuck?" She asks hitting me right in the heart with that one my eyes locking with hers "No way." I say before heading to class.

"Y/n for real man your demour changed all we want is just to help you but sometimes you can be so stubborn it makes me wanna smack you in the head." She says crossing her arms "Matter of fact:" she starts before lightly smacking me in the head. I look at her with a slight smile. "maybe you're right but I don't need this right now." I tell her grabbing my books from my locker. " but what if you do, what if it is faith, I mean I doubt its just coincidence she had many years to apologise to you but she never did maybe something happened y/n you can't just judge her because of her past mistakes after all she was your best friend, I'm certain she saw her mistakes and is just trying to get her girl back." She says with a grin before tapping my locker leaving to class making me think again. damn I hate B she always knows what to say. right on que I see her walk over to her locker which was on the same line as mine like 6 lockers away. She catches me staring before her gaze moves to her locker closing it and leaving. Her eyes were puffy and the spark In her eyes is gone. I sigh what feels like the millionth time these past couple of days. I close my locker and head to class. 

the hallways are crowded just like every other day I push myself through saying hello to some classmates. I huff plopping myself on the chair at our lunch table letting my head drop on the table. I tap on my shoulder makes me lift my head off the table seeing Hailee in front of me "Hey Y/n you okay?" she asks making me nod "Yeah just some stuff going on right now." I assure her my friends listening to our convo. "Alright well I just wanted to give this to you I accidentally packed it along with my stuff yesterday." she says handing me my portfolio. "Oh thanks I didn't even notice it missing." I say grabbing it from her hands. She smiles before leaving to her table. I look at my friends earning looks from them. "I didn't know you were friends with Hailee Steinfeld." Dre says. " were not really friends we share a class together." I say opening my Tupperware eating some rice. " So you and Jenna are not gonna happen?" Chels asks me. "Not sure." I reply not wanting to talk about it. "damn I was so looking forward to the enemies to lovers story." Dre says playfully making me roll my eyes hitting her on the shoulder. I didn't have any classes in the afternoon but B asked me to eat my lunch here with them so of course I agreed.        

"Alright see you at practice." I say slinging my bag over my shoulder. Leaving the school property the bright summer sun hitting my face. I light up a cigarette inhaling the smoke and gently exhaling the smoke making my nerves immediately relax, starting to walk to my house.

"she's like a cigarette, it feels good but it does damage without you feeling it. Should you really light it?"

like oceans apart // Jenna Ortega x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now